Cobourg Ponders Revised Covid rules

Late Saturday, May 22, the Town of Cobourg issued a Press Release “asking for the community’s patience and understanding as the Town takes some time to assess the implications of the most recent public health measures as announced on May 20th by the Province of Ontario.” Because of the recent announcement by the Province of its Roadmap to Reopen plan, some rules have now changed and others may change after June 2 and again possibly after June 14. The Town is saying that they “need time to assess the new guidelines, regulations and implications to municipal programs and services, and the logistics involved with our required response”;.  They then spell out some of the immediate changes and announce that once again, they will hold a special emergency Council meeting.  This time on May 26 at 6:00 pm via Zoom.

Immediate changes:

  • Outdoor gatherings limits for social gatherings and organized public events will be expanded to 5 people, including different households.
  • The following outdoor recreational amenities will be open in Cobourg including basketball courts, tennis and pickleball courts, soccer and baseball fields, the skate park and playgrounds.
  • The Cobourg Marina boat launch will open.
  • The Cobourg Marina outdoor public washrooms will now have extended hours from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.


  • The Victoria Park Beach will remain closed until the Special Council Meeting on Wednesday, May 26th takes place and a decision is made on the future operations of the beach.

Although the announcement referred to a web page for updates, the link did not work.  Instead go to one of the Links below.

Note that restrictions between June 2 and June 14 are listed under “Before Step One” in “Roadmap to Reopen Plan“.  Also, the June 14 date is not yet confirmed and will depend on a Provincial assessment as to whether we are ready. That is, that 60% of adults have had one vaccine dose plus there are positive trends on indicators.


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Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Great News. 10,000 anti-lockdown protesters marching down Yonge St. 15 days ago, in an alleged super spreader event, resulted in no discernable impact on the number of cases of the CCP virus. The number of cases dropped. The level of exaggerated fearfulness remained persistent. Be afraid, be very, very afraid. FENCE THE BEACH!

Chief Scientific Adviser [to the Government of the United Kingdom],  Patrick Vallance said March that, ‘It is the case that it is difficult to see how things like large beach gatherings and so on can cause a spike. The smearing of anti-lockdown protests – spiked (

“Dr. Patrick Phillips joins us as the spokesperson for the group behind the Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth, a petition signed by thousands of practicing medical professionals and concerned citizens in Canada. The petition itself is in opposition to what is now the outright censorship of licensed physicians that speak contrary to the Canadian government’s policies and positions. The breath of censorship is vast, covering everything from fringe conspiracy theories to genuine arguments that contradict the state’s narrative on masks, vaccines, and lockdowns.” American Institute for Economic Research, May 30, 2021.

3 years ago

In the course of an event like this plague circumstances unfold and knowledge is gained that modifies strategy. Most epidemiologists, at the onset saw a monster akin to the 1918 event raising its ugly head. Imagine the 50 to 106 million dead from the Spanish flu multiplied by 10…the growth in the world population in 100+ years. That was not paranoia, it was reasoned fear. The first duty of our civic leaders is to protect our citizens. “Better safe then sorry” worked well for us last year and should be, with earned modifications, our mantra until this too passes.
The same frequent naysayers offer the same shallow arguments; typically supported by quasi experts akin to Trump’s Dr. Atlas and usually found in unpeer reviewed third level journals.
As a specie we have been successful by assessing risk and taking necessary action. I will offer the 1947 NYC smallpox event as an example of how it can and should be done. I am also certain that, if our naysayers were in NYC then, they would have demonstrated in front of City Hall that this was all unsubstantiated paranoia and an infringement of their personal liberties.
“The 1947 New York City smallpox outbreak occurred in March 1947 and was declared ended on April 24, 1947. The outbreak marked two milestones for America. First, it was the largest mass vaccination effort ever conducted for smallpox in America, and second, it marked the last outbreak of smallpox in America. Within three weeks of the discovery of the outbreak, the U.S. Public Health Service, in conjunction with New York City health officials, had procured the smallpox vaccine and inoculated over 6,350,000 adults and children. Of that number, 5,000,000 had been vaccinated within the first two weeks. The rapid response was credited with limiting the outbreak to 12 people, 10 of whom recovered, while 2 died.”

