New Tourism Publication for 2019

At Cobourg Council’s Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, June 3, the Manager of Marketing Events, Kara Euale, presented the new Experience Cobourg 2019 Tourism Booklet.  It’s a noticeable improvement on previous years even though production credits are the same.   Although the cover page shows footprints on our beach, Kara said that the goal was to convey that the beach is not the only story.  Advertising is included to help defray costs but the intent was not to “scream advertising” as so often happens in these kinds of publications.  Some advertising is actually in the form of advertorials which blend in and make for interesting reading. They are based on interviews given by business owners.  Fonts are larger than commonly used – making for easy reading – and layout is not cluttered.

Kara Euale
Kara Euale

The booklet features sections on:

  • Where we are – with map
  • Heritage – museums and buildings
  • Victoria Hall – the crown of Downtown; wedding venue
  • Downtown – shopping, dining and events
  • The Marina and Yacht Club – including waterfront events
  • The Beach – sun, sand, surf, volleyball, canoe, canteen
  • Festivals and Culture
  • Restaurants – Flavours of a Diverse Community
  • Accommodation – the Rest is up to you
  • Nearby attractions like Treetop Trekking Ganaraska
  • Winter Magic

In the Heritage section, the Heritage Walking Tour is featured complete with small photos of 4 Heritage buildings and adjacent QR codes.  Seemed a good idea so I tried out the QR codes.  They work except they go to the wrong buildings – not the ones listed! (See links below for more).

But generally, an excellent job and praised as “outstanding” by  Councillor Adam Bureau with Mayor John Henderson and Deputy mayor Suzanne Séguin both supporting Adam’s comments.


There were 30,000 copies printed and they will be distributed from Mississauga to Ottawa.

Total cost of printing, production and distribution was $36,000 and to date, advertising revenue has been $31,781 but more is expected from the web site.

It will be available for Download on the Experience Cobourg web site although as of today, the 2018 publication is the one available there.


  • Experience Cobourg – Cobourg’s Tourism web site – sign up for their email – just yesterday I got an email listing June events available via the Concert Hall booking office.
  • To see the Heritage walking tour available via the QR codes go to this link – 12 buildings (works on desktop/laptops as well as phones – well it did for me.)
  • Cobourg Heritage walking tour organized by ACO – go here – 70 buildings

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Wendy Gibson
5 years ago

Compared to the last few guides this one takes the cake in my view. It looks really professional, is well written and flows nicely. I really like that you can easily read the font due to colour, style, and size. I also loved how they incorporated the regional experiences to encourage overnight visitstion. Well done!

Keith Oliver
5 years ago

I picked up a copy at Victoria Hall and was impressed. The business adds which are important in keeping costs down are grouped instead of being spread throughout, making reading the close to 20 different “chapters” which describe businesses and activities in Cobourg more enjoyable and informative. I’ve lived here 20 years and learned more about my town. In short a job well done by all involved.

5 years ago

I hate to say it but the word “Experience” is a little overworked these past umpteen years by everyone. There must be more friendly words out there somewhere.