Mock Emergency Exercise at Waterfront

On Saturday June 21, emergency services (Fire, Police and more) participated in an exercise to help prepare emergency responders on what to do. The intent was to simulate what might have to be done for an emergency on “one of the Town of Cobourg’s larger festival weekends, specifically the Canada Day long weekend, when the waterfront and downtown area typically play host to upwards of 40,000 people.“  A “missing child” emergency was simulated as well as a “mass casualty event” – a boat full of people in trouble out in the Lake.  I saw participation by lifeguards, the Cobourg Fire Department, the Trent Hills Fire Department, the Civil Air Rescue group from Niagara, an Ambulance, the OPP water Police and… Read complete articleMock Emergency Exercise at Waterfront

County Holds the Line on Tax Increase

County taxes for 2020 are a bigger problem than usual.  The Province has reduced the amount of money they plan to transfer to Municipalities and the County estimates that they will need to find an extra $1.4M in revenue because of that.  That would mean an additional 2.5% increase in the levy. Inflation for capital projects is best measured by the Non-residential Construction Price Index which is currently running at more than 5% – that is, higher than CPI (1.9% excluding gas).  So because of inflation, the total operating and capital budget would require a 2.8% increase in the levy. However, staff plan to find efficiencies of 1% so the planned net increase in the total budget (because of inflation)… Read complete articleCounty Holds the Line on Tax Increase

Birthday Party for Special Ladies

On Tuesday 18 June, Alma Draper with the help of Roma Colbert (and others), put on a party for ladies living in Northumberland County who were born in 1939 – 103 of them.  This was the year the second World War started and the year of the first visit by a reigning monarch. It’s the third celebration Alma has organized for this group – the first two were in 2009 and 2014.  Held at the Best Western with men strictly banned, the event was launched by Town Crier Mandy Robinson, MPP David Piccini gave every lady a rose, Councillor Nicole Beatty spoke briefly and MP Kim Rudd sent a congratulatory message. After the speeches there was a three course lunch… Read complete articleBirthday Party for Special Ladies

Cobourg Lakefront Properties being Damaged by Floods

Cobourg residents with properties fronting onto Lake Ontario are asking for the Town’s help with sandbags. Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin and Director of Works Laurie Wills have responded but so far the only help offered is “Unfortunately all we can do is provide the materials but not the labour.”  The official numbers for lake levels show that the lake level is at higher levels than in 2017 and has peaked – although it has not yet dropped.  The problem is that with high winds, the shoreline is getting damaged.  Some property owners are losing land and flooding is occurring at the Marina and along the West beach boardwalk.  Average levels only tell part of the story – winds cause levels… Read complete articleCobourg Lakefront Properties being Damaged by Floods

Scottish Weather for Scottish Festival

Despite the Mayor and the organizers trying to organize a sunny day, there was only brief sunshine and it was a cool day. However, despite everything, the rain held off.  That probably explained the somewhat smaller crowd but it didn’t stop the Scots from coming out to Cobourg’s 56th Highland Games – now called a Scottish Festival.  The massed bagpipe and drums bands thrilled anyone with any Scottish blood (see video below).  And there were lots of  Scottish dancers competing.  Admission was $20 – the same as last year – organizers have given up on “free” or donations. According to the program, there were 19 market vendors and 7 food vendors.  The program listed 19 competing bands as of May… Read complete articleScottish Weather for Scottish Festival

Army Reserve Planning 100 Mile March

The local Army Reserve, the Hastings Prince Edward Regiment, is planning to hold a “ruck march” to raise awareness of their activities and that they are actively recruiting.  One of their locations is in Cobourg, 210 Willmott Street, where they do training on Thursday evenings (September to June) from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.  On July 8 and 9, the regiment will march from that location to their headquarters at the Armoury in Belleville via Bewdley, Peterborough and Campbellford for a total distance of 161 km (100 miles) over 2 days.  There are about 20 reservists in Cobourg  – more from other towns including Peterborough and Belleville. The march will be broken up into 8 legs – each about 20… Read complete articleArmy Reserve Planning 100 Mile March

Keith Oliver Wins Support for Outdoor Fitness Park

For over two years, Keith Oliver has been campaigning for the idea that Cobourg should have an outdoor Fitness Park for seniors.  He was in good form at the Council meeting on Monday night – he prefaced his talk by saying that he wanted to make a good impression so he had his semi-annual haircut for the occasion.  But he has a plan:  he wanted Council support to make an application for a Federal grant for $25,000 under their “New Horizons for Seniors” program – it has a submission deadline of June 21.  The money would go towards the expected cost of approx. $95,000 with the balance coming from fundraising.  He pointed out that the idea was included in the… Read complete articleKeith Oliver Wins Support for Outdoor Fitness Park

Busker Festival 2019

Finally, the weather was perfect on Saturday – we needed it for the annual Busker Festival held Downtown Cobourg.  And the crowds did come so the King Street businesses should be happy – at least those between Division and Hibernia where the event was held.  There were 11 different performers although some did 2 or 3 performances resulting in a total of 22 acts.  They included dancers, jugglers, magicians, singers – and a special feature, an axe throwing venue.  You could try your luck throwing an axe and if you knew how, you could make it bite into a wooden wall (see video below).  There were also lots of vendors or people promoting their cause.  And of course the Farmer’s… Read complete articleBusker Festival 2019