Cobourg taxpayer
3 years ago

I ask Town Council to keep the beach closed until the municipality has 75% vaccination rate with 2 doses.

Wally Keeler
3 years ago

I think that the initial modelling and forecasting were inaccurate. This led to a contagion of fear and policies across the world. Popular media focused on absolute numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths independent of context. There has been a sheer one-sided focus on preventing infection numbers. The economist Paul Frijters wrote that it was “all about seeming to reduce risks of infection and deaths from this one particular disease, to the exclusion of all other health risks or other life concerns.” Fear and anxiety spread, and we elevated COVID-19 above everything else that could possibly matter. Our cognitive biases prevented us from making optimal policy: we ignored hidden ‘statistical deaths’ reported at the population level, we preferred immediate benefits to even larger benefits in the future, we disregarded evidence that disproved our favorite theory, and escalated our commitment in the set course of action.
Canadian expert’s research finds lockdown harms are 10 times greater than benefits | Toronto Sun

Such wonderful common sense!

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

we preferred immediate benefits to even larger benefits in the future,”

Doesn’t that portray us as whining babies? Babies have no idea of the future. They live in the immediate now. “Save me! Save me!” as they cling to the heartstrings of earnest politicians who feel compelled to address the fear and anxiety spread by cognitive biases with exaggerated policies that cause more harm than good. Why? Zero cost/benefit analysis.

Lockdowns are a form of house arrest. It’s mild, but it is still punishment, unjust punishment, and seriously prolonged punishment, brought to us by politicians and the liars at the World Health Organization.

Why shut down all the positive aspects of a healthy society? Parks, beaches, but especially small business? We should have segregated only the elderly and the vulnerable (I’m in this group), and let the rest of the more robustly healthy, by virtue of their relative youth, be free to maintain a healthy society.

A Concerned Citizen
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

There is no shortage of articles & videos regarding the RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) tests being used to determine the number of “covid cases”. Kary Mullis, the Nobel-prize-winning chemist & inventor of the PCR test, stated that his PCR test was only designed to make copies of a specific DNA sample, so that it could later be studied in large enough quantities. It was NOT designed to detect infection, diagnose infectious diseases, or to detect if a particular virus is the cause of an infection. With clear instructions on the proper usage of the PCR test, why are governments incorrectly using it to detect “covid-19” infection (called “cases”), and to drive Public Health Measures? Why did Ontario change the “covid-19 case” definition last August to falsely include immune people with IgG antibodies as “cases”, in conjunction with the PCR tests of asymptomatic people with elevated PCR cycle thresholds (CT), with the potential of creating up to 90% false positive “cases”? False positives are known to increase with CT’s of greater than 25. Cycle Threshold (CT) settings amplify any remnants of any virus within genetic material (including all coronaviruses like the common cold). Test machines will replicate the RNA material until they can detect a virus, or not. PCR Cycle Thresholds across Canada range from 33 to 45, as seen in the table below.
PCR Cycle Threshold (CT) by Province: QC 45
                                                           MB 40
                                                           BC 35-40
                                                           AB 35
                                                           NB 40
                                                           NL 33
                                                           NS 33-35
                                                           ON 38-45
                                                           SK 36

All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged “covid cases” tracked by the use of this test. A team of over 1,000 lawyers & over 10,000 medical experts have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, the WHO & Davos Group, presenting the flawed PCR test, & the order for doctors to label any co-morbidity death as a “covid” death, as fraud.

Last edited 3 years ago by A Concerned Citizen
Pete M
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Here s a good article from the Globe and Mail . The title says it all — Why it’s time to stop wiping down groceries and other COVID-19 cleaning measures that don’t reduce transmission risk-

Across Canada, individuals and institutions are maintaining the same deep cleaning and product quarantining protocols that came to be expected at the start of the pandemic. But experts say that it’s time to move past “hygiene theatre” – or cleaning behaviours that give people a sense of security and protection, but are actually unlikely to reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission

Speaks to your contagion of fear. Deep cleaning and disinfecting doesnt impact the spread of COVID. But people can let their need for it to go. It becomes like that safety blanket some had as kids

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Pete M
3 years ago

It was a placebo with a pinch of soma.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Pete M
3 years ago

But experts say that it’s time to move past “hygiene theatre” – or cleaning behaviours that give people a sense of security and protection, but are actually unlikely to reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission.

