Civic Awards for 2020 delayed

Last September, Council agreed on a Procedure Manual for the Civic Awards program and agreed that the Civic Awards committee should be set up the same way as other Advisory committees.  This meant that 6 citizens should be nominated again from scratch and that process is currently under way. If you would like to be nominated, forms can be obtained from the Mayor’s admin assistant Toni Galea at [email protected] .  John Henderson hopes to have the committee in place in March.  The next step is to decide on the process and John wants that changed too although a decision will be up to the committee.  Up until now, the selection from nominations from the public was made by the committee but John would like the selection to involve the public – perhaps using the new Bang the Table (Engage Cobourg) process.

This could easily mean that Civic awards for 2020 would be delayed until the Fall or perhaps into 2021 although John is strongly supportive of the idea of Civic awards.  In fact in an interview with York Bell-Smith on Municipal matters on Your TV (Cogeco), John said that the Civic Awards Night “makes Cobourg unique to other communities – it’s awesome”.

The 4 ½ minute interview can be seen in the video below where John explains the revised process in more detail.


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4 years ago

I’m of the ‘nose to the grindstone’ , ‘business before pleasure’ sort of persuasion. However, this is more than just me. Leaders need to recognize leaders and so on, especially in a growing community. There are so many out there that do great things, without receiving/requesting recognition; but collectively we need heroes/role models coz you know we have so few. So I support the Mayors initiative. How he gets to that place is open for debate but I do like time sensitive, public input; he or a group of 5 (chosen by happenstance at Kellys for instance) could make the selections from there.

4 years ago

In my opinion Town Leadership (Mayor, DM, Counsellors) create too many studies/committee projects, requests for delegation presentations on matters (resulting in to many delays).

4 years ago

It sounds like no one is interested Again
Times are a changing !

Reply to  perplexed
4 years ago

“Nice to” but not “Need to” …get on with more important things for the town…get out in the province and talk up Cobourg as the place to bring your manufacturing companies!