David Piccini wins big in local riding

The Tory candidate for Northumberland Peterborough-South won the riding by a large margin.  Incumbent Lou Rinaldi and NDP Candidate Jana Papuckoski were almost tied in second place – each with about half of David’s vote.  In the 2014 election, Lou’s winning margin was much less (all the numbers are below).  There was no real surprise that the NDP did well to come second with 56% more than their vote from 2014.  But I was surprised that the “other” candidates did so poorly.  The Libertarian Candidate (John O’Keefe) did not campaign yet he got more votes than Derek Sharp from the Trillium party.  But perhaps it’s in line with the drubbing that the Trillium party leader got in Kanata (he got 3.6% of the votes – he was a sitting MPP who had defected from the PCs).  Green party Candidate Jeff Wheeldon did about the same as usual – but the Greens did elect their leader by a good margin so we’ll have a fourth party in the legislature this time.

David Piccini election night
David Piccini election night

Overall, the biggest popular vote went to the Conservatives (40%) although the Liberals (19%) were trounced by the NDP (34%).  But the seat count was more skewed so that the Conservatives have a strong majority and the Liberals were reduced to only 7 seats – not enough to get “party status”. Kathleen Wynn has resigned as leader although she won her seat in Don Valley West by a whisker.  Doug Ford easily won his own seat in Etobicoke North.

Turnout was about the same as usual with 53% voting.

Below are the results with 2014 numbers given for comparison.  Numbers are now final.

2014 Ontario Election

Party Local Candidate Local Votes Ontario % Ontario Seats
Lib Lou Rinaldi 23,415 38.7% 58
PC Rob Milligan 19,528 31.2% 28
NDP Rira Mees 9,216 23.8% 21
Green Gudron Ludorf-Weaver 2,283 4.8% 0

Riding was Northumberland Quinte West.   
In 2014, Ontario had 107 ridings

2018 Ontario Election

113 of 113 polls reporting 

Local Candidate Local Votes Local % Party Ontario % Ontario Seats
Lou Rinaldi 14,593 24% Liberal 19.3% 7
David Piccini 27,368 45% PC 40.6% 76
Jana Papuckoski 14,794 24.5% NDP 33.7% 40
Jeff Wheeldon 2,727 4.5% Green 4.6% 1
Derek Sharp 278 0.46% Trillium   0
John O’Keefe 425 0.7% Libert.   0
Paul Cragg 187 0.31% SCC   0

Riding is Northumberland Peterborough-South.  There are now 124 ridings in Ontario.

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6 years ago


Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Anthony Bourdain, Doug Ford, Kate Spade, CTA, but the sun is bright and warm and the best west beach boardwalk is a mere walk away.

Walter L. Luedtke
Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

On a positive note!
Seems to me that the next Ontario legislature will be more diverse in ethnic background and gender than ever before.
Right across the political party spectrum too.

Walter L. Luedtke
6 years ago

Batten down the hatches!
Ontario carries a mountainous debt load and there are grinding noises from the rating agencies.
The spending cuts will start with the coming budget.
My guess is that there will be a lot of “downloading” of responsibilities to the municipalities.
Mike Harris did it before and it’s politically savvy!!!
So get ready for a sharp jump in property taxes.

Reply to  Walter L. Luedtke
6 years ago

Or maybe we could even do the responsible thing and eliminate the frills and feel good services that we all are forced to pay for. Hopefully there will be no more of the matching contribution “gifts” that Lou foisted on us.

Reply to  Dubious
6 years ago

Paradise for you Dubious, as you have indicated in previous posts that you are not willing to pay for anything other than the basics, as you define them. Can’t wait to see if you like the ‘stripped-down’ Ontario we will be living in, in four years time. Hope you have lots of money to be able to pay for health-care.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Democrat
6 years ago

“Fifteen years and wadda ya get
Another year older and deeper in debt
St.Peter don’t ya call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the Company store ..”
Sound familiar for Ontario ?
Maybe …just maybe that will change but you have to be willing to give it a chance..
There are those who would choose not to and continue on holding the dubious honour of living in a province that holds the world wide record for indebtedness level for a non federal government entity. Some claim to fame ! !
Choice was made at last so let’s give it chance shall we ?
The people have spoken ..so let’s listen for once otherwise…..
A party can be elected and also rejected after four years so let’s see what happens. Innocent until proven guilty I believe the law states.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Bill Thompson
6 years ago

Well said.

Walter L. Luedtke
Reply to  Bill Thompson
6 years ago

I can tell you what will happen.
First, the new Ford government will have a look at the provincial books.
And they will be shocked, shocked!
“This is so much worse than we expected and we expected the worst. So we have to postpone all the promises we made, until we get our house in order.”
Hope I am wrong, but it’s the oldest ploy in the book!

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Walter L. Luedtke
6 years ago

How can Ontario get much worse than already having been awarded the title of being the most indebted non fed entity in the world?
I don’t believe that it was the PC party that stated that fact.
So who was it ?

Reply to  Dubious
6 years ago

Oh, yes, the matching contribution ‘gifts’. The only problem was, they were always a one-off for the provincial government but for the taxpayers of Cobourg we gave and just kept on giving. Once these ‘brilliant’ projects were realized, the begging bowl was perpetually out at the cash registers of many drugstores and grocery stores in town.

6 years ago

Given how polarizing a figure Doug Ford is it is safe to say 6 out of 10 Ontarions dispise the man, but there is he is with a majority government.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  DurkA
6 years ago

It’s refreshing that those that had to put up with a despised Liberal government for 15 years and watched Ontario evolve into a “have not”province have now given the opportunity to those loyal Liberal followers to experience maybe a different approach.
Seems pretty fair to me …and fifteen years is a good figure for starters.
In October Cobourg has the same opportunity at the municipal level……and 2019 Federal level…..
Interesting times ahead …..

Walter L. Luedtke
Reply to  Bill Thompson
6 years ago

Are you running?

Reply to  Bill Thompson
6 years ago
Reply to  Frenchy
6 years ago

Love it…lol

I heard most of the Toronto Star booked off sick today, upset and sore from grinding their teeth and stamping their feet.

Reply to  DurkA
6 years ago

Nobody knows who despises whom or what these days. We’re all subject to the tyranny of political correctness and everyone is afraid to state the obvious for fear of being branded a racist or a chauvinist or a misogynist… We live in a world where it is demanded that we accept the unacceptable; where everyone can self-define and insist that you see them, not as they are, but as they ‘feel’; where the population of every country is divided into two groups – people of colour and whitey – but we’re supposed to be colour-blind; where legitimate concerns go unheard by our liberal elitist politicians; where we’re asked to honour every culture but our own; where we have freedom of speech but most people are afraid to speak, even to pollsters. The election of Doug Ford should come as no more of a surprise than the election of Donald Trump.

Walter L. Luedtke
Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

Awww Tim! Come on!
Let yourself go or are you waiting for Ford to “state the obvious” for you!

6 years ago

Bye, Lou.