What is the likelihood that non-medical masks are also part of the “hygiene theatre”?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Ken Strauss
3 years ago

“As increased rates of community transmission of COVID-19 continue in many areas across Canada, and as new variants of the COVID-19 virus are identified, it remains important that you wear a non-medical mask when:

  • you’re in a shared space (indoors or outdoors) with people from outside of your immediate household
  • advised by your local public health authority

About COVID-19 non-medical masks –

Reply to  Ken Strauss
3 years ago

Non-medical/fabric masks are part of the airborne transmission of COVID-19.

Ken Strauss
3 years ago

If our beach had been open on the weekend this news report could have been about Cobourg rather than Woodbine:

Please keep the beach closed until we’ve conquered COVID!

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Ken Strauss
3 years ago

In treating the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is scrambling to build enough tents to treat those infected with a deadly, highly contagious virus. But we’re not setting up the second tent for psychological help and we will pay the price within three to six months after the end of this unprecedented lockdown, at a time when we will need all able bodies to help the world economy recover.

COVID lockdown is world’s biggest psychological experiment | World Economic Forum (

Endless fearmongering harms the recovery. It has been 12 days since 10,000 anti-lock down protestors, paraded down Yonge St, spreading contagion to the other thousands that were on the streets where this super spreader event occurred. Still, there is no discernible uptick in cases as a result of this event.

Indiscriminate fear has been far more contagious and unnecessarily harmful.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Ontario reported 1,095 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, along with 23 deaths, as Toronto hit its lowest daily case total since the end of the second wave.
The provincial seven-day rolling average of new cases now stands at 1,622, down 70 from Tuesday. Across the GTA, Toronto reported 257 cases, its lowest daily count since March 3
Ontario reports 1,095 new coronavirus cases; 23 additional deaths |

Looks like the fear mongering about that super spreader event was nothing but fantasy, like so much other fear mongering.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Sorry Wally but I see nothing to celebrate about 1095 new cases, 23 deaths on a single day. I don’t really give a rats ass about rolling averages being down – I don’t want any of my friends, family becoming a statistic and 1 death is to many!

Pete M
Reply to  Gerinator
3 years ago

Nobody wants to see any family member or friend pass away because of COVID.
I would hope those close to you have got their first vaccination shot.
That being said, COVID will be with us always. The EU has order vaccine supplies thru to 2023.
We need to learn to live with it and being locked down is not living with it.
Get vaccinated…even a single shot gives u some protection
Wear mask
Maintain social distance
And if u want, impose your own personal lockdown.
But dont look down upon those that wish a little more freedom with proper masking and social distancing.

James Quelch
3 years ago

Open Our Beach

Let’s not fail our children’s learning and mental health in Cobourg. Kids and youth need the beach open to play, learn and exercise. We all do.

We ask for your support in denouncing the closure of Cobourg’s beach and ask for an immediate opening (with accessibility mat) as our right under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (mobility section) and “Reopening Ontario” Legislation. People depend on the beach for their physical, spiritual, and mental health.   
Please use your voice and email Town Council
Subject line: Open the Beach for our Children
(click here for email list). Feel free to copy and paste text from this communication.
Cobourg Council must follow the rules laid out by Ontario’s Covid legislation, which states Cobourg Victoria Beach should be open for exercise and recreation as of May 22nd. The “Stay at Home” order which is in effect until June 2nd, permits exercise and recreational activities on the beach (see legislation below).

The decision to open the beach has already been made by the Ontario government. What is needed is an immediate opening and a clear communication strategy to support the Health Unit’s recommendations for outdoor activities. Enforcement of social distancing practices is the responsibility of the Police, and access to the sand and water does not preclude enforcement. Enforcing social distancing measures is not the responsibility of Cobourg Council.

We all have the right to use, or not use the beach.

