Waterfront Study Finally Accepted by Council

The vote was delayed a month to give time for further public input and as a result, there were four delegations on the subject at Tuesday’s Council Meeting.  Each project would have to come to Council for approval at the time it was intended to go ahead so most councillors felt that approving the plan did not mean they were approving each project.  But the wording was contentious; Suzanne Séguin wanted to include words that specifically barred expanding the West Harbour even though such wording could later be over-ruled.  Both public presenters and Councillors felt that the study was generally deemed to make good recommendations with the exception of expansion of boat slips into the West Harbour and buying a… Read complete articleWaterfront Study Finally Accepted by Council

Young Entrepreneur at Beach Booth

Rachel Lalonde operates the Surfside Tuck Shop at Cobourg beach and so far is doing well.  Her business sells beach toys, candies, mats, souvenirs etc and is helped by a couple of programs.  One is the Youth Entrepreneur Partnership Program run by the Town and their help is primarily free rental of the booth.  There are two booths at the beach, the other is run by the Town and rents out bicycles (more at links below).  The other program is called Summer Company and is run by the county and funded by the Province. It provides startup money of up to $3,000 and mentorship for full-time high school, college or university students, aged 15-29 years of age.  Rachel is going into… Read complete articleYoung Entrepreneur at Beach Booth

John Henderson Runs for Mayor; Gil Brocanier to retire

Today, John Henderson formally announced that he’s running for Mayor and, at the Council meeting tonight, Gil Brocanier announced that he would not be running again.  John released a statement (see link below) and said he had been working on a detailed platform for some time but was not yet ready to release it.  His statement said that he has “first-hand experiences based on twenty-three years being engaged in various Town Advisory Committees, a member as well as the chair of the Cobourg Police Service Board along with two consecutive Council terms as Planning and Development Coordinator and most recently as Deputy Mayor.“  He emphasized the need to communicate well with the public and that “we have to get better… Read complete articleJohn Henderson Runs for Mayor; Gil Brocanier to retire

Cobourg’s Cannabis Facility needs a lot of Hydro

A press release today provided some more information on Cobourg’s Cannabis factory.  The operating  company is FV Pharma but it is getting $55M of finance from Auxly Cannabis Group – formerly called Cannabis Wheaton Income Corp. (they get paid by getting 49.9% of the output) – so it’s really a joint venture.  FV Pharma still plans to be the “largest hydroponic indoor cannabis facility in the world” and in May they named  Belleville based Cornerstone Builders Ltd as the construction contractor for the first phase. They still expect the “first phase of construction to be complete and ready for Health Canada approval by the end of December 2018”.  But they also announced some changes: the facility will now include “a research… Read complete articleCobourg’s Cannabis Facility needs a lot of Hydro

Piping at Sunset Tradition Continues

The Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums are continuing their new tradition – piping the sun down.  Once again this year in July and August, a lone piper will be piping at sunset on the East pier.  There will be no Piper on Tuesdays as it is practice night for the band and also they don’t want to compete with the performance by the Concert Band in the Bandshell.  The band decided to do this to increase Community awareness of their band in Cobourg.  See the photo and video below. The first night was Monday July 2 starting about 10 minutes before sunset (at 8:57) and continuing for about 10 minutes after.  Each member of the band will play four times… Read complete articlePiping at Sunset Tradition Continues

Cultural Plan finally gets going

At Council’s Committee of the Whole meeting on June 25, Council went into closed session to select the Steering committee for the Cultural Master Plan (see list below) and later approved awarding the contract for a consultant to MDB Insight for $64,890 (+HST).  The RFP for the plan is now available (see link below) so now we can get a good idea of what to expect.  Dean Hustwick said that there were 34 applications to sit on the steering committee which tells us that there is a lot of interest in the subject.  At least three key decisions have been deferred pending this plan: 1) What to do about the Park Theatre, if anything, 2) what to do with Dressler… Read complete articleCultural Plan finally gets going

Blue Dot Supporting Preservation of West Harbour

In May 2017, the Blue Dot Northumberland Organization lobbied Cobourg Council to pass a “declaration” that we all have a right to “breathe fresh air, drink clean water and eat healthy food”.  The Council did eventually pass that motion and subsequently, Port Hope, Trent Hills and Alderville First Nation passed similar motions.  Blue Dot is a national organization and so far 168 municipalities across Canada have made the declaration.  But on Thursday , they were taking photos in response to a contest sponsored by Ontario Nature to bring awareness to natural places that need protection.  And given the recent publicity, the obvious location was the West Harbour.  Supporting their effort were “Sustainable Cobourg”, “Preserve our Heritage Harbour” and several individuals… Read complete articleBlue Dot Supporting Preservation of West Harbour

Housing Developments in Northeast of Cobourg

Two public meetings were held on June 25 to discuss adjacent housing developments in Cobourg’s North-East.  One was an update of a 1700 unit sub-division first proposed in 2004 then approved in 2009. Called the Villages of Central Park and located at the north end of Brook Road, it was last presented to Council three years ago (2016) – since then only minor details have changed.  The other is more immediate and is called the Nickerson Woods subdivision with 23 bungalows located between Nickerson Drive and Midtown creek.  This proposal drew comments from nearby residents who were concerned about their view of the forest and drainage issues.  In the subsequent Committee of the Whole council meeting, both proposals were approved to… Read complete articleHousing Developments in Northeast of Cobourg