New Taxi and Uber By-Law
Taxis have long been debated in Council – concerns have been long wait times, no provision for Uber, no accessible taxis and from Taxi owners, that fares are too low. In September of 2023, a draft by-law was submitted to Council which would regulate all similar services collectively called “Vehicles for Hire”; that is, Taxis, Transportation Network Companies – (T.N.C. e.g. Uber or Lyft), Limousines and Designated Drivers. A Survey of cab owners and the public provided some feedback and at the April 24 Council meeting, the new bylaw was passed. But Kelly Paton, owner of Cobourg Cab, predicted an influx of drivers in the first 6 months resulting in job losses and possible closure altogether (of taxi companies). Then in… Read complete articleNew Taxi and Uber By-Law