Service Levels Review – Final Report

In March of this year, the Province provided $86K to fund a review of delivery of services which would hopefully find ways to reduce costs and therefore Municipal taxes.  Given the short time frame, Council agreed to sole source this to KPMG.  Part of the project was a survey of the public and on 28 August, KPMG reported on what 307 participants thought – see link below.  Then on 26 October, Oscar Poloni reported his initial findings.  In the end, taxpayers will want to know “can taxes be reduced?” or given the pandemic, “what services can be reduced or modified to keep taxes under control?”  The KPMG report is detailed and in its 119 pages contains a lot of useful… Read complete articleService Levels Review – Final Report

Letters to Editor now Accepted

One of the things that make this blog different to other News sources is that the Cobourg Community actively comments on articles.  In fact people tell me that’s one major reason they visit this site. Print Newspapers do something similar with their Letters to the Editor and Opinion columns (but without comments).  At one point, Grahame Woods was writing an opinion column on Cobourg Blog and had a good following.  Effective immediately, Cobourg Blog will accept “Letters to the Editor” from any Cobourg resident or business.  They will be clearly labelled as such and as usual with this category, will be subject to rules: the real author will be named but not their email; promotion of events is allowed; advertising… Read complete articleLetters to Editor now Accepted

Road Safety Response Team Recommended

Cobourg Town Staff will recommend at the next Committee of the Whole Council meeting that a working group be established to coordinate the Town’s response to citizen concerns about road safety.  The memo was written by Director of Public Works Laurie Wills and says that there is a need to “streamline a response to road safety concerns as currently there is confusion as to where or to whom these complaints should be directed and there is risk that concerns get over looked or decisions are made without consulting with all of the affected departments.”  She says that “Municipal Councillors, Public Works and the Police Service frequently receive concerns, questions and suggestions from members of the community in relation to technical… Read complete articleRoad Safety Response Team Recommended

A Virtual Remembrance Day

In previous years as many as 1000 people were at Cobourg’s Remembrance day ceremonies at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park but this year, they were asked to stay at home and watch the ceremony streamed on the Town’s You-Tube channel.  Despite this, at least 150 came anyway although they did stay well spaced.  The streaming was organized by local media entrepreneur Graham Beer and his video is now on the Town’s You-Tube channel – see below.  Also below is my summary video (4 minutes) which gives an idea of what it’s like.  Not everyone watched the live streaming (around 250) but a good number remembered in other ways – many stood outside their front doors at 11:00 am and observed… Read complete articleA Virtual Remembrance Day

Google Features Marie Dressler

One of things that Google does is to occasionally modify the logo at the top of its search page with a “Doodle”.  Today, for all Canada, the Doodle is a celebration of Marie Dressler’s 152nd Birthday.  See it yourself by going to Google’s home page – click the Doodle and get the results of a Google search for Marie Dressler.  Cobourg Council recently declared today (November 9) as Marie Dressler Day – can we imagine that Google noticed?  Normally, the Marie Dressler Foundation would be holding a Birthday celebration event like they did in 2018 but this year the celebration is virtual. In addition to the Doodle, Google also has a page where they explain what the Doodle is about. … Read complete articleGoogle Features Marie Dressler

Entertainment Update – November 2020

The Concert Hall in Victoria Hall is still closed with no opening date; the Firehall Theatre is closed; there are no shows scheduled at the Best Western or United Church – basically all live shows are cancelled for now.  There is one exception – a live show at the Loft on November 22 will be held but it’s already sold out.  It’s a classical concert and the audience is limited because of spacing needs and the performers are not using wind instruments or singing which might cause a spread of the Virus.  (Details at Les AMIS Concerts or the Loft – links below).  Port Hope’s Capitol has cancelled all shows but is holding events like the Annual Christmas Tree display…. Read complete articleEntertainment Update – November 2020

Starbucks coming to Cobourg

The famous coffee shop originally planned to come here in 2008 but the financial crisis caused them to put that on hold.  But now they plan to go into the new plaza at the Mall that is currently being constructed.  Lydia Smith raised the subject with Council and Councillor Nicole Beatty who is the Coordinator for Planning said that “it’s been publicly presented that a Starbucks is proposed as a potential business to occupy one of the storefronts being constructed as part of the new exterior building at Northumberland Mall.”  She also provided the plan showing the location – see image below.  Over the past few months, there has been a lot of work at the Mall – a rework… Read complete articleStarbucks coming to Cobourg