Council approves re-zoning for Balder Corp Development

The planned development at the West End of University Avenue is described as affordable rental units.  But all units are also accessible – and activist Jerry Ford was at the Public meeting on Monday expressing full support.  The presentation by WND Associates described the 4 story building with reference to how it generally met the requirements of the County’s Official Plan and the Town’s Official Plan but rezoning is required to allow the proposed apartment building.  The land is currently occupied by a former lumber business, an empty house and a house used partly for business purposes at 387 William Street.  The intent is to leave the William street property as is but demolish the rest and build a new… Read complete articleCouncil approves re-zoning for Balder Corp Development

Canada Day: Cobourg – 2019

Summer finally arrived for a perfect day to end the Waterfront Festival and celebrate Canada Day in Cobourg.  The Parade was short but sweet – it moved steadily without delays and, this year, seemed to be a showcase for our diversity – the Hispanic group seemed to be especially enjoying themselves and it was contagious.   I don’t have any way to verify it but it seemed to me that more spectators of the Parade were wearing red – yes I know that’s expected but it was more noticeable this year.  With the world’s troubles, are we happier than ever to be Canadian?  The parade finished at Victoria Park where the Waterfront Festival was in full swing.  Entry to the Lions… Read complete articleCanada Day: Cobourg – 2019

East Pier and Campground report

At the Committee of the Whole Council meeting on June 24, Director of Community Services Dean Hustwick asked council to hire the Waterfront Plan consultants thinc design “to conduct public engagement on design options for the East Pier and Campground”.  That is, to do some preliminary design and ask the public what they would like.  But Councillor Emily Chorley said that there should be a public meeting in September 2019 which would narrow the options before any money was spent on designs.  Emily moved that this should be done with results presented to Council no later than November 4, 2019 and the work could be included in the 2020 budget.  Detailed designs would then follow.  Her motion was deferred to… Read complete articleEast Pier and Campground report

Province Increases NHH funds by $1M per year

There have been reports of overcrowding at the Northumberland Hills Hospital.  Even though the Hospital’s capacity is 137 beds, up until now it has only been funded for a base of 96 and through surge funding up to 104.  But in April, there were an average of 121 patients and 118 in May.  With insufficient funding, that meant there was not enough staff or rooms so there were beds in hallways and long wait times.  But today, MPP David Piccini announced that Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH) will receive an additional $1,003,504 in base funding per year and up to $335,940 in one-time funding.  Hospital CEO Linda Davis said “these new dollars will help prevent us from having to house patients… Read complete articleProvince Increases NHH funds by $1M per year

More Growth Planned for East End

Stalwood Homes is currently building and selling homes in the East end at Brook Road north of King Street and south of the railway tracks.   This is now at Phase 3 (of 4) of East Village. They own the land to the East of that and have now submitted an application for approval of a draft plan of subdivision for 333 housing units in that area which will be called East Village Phase 5.  This will require rezoning and an Official Plan amendment for the part of that area where a high density apartment block is proposed.  Because of that, a public meeting was held on Monday, June 24 to allow the public to provide input.  The Planning and Development… Read complete articleMore Growth Planned for East End

Cobourg Council Responds to Lake Level Flooding

The gallery at Cobourg Council was standing room only when Sarah Delicate of United Shoreline made her presentation to Council at Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting.  Sarah gave an excellent summary of the situation with the flooding on Lake Ontario where new rules for controlling lake levels have been put in place per the new Plan 2014. Introduced in 2017, this replaces Plan 1958DD which was in place from the 1950’s to 2016.   The key difference is that Lake Levels are now allowed to vary much more widely with a high level 30 cm (one foot) higher than previously.  Her full presentation is available at the link below but I will provide a summary.  MPP David Piccini was also… Read complete articleCobourg Council Responds to Lake Level Flooding

Cobourg Appoints Fourth Poet Laureate

At a special meeting today, Cobourg Council appointed a new Poet Laureate, Jessica Outram.  The appointment is effective immediately and expires 30 November 2022.  The first poet to hold this post was Eric Winter (1997 to 2009); he was followed by Jill Battson (2010 – 2011) with Ted Amsden the most recent “Official Town Poet” (2011 – 2018). Adam Bureau is the coordinator for Arts, Culture and Tourism so he moved the motion to appoint her based on the work done by the Poet Laureate Nominating Ad Hoc Committee: In addition to Adam, committee members were Tammy Robinson, CEO of the Cobourg Public Library; Olinda Casimiro, Executive Director of the Art Gallery of Northumberland, Marta Cooper Burt and James Pickersgill…. Read complete articleCobourg Appoints Fourth Poet Laureate

Cobourg Horticultural Society Awards Scholarship

On Saturday at the Five Corners garden, the Cobourg Horticultural Society awarded a $1000 scholarship to Thomas Burgess, a graduate at St. Mary’s high school. The $1000 value was an increase from previous awards of $750. Thomas was selected from 5 applicants who were all judged to be “good”. He had high marks and is planning to study for a degree of Conservation Biology at Trent University. He describes himself as interested in all things outdoors and has experience in farming, tree culture, and eco-system management in parks including Presqu’ile Provincial Park where he studied the flora and fauna of the park. Thomas wants to work as a research scientist doing field work in environmental studies and conservation investigating diverse biomes and ecosystems… Read complete articleCobourg Horticultural Society Awards Scholarship