Council meetings are now held in the Concert Hall in Victoria Hall with a limited gallery. Most now watch it from home via the Town’s You Tube site which has worked well so far – except tonight (Monday October 5). Right from the start, there was no sound at the Committee of the Whole meeting. The slides from the first two items on the Agenda were shown but there was no sound so no comments or questions were heard. The first two items were presentations that would normally be on a blog post – but not yet! Brent was introducing escribe which will be replacing iCompass as the Software managing Council meetings (stay tuned for a Post on this tomorrow) and Director Dean Hustwick was providing an update on Community Services and reviewing Community Events in 2020.
After some frantic input from viewers, 20 minutes into the meeting, we were told that the Town was “working on the sound problem”. I found that Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin was helpful in responding to my email and letting me know what was happening. After another 10-15 minutes, Council decided to recess until the problem was fixed. But after a long wait, the Council passed a motion to reschedule the meeting to Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 6 p.m. At around 8:30 pm, the Town issued a Press Release and Tweet to this effect.
The good news is that Council is committed to communicating – they could have continued with the meeting and relied on minutes to tell the story. That would not have been good – if sound could not be restored, rescheduling was the right decision.
Here is the agenda for the meeting – it’s not clear if the meeting will start again from scratch.
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I definitely need to hear Dean’s update on community services and reviewing community events 2020. How many were there, how successful and what did all the event planners do these last few months while working from home?