At the last Federal and Provincial elections, Cobourg was in the Riding Northumberland Peterborough-South – but effective with the next Federal election, the boundaries change and we will be in the new riding of Northumberland-Clarke. The main change in the Riding is that the area north of Rice Lake has gone and the Riding is now mostly Northumberland with a bit of the East end of Durham. The new boundary maps are online and can be accessed via the links in Resources below. It’s a bit confusing since the current boundaries stay in effect until a new parliament is elected. However, the next election will be held based on the new riding boundaries and names. The immediate impact will be on Riding Associations since their prime purpose is to campaign for the next election.
So let’s look at what each Party Riding Association (Electoral District Association – EDA) is doing so far.
Conservative Party EDA
- Riding web site is poor and does not mention the change.
- Facebook only mentions Northumberland Peterborough South
- Note: Conservative Head Office recognizes the change – if a member checks their status, the new Ridings are used.
Liberal Party EDA
- Riding Web site – no mention of change
- Facebook – recognizes the change – name has now been changed.
- No Riding Web site
- Facebook Does not yet recognize change
Green Party EDA
- Web site – no mention of change
- Facebook – no mention of change
- Note: Green Party membership is valid both Federally and Provincially.
Other Parties
No other party has a local web site or Facebook page.
Note that the new boundaries only apply to the next election so if you are not yet campaigning (e.g. the Green Party), then there’s no reason to do anything. Also note that in an election, candidates will have personal social media sites but do not now have them since an election has not yet been called.
Another thing – it’s usual for the Provincial Government to adopt the Federal Riding boundaries – but that has not yet happened.
- Elections Canada – maps of boundaries before and after
- Elections Canada – Home page for redistribution
- Cobourg Internet Federal Election Information page – includes previous election results.
Print Article:
“The Constitution of Canada requires that federal electoral districts be reviewed after each decennial (10-year) census to reflect changes and movements in Canada’s population”
Elections Canada redistribution website.
What was the rationale for changing the boundaries?
ridings are set by the latest census i think?
If they have any “census” they would leave as is.
Much to do about nothing.
You have to immediately assume gerrymandering and then explore why the current government sees an advantage, if any.
is an interesting site, overall.
I don’t think there have ever been accusations of gerrymandering in Canada. I was a presenter at the previous redistricting and saw no signs of that.