Harbour repairs moving ahead slowly

The 2022 budget included provision for work to start on repairing the harbour breakwaters and walls but when tenders were called for phase one, the lowest bid was “far over budget” ($7M vs a budget of $5M).  Staff then re-tendered for just part of Phase one (the East wall) but “delays of the Coast Guard building reconstruction project on the East Pier would significantly impact the east wall repair project” so at the recent Committee of the Whole council meeting, another adjustment of the sequence was recommended by staff. The new plan is to repair the West Breakwater first using the approved Phase one budget of $4.9M.   But Director Geerts said that a decision to proceed was needed now or… Read complete articleHarbour repairs moving ahead slowly

Busy First Council Meeting in New Term

In the first Committee of the Whole Council meeting with the new Council, questions by the Mayor and Councillors raised some key issues.  In a delegation, Carol Leighton said that the Albert Street Transit Shelter is occupied by drug users; in another delegation, Dave Tunstead said that “free” downtown parking is not free; both Mayor Lucas Cleveland and Councillor Miriam Mutton asked about the new stormwater fee; the Mayor asked about costs for the Harbour so profitability could be determined and Director Geerts wanted immediate approval to start on Harbour repairs with a new estimated total cost of $15M to $20M.  Council also dealt with several other issues – a busy meeting. I will attempt to cover some of them… Read complete articleBusy First Council Meeting in New Term

Cobourg Harbour Usage Higher in 2022

According to a report to be provided by Cobourg Community Services Staff at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, both the Marina and the Campground (previously called Trailer Park) had successful years.  There is a long waiting list for seasonal slips – that seems to mean that Cobourg does not have to have a full-service Marina to be popular.  That is, we don’t need a travel lift.  Staff report that there is no desire to expand.  Both Marina and Campground split between seasonal and transient users although the Campground is gradually moving to more transients since it’s more profitable – the six remaining seasonals will be changed to transient “as they are relinquished”. The budget for the harbour… Read complete articleCobourg Harbour Usage Higher in 2022

Water Rates to increase – plus Stormwater Charge

Starting January 2023, the charge for water and wastewater will increase by an amount said to cover the cost.  In addition, in January, the cost of supplying stormwater drains will be charged directly to properties instead of being recovered by taxes.  Both these changes were previously approved by Council but now by-laws are needed to implement them and Council will be asked to do that at the December 12 Committee of the Whole meeting (COW – Governance has not yet changed).  Water rates will increase 7.2%, wastewater rates will increase 4.6% so that the average residential customer will pay an extra $48.82 per year for a total $884.90 per year. Charging directly for stormwater is a significant change and was… Read complete articleWater Rates to increase – plus Stormwater Charge

Town of Cobourg Surveying Residents on Customer Service

A new survey for Cobourg residents is now available – the Town wants to know what they need to do to improve customer service. Customer Service Professionals Network (CSPN) has been hired to assist and created the survey. Their mission is to “help organizations answer two questions. How do we make happier customers? How do we make more engaged employees?” Another notable change, because the survey was created by CSPN, it does not use Bang the Table – otherwise known as Engage Cobourg – which was started by the previous mayor. Instead, the survey uses the popular Survey Monkey and links to it are prominent on the home page of the Town’s web site. There are 17 survey questions –… Read complete articleTown of Cobourg Surveying Residents on Customer Service

NHH opens Cough, Cold and COVID Assessment Centre

One of the problems we have when we get what seems to be a cold, is knowing if it’s COVID or flu or just a cold. To help with this, the Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH) has expanded the services at the portable trailer immediately outside the NHH Emergency Department although, no doubt because they expect a rush, you need to make an appointment.  So if you are experiencing “worsening cough, cold, earaches, sore throats, congestion and fever” – that is maybe Flu or Covid or even RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) – then call and ask for help diagnosing. If needed you can then make an appointment to see a clinician (often on the same day) and perhaps get a “COVID-19 PCR… Read complete articleNHH opens Cough, Cold and COVID Assessment Centre

Popular Cobourg News Blog Posts

As we come close to the end of 2022, I would like to thank people who have shown appreciation for this news blog.  I see it as not only a news service but as a forum for the community to express their opinions about the issues of the day.  Many people tell me they read the blog to see what people are saying.  Others tell me they avoid the comments because of all the negative opinions. I know that many Councillors and Town staff look at the site although they rarely comment – the Town does of course have their own “engage Cobourg” site which collects opinions on a limited number of issues. The big issue of 2022 was the Municipal… Read complete articlePopular Cobourg News Blog Posts

Warning by Cobourg Police

This message needs to be circulated: The Cobourg Police Service (CPS) is alerting the public after receiving reports of distraction thefts in Cobourg and neighbouring communities. In one instance reported to police, a man approached a woman in a parking lot of a north-end business and asked her for directions. While the woman assisted the man, another person entered her vehicle and stole her bank and credit cards from her purse. In another instance, two men approached a woman loading her vehicle. One man told the woman he thought something might be wrong with her tire, while the other man entered the car and removed a wallet from a purse on the passenger seat. Distraction theft is when someone steals… Read complete articleWarning by Cobourg Police