Pre-emptive Upgrade at West End of King Street

The community at the West end of King Street (including Pebble Beach) has only one entrance/exit; if it were to be blocked – for example by a collapsed culvert – it would be an emergency and a million or so would need to be spent to quickly restore access plus the damage would need to be fixed for another million or so.  It makes sense therefore to spend the money now and make sure the access is reliable and not likely to collapse.  This logic appealed to the Provincial Government when they looked at applications for infrastructure funds so they approved spending $1.5M of which $1.24M will come from the Province and $250K from the Town.  As Mayor John Henderson… Read complete articlePre-emptive Upgrade at West End of King Street

Province Contributes to Cobourg and Port Hope Transit

At an announcement on Friday (16 August), MPP David Piccini said that the Provincial Government will provide $413K funding to Cobourg’s Transit and $90K funding to Port Hope’s.  Cobourg will use the funds to help replace three buses and Port Hope will upgrade their Transit accessibility.  Over the past several months, Port Hope and Cobourg have been holding discussions on how to link their transit systems to gain efficiencies and better interoperability.  John Henderson said that this funding will go a long way to helping connect the two Communities.  Both Mayors (John Henderson and Bob Sanderson) and the Warden (John Logel) were at the announcement together with Councillors Brian Darling and Adam Bureau.  Additional funding is expected (hoped for?) from… Read complete articleProvince Contributes to Cobourg and Port Hope Transit

Province Increases NHH funds by $1M per year

There have been reports of overcrowding at the Northumberland Hills Hospital.  Even though the Hospital’s capacity is 137 beds, up until now it has only been funded for a base of 96 and through surge funding up to 104.  But in April, there were an average of 121 patients and 118 in May.  With insufficient funding, that meant there was not enough staff or rooms so there were beds in hallways and long wait times.  But today, MPP David Piccini announced that Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH) will receive an additional $1,003,504 in base funding per year and up to $335,940 in one-time funding.  Hospital CEO Linda Davis said “these new dollars will help prevent us from having to house patients… Read complete articleProvince Increases NHH funds by $1M per year

Province gives Northumberland Two Major Grants

At a single event on Wednesday April 24, M.P.P. David Piccini made two announcements about money to be provided to Northumberland County:  1) $5M will be provided to Northumberland municipalities to allow them to “find smarter ways to deliver services” and 2) $1.8M will be provided to “invest (in) and improve affordable housing”.  Since these grants are unconditional, the Province is trusting Municipalities to use them for the intended purposes. The announcements were made at the County building – $725K of the “improve service delivery” money will go to the county, $619K will go to Cobourg and the rest of the $5M will go to the other County Municipalities.  All of the $1.8M for affordable housing will go to the… Read complete articleProvince gives Northumberland Two Major Grants

County Distributes Funding for Child Care

Northumberland County yesterday announced that they will be distributing funding from the Province to parents who use licensed child care.  If you used licensed centre-based or home-based child care for a child aged 4 and under, in the period between January 1 and October 31, 2018, you will get up to $4,000 in a refund.  The money is being distributed through the child care operators and refunds have already started.  The money is going only to those who used licensed child care operators so seems to recognize that these may be more expensive.  A statement by Northumberland County’s Community & Social Services Director Lisa Horne says: “This benefit will support families at a time of increasing financial need.  Northumberland County… Read complete articleCounty Distributes Funding for Child Care

Province Funds Four Extra NHH Beds for Flu Season

At the Northumberland Hills Hospital this morning, M.P.P. David Piccini announced that the Province will be providing $242,000 in “surge funding” to provide four extra beds to help eliminate hallway treatment during the flu season (that’s likely until the Spring).  David said that “one patient treated in a hallway is one patient too many” and “this move will reduce the strain on the health care system in advance of the upcoming flu season.”  In introducing David, NHH CEO Linda Davis said that just this morning, there were 11 people in the Emergency Department waiting for an inpatient bed.  The total bed count of the Hospital will increase (albeit temporarily) from 108 to 112. Also announced was additional Province wide funding… Read complete articleProvince Funds Four Extra NHH Beds for Flu Season

Police Business Services Announcement

The previous Liberal government passed new legislation, Bill 113: Police Record Checks Reform Act, which will come into effect on November 1, 2018.  It improves privacy for individuals but included a provision that made the process onerous.  The required red tape would have meant that businesses doing record checks would move out of Ontario or shut down.  Most applicants self-declare their convictions (or lack thereof) and consent to the check when applying but before the change, and after the check was done, they would have needed to consent again to full details being released.  Now the report will just verify their declaration (or otherwise) and no second consent is required.  Other jurisdictions do not have the same convoluted requirements. The… Read complete articlePolice Business Services Announcement

Cobourg to Hold Public Meeting on Cannabis Stores

With the legalization of recreational Cannabis in Canada, the Province has introduced legislation to allow privately owned retail stores to sell the product and to establish regulations on its sale and use.  That could potentially mean that there would be stores in Cobourg that would sell marijuana starting April 1, 2019.  After public consultation, the Province has decided to allow Municipalities to ban or regulate such stores with a decision on this required by January 22, 2019.  Brent Larmer, Cobourg’s Municipal Clerk, has recommended a meeting to consult with the public and will then report to the new Council before the due date.  At their meeting on October 1st, Council agreed with this proposal (without any discussion), although no date… Read complete articleCobourg to Hold Public Meeting on Cannabis Stores