Birthday Party for Special Ladies

On Tuesday 18 June, Alma Draper with the help of Roma Colbert (and others), put on a party for ladies living in Northumberland County who were born in 1939 – 103 of them.  This was the year the second World War started and the year of the first visit by a reigning monarch. It’s the third celebration Alma has organized for this group – the first two were in 2009 and 2014.  Held at the Best Western with men strictly banned, the event was launched by Town Crier Mandy Robinson, MPP David Piccini gave every lady a rose, Councillor Nicole Beatty spoke briefly and MP Kim Rudd sent a congratulatory message. After the speeches there was a three course lunch… Read complete articleBirthday Party for Special Ladies

Scottish Weather for Scottish Festival

Despite the Mayor and the organizers trying to organize a sunny day, there was only brief sunshine and it was a cool day. However, despite everything, the rain held off.  That probably explained the somewhat smaller crowd but it didn’t stop the Scots from coming out to Cobourg’s 56th Highland Games – now called a Scottish Festival.  The massed bagpipe and drums bands thrilled anyone with any Scottish blood (see video below).  And there were lots of  Scottish dancers competing.  Admission was $20 – the same as last year – organizers have given up on “free” or donations. According to the program, there were 19 market vendors and 7 food vendors.  The program listed 19 competing bands as of May… Read complete articleScottish Weather for Scottish Festival

Busker Festival 2019

Finally, the weather was perfect on Saturday – we needed it for the annual Busker Festival held Downtown Cobourg.  And the crowds did come so the King Street businesses should be happy – at least those between Division and Hibernia where the event was held.  There were 11 different performers although some did 2 or 3 performances resulting in a total of 22 acts.  They included dancers, jugglers, magicians, singers – and a special feature, an axe throwing venue.  You could try your luck throwing an axe and if you knew how, you could make it bite into a wooden wall (see video below).  There were also lots of vendors or people promoting their cause.  And of course the Farmer’s… Read complete articleBusker Festival 2019

Max’s Big Ride comes to Cobourg

Eight year old Max Sedmihradsky has Duchenne muscular dystrophy which currently has no cure and will likely confine him to a wheelchair by the time he is 12.  He may not survive past his mid-20’s.  But his Mom and Dad are not giving up – this is the fifth time his Dad Andrew has ridden a cargobike with Max from his hometown of Hamilton to Ottawa with the aim of raising money to support research to find a cure for the disease (which seems promising – see Links below).  Also along this year were his 3 year old sister Ilsa and of course Mom Kerri.  Since they started in 2015, they have raised over $170,000 – this year the goal… Read complete articleMax’s Big Ride comes to Cobourg

Gay Pride Month – 2019

This year, Cobourg celebrates the beginning of Gay Pride month with a rainbow crosswalk at King and Second Street (not Third as reported earlier).  There was a large crowd at a ceremony today in front of Victoria Hall:  Mayor John Henderson, Police Chief Kai Liu, Councillor Adam Bureau and Ashley Bouman (Leader of the local pflag chapter) spoke about inclusiveness, community and a supportive environment.   The size of the audience at event this year was noticeably bigger than previous years – in  2016 there was less than half a dozen at the flag raising at the Police Station.   As in previous years, there will also be a parade later in the month.  Council has been supportive by proclaiming June Pride… Read complete articleGay Pride Month – 2019

Town Crier Championship

On Saturday June first, Cobourg hosted the “Ontario Guild of Town Criers Provincial Championship” – held on the Esplanade.  Eleven Town criers from all over Southern Ontario competed in a three part event: the first was a cry where the subject was their “Home Town”, then a second round was about “Victoria Hall” with a third in Grafton about “Inns & Taverns or Heritage Architecture”.  There was a panel of judges who looked at various aspects such as keeping within the 100 – 125 word limit, exactly following their submitted script, keeping to the theme and no doubt overall effect.  Some chose to start their Oyez sounding more like a song, many included humour and others used rhymes.  Many were… Read complete articleTown Crier Championship

PROM 2019 – Cobourg Collegiate Institute

Cobourg High School graduates have always celebrated their PROM with a parade where they arrive at their destination in style or in many cases, showing their creativity (see link below for photos from 2011).  But in recent years, the permitted vehicles have been limited, supposedly in the interest of safety.  But one thing has continued, the parade and welcoming of individuals as they arrive.  The Cobourg Institute Collegiate event was on Friday evening in glorious sunshine – most of the time.  Led by a Police car and the Cobourg Legions Pipes and Drums, the first couple were in a horse drawn carriage.  Some of the many vehicles were vintage cars but many were pickup trucks – old and new. Several… Read complete articlePROM 2019 – Cobourg Collegiate Institute

Venture 13 – a Cobourg Success Story

On Tuesday, May 21, Cobourg and Northumberland celebrated the first “birthday” of Venture 13 and its success.  A year ago, it opened with financing primarily from the Federal Government’s CFDC, the Town of Cobourg and Cobourg’s Police Business unit (see links below for more).  Since then, there has been a large number of companies started, jobs created and seminar/workshops given (details below).  The anniversary celebration consisted of a speeches by John Henderson (Mayor), Kim Rudd (MP), David Piccini (MPP). Paul Vandergraaf (acting Police Chief) and others who talked about what Venture 13 was about and its successes as well as making some announcements.  Included was the demonstration of a simple robot (can you suggest a name for it?) and an… Read complete articleVenture 13 – a Cobourg Success Story