Exercise as defined by Cobourg Council as “walk-through” only in public places does not reflect the diverse abilities of all individuals or provincial legislation.
As a member of the Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities (CIM)  Cobourg has a responsibility to support health equity. Health equity is when everyone has the opportunity to be as healthy as possible, regardless of age, physical ability, preference, or economic opportunity. Our children may be the minority in Cobourg, but their health and the health of all with diverse abilities must be respected and supported by Cobourg Council.
There is NO legislation that allows the current fencing or closure of Cobourg’s Victoria Beach. 

A report by the Town’s Park and Rec department has presented three options for this summer, two of which are NOT legal or acceptable. Option #3 is the ONLY legal option.

Pete M
Reply to  James Quelch
3 years ago

Well said James.
Unfortunately I believe there is segment of the population that says there should be no openings until there are zero cases of COVID.
Something that will never happen.
Therefore we need to learn how to live with it. Your points on how to open the beach and use it are point on, as way to live with COVID.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  James Quelch
3 years ago

Cobourg Council must follow the rules laid out by Ontario’s Covid legislation, which states Cobourg Victoria Beach should be open for exercise and recreation as of May 22nd.

James, I believe that you seriously misrepresent things. The revised rules say that the beach CAN be open rather than that it SHOULD be open. Every municipality can decide whether to open or not.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ken Strauss
Reply to  Ken Strauss
3 years ago

Ken – you’re dead on correct as usual. I kept looking for this “revised rules re beaches”, and nothing is there. It’s up to the municipality as mentioned. False letters to the editor and posting such nonsense on this blog will be found out quickly.

James Quelch
Reply to  Ken Strauss
3 years ago

My letter was not to intended represent anything but my own opinion; That the officials I helped elect in my municipality can and should keep the beach open for children. I expect my children to be represented, as they are the ones who lose if decision makers fail to think more creatively than erecting a fence that deprives all of this space, day and night.

Wally Keeler
3 years ago

This is an objective improvement, showing that even when cases go up, deaths are not going up by the same amount – again, because we have vaccinated most of those who are very vulnerable due to age.
But this improvement is, as always, downplayed. This can be seen in Ontario’s ‘reopening’ plan, which is much more like a plan to justify more and more delays and more lockdowns. There has been a clear shift away from the original idea of protecting the most vulnerable and moving life back to normal, towards an endless shifting of the goalposts to ‘justify’ the continued denial of basic rights and freedoms.
FERNANDO: Canadian Politicians Can’t Quit Lockdowns – National Citizens Coalition

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Ok but when you get sick from Corvid stay home and don’t burden our Health care system
we really don’t need those seeking social interaction hanging around the Hospital .

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Sandpiper
3 years ago

You are spreading misinformation and unnecessary paranoia.

Pete M
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Will be interesting to see how community responds about masking when individuals start getting their second dose.
I suspect there will be a large group still demanding masking.
And probably a group that will never give up the mask

Pete M
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

This from the Staff report being presented to Council tomorrow in response to Cobourg Residents asking that the beach being open only to the residents of Cobourg.

Resident Only Access (Comments from Beach Survey) The Town of Cobourg Public Victoria Beach has been a public beach for more than 100 years. During this time there have never been restrictions on who can enter Victoria Beach for the day to enjoy the shore of Lake Ontario. Cobourg Beach is considered to be a jewel of the Great lakes and an attraction experience that is shared by other municipalities along the lakeshore. In addition, the Town of Cobourg has made the pro-active decision to ensure that inclusiveness, equity and diversity is a foundation that should be consistently portrayed across our organization and in our community. In the Council strategic plan the Town’s vision states: Cobourg…a vibrant inclusive community where everyone has access to meaningful opportunities and experiences. In regards to questions raised about allowing Town of Cobourg residents and Northumberland County Residents to be the only visitors permitted to utilize the Cobourg Beach, this action would not be recommended by Municipal Staff. The Town the Town of Cobourg does not currently restrict access to publicly owned open space based on residency status. This form of exclusion infringes on the specific rights of an individual to utilize public open space. Pursuant to the Ontario Human Rights Code, it is a provincial law that ensures that everybody has equal rights and opportunities without discrimination in areas such as jobs, housing and services. The Code’s goal is to prevent discrimination based of origin. All other Ontario laws must agree with the Code. Part One (1) of the Code deals with Freedom of Discrimination. The Code protects people from discrimination in specific situations. Under the Code, you have the Page 7 of 15 right to be free from discrimination in five parts of society – called social areas – based on one or more grounds. The five social areas are: employment, housing, services, unions and vocational associations and contracts.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Pete M
3 years ago

“Town of Cobourg does not currently restrict access to publicly owned open space based on residency status.”

