Vaccine Update – March 10

If you follow the Cobourg News Blog Vaccination page, the news below is a repeat of that.  Further, the vaccination page will be updated but this post will only be updated to correct any errors.

Dr. Ian Gemmill, Acting local Medical Officer of Health with the local Health unit (HKPR DHU) today gave a comprehensive update on what’s happening with Vaccines in his Area which includes Cobourg. As previously announced, the Cobourg Community Centre will be used as a vaccination centre with the initial group being adults over 80.  (Officially, those born in 1941 or before). Volunteers will be given lists by family doctors and are now calling those eligible to make an appointment for them starting at the CCC Tuesday March 16.  Anyone eligible who does not have a local family doctor will need to either go online or phone the Provincial centre starting March 15 (no URL or phone number yet available).  There will be volunteers available (Community care) for anyone who cannot drive themselves to the CCC (call 1-866-768-7778 to register and request a ride to the appointment.)

Shots should be given to those in Retirement homes the week of March 22.

Dr. Gemmill asks that people NOT call their doctors – wait to be called.

Cobourg Community Centre

As described earlier, the CCC has removed ice from the Bowl Arena and NHH staff will be administering the shots with volunteers and Town staff assisting with organizing the flow of people.  Most existing CCC activities will continue – notably the walking track, ice usage on the other Arena (the Pond) and Gym usage  -but entry to the building will depend on why you are there.  Parking and Entry will be actively managed.  We are still in the Yellow zone and recreational activities allowed by that will still mostly continue although perhaps re-located in place or time from previously.

Two locations are planned per County – the second one for Northumberland is at the Trent Hills fire station in Campbellford.

Vaccines to be Used

Only the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be used in this area – at least initially.  Further, a Provincial mandate has decreed that (apart from shots at Long Term Care homes  which have already been completed), second shots will be delayed up to four months so that as many as possible can have a reasonable degree of protection.   The goal is to have 100% of adults wanting a shot to get one inside the four months.  So far approx 14,000 shots have been given in the Area and about 5,000 per week are expected for the next four weeks.  Hopefully the rate will be increased after that.


Once vaccinations of residents born in 1941 or earlier is complete, HKPRDHU will begin accepting appointments from those highlighted in the province’s priority groups – adults with high-risk chronic conditions and their caregivers, those unable to work from home, and older adults between the ages of 60 to 79 in five-year increments.

After the initial group, which will be done by NHH staff (5 days a week), HKPR DHU staff will take over and work 7 days a week with the same system.  The Astrozeneca version is being given in Toronto, Windsor and Kingston in pharmacies  – these have their own booking system.  This is only for those 60 to 64 and is not currently planned in our Area.

There may be instances where the stated priorities are not followed since the first priority is to get every dose received into an arm asap.

Information on Virus cases

You can get information on the number of cases in Northumberland plus other data such as the number of unresolved cases on this page here.


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3 years ago

Everything is as difficult as can be for people who cannot walk.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jojo
3 years ago

It might be of interest to some of you, that the Province also has a pilot vaccination program at several drug stores. The closest ones I could find to Cobourg are in the GTA or Napanee. A neighbor of mine–60 years of age– registered using this site(link below) yesterday and to his surprise, he is scheduled to receive a vaccination tomorrow at his Rexall location selected.
I cannot comment if there were any other medical criteria or comorbidities, but, I can confirm that this person has not, to his knowledge had Covid 19 in the past year.

Just Wondering
Reply to  Dunkirk
3 years ago

The province has requested that people get their vaccination in their own Public Health Unit area, even asking the pharmacies to confirm residency.

3 years ago

From 2016 census
Over 65 -22260 people
15-64 -52,000 people
0-14-11,430 people
total 85,600 or so ,
and the health is getting 5,000 dose a week , there 185,000 in HKPR HD
Remember be kind to the people working at the clinics , they working as hard as they can

3 years ago

What will the procedure be if you live in Northumberland but your doctor is not in Northumberland

Bill Arthur
Reply to  Sue
3 years ago

If I’ve understood it correctly you will be able to ring the call centre or go on-line.

Reply to  Sue
3 years ago

Sue – it was announced for people with a doctor out of the area to go to the Provincial website for bookings at the appropriate time, not before. You register on line, I believe you enter your postal code. You are then matched to the area. I presume you are then matched for an appointment by the district health staff of that area. There was a call centre number listed as well as Bill pointed out but wonder how easy it will be to get through on that line as you are to await the time your shot is to be given.

3 years ago

“NHH staff will be administering the shots with volunteers and
Town staff assisting with organizing the flow of people…”

That’s encouraging news. I am aware of a situation where seniors, arriving at their appointed time, had to wait in a crowded hallway, elbow to elbow, some sitting and others standing with their backs to the wall. Every 10 or 12 minutes someone would stick their head through the door and yell “...who’s next?” The seniors had to manage the priority sequence among themselves as best they could.

A few quick questions, a shot in the arm, and then off to the recovery area, followed by about 10 minutes of just standing about by the staff, for no apparent reason. Then another “...who’s next?”. No wonder the whole thing ran over an hour late, during which any idea of “social distancing” was just a cruel joke.

Leslie Feddery
Reply to  JImT
3 years ago

where did this occur?
Was this event at the NHH site?

Reply to  Leslie Feddery
3 years ago

Wasn’t at NHH. Nope.

Wally Keeler
3 years ago

“A new Statistics Canada report that highlights delayed cancer screenings, mental health woes and the damage caused to low-income Canadians is a damning indictment on the many voices who called for ever-tighter lockdowns without appropriate concern for the harms that they were inflicting on their fellow Canadians.”
FUREY: StatsCan report looks at harms caused by restrictions | Toronto Sun