In June, Town staff presented the options for the East Pier and Campground and asked that a consultant be hired to present this to the public. Council instead asked that staff present it to the public without a consultant and present results in time for Council to consider them in Budget deliberations. This is what happened at an open house at the CCC on Thursday evening. The event had a good number of Community Services and other staff explaining the options with the help of 11 displays (see photos below). Most councillors were there too. Citizens could submit comments or sign up for emailed updates. The open house did not really provide any additional information – the benefit was that it was presented at a meeting and not just online.
There are two parts to the East Pier project: Repair and Enhancements – both were presented. Repairs can be as simple as converting the pier to pedestrian use only (cost $440K) up to restoring full usage (cost $3.8M). On top of that there is the cost of enhancements that add up to another $1M. (See link below re East Pier and Campground Report). Note that there is no estimate provided to upgrade the pier to “as-new condition” – see Engineering report below. Although it is expected that in upcoming 2020 budget deliberations, Council will include at least some of the money for some of the work, Mayor John Henderson said that the entire Waterfront plan implementation and its costs would be spread out over 20 years.
Note that the online forum at Engage Cobourg will stay open until September 23.
In addition to pier and campground (Trailer park) repairs and upgrades, at the same time, the Coast Guard is planning to replace their building as described in an earlier article – a panel was also made to provide feedback on that.
See the photos below and the links below them for more on this project. Note that in the photos, you will see photos and graphics with numbers (e.g. 4.5 etc.) – these refer to “initiatives” described in the full Waterfront Plan (available for Download from the links below).
- Council decides on East Pier Consultation Process – 4 July 2019
- East Pier and Campground Report – 29 June 2019 – includes cost estimates for repair and enhancement options
- Engage Cobourg – East Pier – Go online to give feedback to Town
- Engage Cobourg – Campground – Go online to give feedback to Town
- Engineering report on the Pier – Full report by Engineering consultant on state of East pier including recommended repair options – December 2018
- Coast Guard Plans a New Building on East Pier – 7 August 2019
- First Look at Waterfront Study report – includes Waterfront Study highlights such as East Pier proposal. 17 May 2018
- Waterfront Plan – part 1 – Download pdf
- Waterfront Plan – Appendices – Download pdf
Remember that news items that do not warrant a full article (for whatever reason) or which are continuations of an existing article can often be found in the News Update box on the home page of this blog.
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If you are going to blow about 1.5 Million dollars on a little bridge on King St west (I had a good look at it today and the culvert looks “serviceable ” to me)…then go ahead and blow…it will be at least 5 million dollars on the east pier and trailer park. This town will continue to increase taxes until every one is in subsidized housing.
You’re an engineer now?
That project is costing the town 250k, as you well know, not $1.5 million.
Total cost will be??? Where does the province get their money…from trees?
The project is expected to cost the taxpayers $1.5M. Whether town, province or feds there is only one taxpayer; it is just from a different project! It is very hard to believe that a culvert can cost that much to repair. Based on conversation with town staff the project is a sneaky way to fund adding bike paths and sidewalks on King West / Pebble Beach.
The $1.25 million provincial portion could’ve ended up in a different community.
Durka, that attitude goes far towards explaining our enormous provincial and federal deficits: Don’t spend only on essential projects but grab the money to prevent anyone else getting it.
How do you know this isn’t an essential project? You go to the same engineering school as cornbread?
The point is not whether the repairs are essential but whether road widening and bike paths and sidewalks are essential. I don’t know cornbread’s engineering school but perhaps it was the same as mine. I went to Rice University in Houston.
I don’t recall this coming to council for approval. These decisions should not be made by senior staff.
I do not know the details of the funding from the province but an online search does reveal that this section of King Street is listed as a higher priority arterial or collector street, not as a local residential street. Also, the new housing development west of Maher St. along King St W. has recently constructed a new section of sidewalk along King St. No doubt details will be forthcoming for both Council and the public to see. Perhaps Town Communications will soon provide more information with regard to the proposed project, or, Council’s Public Works Coordinator or Mayor could provide more details at a Council meeting during their Coordinator Report.
English usage evolves but even in 2019 “higher priority arterial or collector street” seems inappropriate to describe a street to near Cobourg’s city limits that is a deadend. The last report from our Mayor only talked of the free money and 75-year legacy rather than providing any details of the proposed project.
I notice that in the ACCESSIBILITY section, there is mention of adding “accessible mats” to the beach (over the sand to the water). However, as someone who has mobility issues, and has used the existing mat …. it is fairly USELESS! Yes, it permits me to get my “wheels” easily over the sand, BUT once I get to the end of the mat, then what do I do?!?! Hmmm… I have to turn around and retreat back to the boardwalk. Unless I’m accompanied by a couple of weight-lifters that can pick both me and my mobility device over the sand, I simply have no other option!
I would like to see some “mat-like patio areas” placed on various parts of the beach sand. Oh I realize it might interfere with beach volleyball set-ups, but honestly, not EVERYONE is able-bodied.
When my family members go to enjoy the sand and surf at our beach, I unfortunately have to watch their fun and activities from afar i.e. the boardwalk area. I know I’m not alone with this fact, because I’ve met LOTS of others with wheelchairs, rollators, walkers, strollers that have complained about this very same fact!
In addition, there is also a beach wheelchair that can be signed out (no charge), and it can travel over sand and also be used in the water. Perhaps I should say, there used to be such a device because I do not know if it is still available. And, I do not know the practicality of storing one’s own device securely when using the beach chair. However, in past years the beach chair was stored at the volunteer staffed community policing trailer at the east end of the trailer park and near the ramp leading to the existing blue mat on the sand.
Rather than engage in the predictable rant concerning taxes it’s far more responsible and engaging to consider better solutions regarding accessibility. I believe it was during Sand Castle Weekend, the Town put in place access mats paralell to the water’s edge. Many favourable comments were made. But this was a very different use of the area than normal.
One better way of improving accessibility would be to leave the access-way as is and add an accessibility area with several “patios” at the west end. In that location there already exists handicapped parking (just before the coast guard station), a concrete vehicle access ramp from the parking area to the sand, and the distance to the water’s edge is the shortest of any where else on the beach.
I’d like to see an outdoor rink in town that will allow kids to play pick up hockey. The frink does not allow this and kids need more unstructured fun hockey time! What a great way to support our kids!