That puts the kibosh on the idea of charging a discriminatory premium for non-resident parking in publicly owned parking lots. Well, how about raising parking for all on the summer long weekends? It doesn’t matter whether the vehicle comes from Scarborough or Peterborough or New Amherst, they contribute equally to congestion.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Wally & Pete M,
Several commenters have made a similar suggestion: control beach access through parking availability, as is done/proposed in some Ontario towns. The designation of parking areas and the related fees are fully in the Town’s control.
Multi-level fee structures based on location and time are in use in various jurisdictions. These are not new practices, rather they are best practices.
Giving residents a parking pass is also not new and recognizes that they already pay for local parking through their property taxes.
This fully complies with the Ontario Human Rights Code “….everybody has equal rights and opportunities....”

Last edited 3 years ago by Bryan
Wally Keeler
Reply to  Bryan
3 years ago

Well argued.

Pete M
Reply to  Bryan
3 years ago


Yes, If you want to rent the ice at the CCC you pay $181.50 after 4pm Mon-Fri and all day Saturday and Sunday, before 4pm -Mon to Fri. you pay $95.00. But that is what every user pays and it doesn’t matter whether you are from Cobourg or out of Town.

So, if the Town wishes to charge a fee to use the beach, I have no problem with that, so long as it is the same and fair for every user. The fee to be charged is same for everyone regardless of where you reside.

I’m sorry but I have to disagree with your statement, “they already pay for local parking through their property taxes”.

Residents aren’t allowed free parking at any of the downtown parking meters throughout the year. What you are proposing is giving something that is free (parking Pass) to a Cobourg resident, because they are a resident. And some have proposed only giving the pass to residents who reside in the beach area and not the whole of the Town.

I’m sorry but I don’t feel there should be an exception when it comes to the beach parking. A meter is a meter, whether it is on King St. or Paul Currelly Way- open for anybody to use, should they wish to pay.

All that being said, The Town and its elected officials have made the decision it is public beach for all to use

From the staff report, “During this time there have never been restrictions on who can enter Victoria Beach for the day to enjoy the shore of Lake Ontario. Cobourg Beach is considered to be a jewel of the Great lakes and an attraction experience that is shared by other municipalities along the lakeshore. “

The parking proposals and exemptions appear to me as a veiled way to exclude or discourage out of of town individuals from using the beach

Looking at all those GTA COVID heroes-PSW’s, Doctors, nurses, paramedic an essential factory and food process workers – who have given so selflessly over the last 14 plus months, the least we could do is give them opportunity to enjoy our jewel of a beach.

Maybe weekend for Heroes in place of our cancelled Canada day weekend

Reply to  Pete M
3 years ago

Pete M,
You wrote “…an attraction experience that is shared by other municipalities along the lakeshore...“ Exactly what do these other lakeshore communities contribute in exchange for their “shared experience”. Certainly not money to pay for the maintenance, management or policing of the beach.

You also wrote “…The parking proposals and exemptions appear to me as a veiled way to exclude or discourage out of of town individuals from using the beach…”. Not at all.
Come one, come all. If you walk, bike, pogo stick, scooter, hitch hike or come by bus or train, you are welcome. If you come by car then there will be a modest parking fee.

In addition, you wrote “…so long as it is the same and fair for every user…” From this I take it, you would remove all parking spaces for the “handicapped” as these give favour and advantage to a specific group of people.

A tiered parking fee structure is simply good revenue management by the Town.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Pete M
3 years ago

Why do you feel that something paid for by Cobourg residents — CCC or beach — should be free for everyone? Would you consider providing your house or car freely to everyone?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Ken Strauss
3 years ago

Your car and house is private property, Victoria Park and Beach is public property.

Reply to  Pete M
3 years ago

“The Human Rights Code” is mentioned often in this statement, yet there is the omission of the full extent of this Code, which includes “Responsibilities.” During the Pandemic we have, as citizens of Ontario, specific responsibilities that require our compliance. There are no given rights without given responsibilities.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

This reminds me of the ‘power corrupts … absolute power corrupts absolutely’ quotes. In a lockdown some people have more power and are able to ‘shift goalposts’. Those people really need to be careful of their decisions. Likely it is not easy being one of the people with the power. It certainly is not easy for the many people not working because of the lockdowns.

3 years ago

“Certainty is an illusion. Perfect safety is a mirage. Zero is always unattainable, except in the case of absolute zero where, all motion and life itself stop.”
Open everything: Hair and nail salons (which had close to zero transmissions rates), theatres, churches, stores, restaurants, all outdoor parks and beaches, medical offices, farmers market with all vendors, schools, camps, fitness centers, community centers, funeral homes, weddings/other events venues, THE LIBRARY!.
Give us the full vaccine dosages and let’s get on with our lives.
Those that are vulnerable, or worried, or those that like to limit their existence to eating, sleeping and sitting in front of a screen, are free to chose their own comfort levels when interacting with others. The Covid virus, like other viruses, is here to stay to a certain degree.

Reply to  Anna
3 years ago

Sounds like a prescription for Herd Immunity to me. You are correct Zero (as is perfect) is unattainable. However I don’t believe I’ve heard anyone proclaiming Zero as the target. Its a health issue that has extensive direct and indirect consequences. Our so-called leaders are playing a game of probability. Get the infections down to where normal & in-place medical facilities are capable of dealing with the certain rate of infections and PROBABLY the economy et al (education, mental health, etc) can be let loose to try and recoup. Herd immunity, is an intellectual strategy that has failed miserably. The consequences are/were catastrophic (meaning lots and lots of dead people).

3 years ago

“The Town is saying that they “need time to assess the new guidelines, regulations and implications to municipal programs and services, and the logistics involved with our required response”;.” Ever more the reason the Town should proceed on a basis of caution, particularly as it relates to the Beach. If you accept that Beach goers are not Tourists therefore there is nothing for the DBIA to be concerned about in closing the Beach to non-Cobourg residents (exclusive of out of town guests). The Jab is marketed as a tool that will help keep you alive if you get the virus, it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get sick. With our aging demographic I see no reason (regardless of what the Prov thinks) to fully open the Beach to non-residents who WILL come from hot spots. As previously mentioned the Prov issues cookie-cutter solutions but it is the Munis that need to implement these solutions and that implementation needs to consider the specific needs/concerns of that Munis and its citizens.

3 years ago

After a year of almost daily updates, closures and openings, I find myself not just weary of the process but downright confused. I know sooner get my head wrapped around the latest restrictions only to have the government change them. I can see why the media talk about pandemic fatigue.

Reply to  Gerry
3 years ago

You are not alone, Gerald. Last Thursday’s Provincial Press Conference added to the bureaucratic confusion. Are schools open? Can you travel? Do you know what essential retail is? Do you know what colour your health region is?
Did you know you can get a vaccine shot if you are a certain age? or if you live in a certain postal code? or if you are employed in any of 82 job categories? or if you have high risk health factors? or co-morbidities? or drink Gin or Tonic but they must be together?

So, now our local elected officials feel compelled to ‘ponder’, ‘revise’, ‘rules’ in the context of an “Emergency Meeting”. Doesn’t an announcement like this provide you wit the certainty and confidence you are looking for?

Yes, I’ll take that vaccine now–the one that’s ‘authorized’ and hopefully also, ‘approved’ by Health Canada….my Gin and Tonic will follow with thanks to the Queen Victoria for giving us this holiday, if it hasn’t been cancelled yet.

Reply to  Dunkirk
3 years ago

……to the Queen!!…….cheers!

Bill Arthur
Reply to  Gerry
3 years ago

Agreed Gerry and then lawyers place different interpretations on the Regulations. By the way the new regulations specifically say lawn bowling greens may open although the Town’s Press Release says nothing about that. The club will open on Tuesday for members to practise but with limited numbers.