Ecology Garden gets more Trees

Under Spring sunshine, a ceremony at the Ecology Garden on May 24 thanked several donors of trees.  Deputy Mayor John Henderson with Councillors Debra McCarthy, Brian Darling, Suzanne Seguin and Aaron Burchat were there to see Ecology Garden Chair Dora Body and Roma Colbert accept the trees.  In some remarks to the crowd of about 40, John Henderson talked about how 6 years ago, his son got a job with the garden and with John helped create some of the paths now used.  John confirmed that the garden is now “part of our culture” so is assured of ongoing support from the Town.  Roma thanked Town Parks staff Rory Quigley and Jason Johns for their help and she thanked current and former Cobourg residents Joan McGill, the Peters family, Lois Skyvington and Janet Dansie who sponsored the purchase and planting of the five new trees.

Lr -Dora Body and Roma Colbert
Lr – Dora Body and Roma Colbert

Roma said that the trees donated were three Jacquimonti Birch, one American Beech, one Shag Bark, and a number of Chokecherry trees.  In addition, the Rose garden was enhanced with Canadian Rose bushes donated by Foodland Manager John Foley.

The Ecology garden has now been operating for 22 years and, as John Henderson said, has gradually become part of who we are.  In the recent Communities in Bloom contest (Cobourg Wins National Communities in Bloom), a major positive factor was the presence of the Ecology Garden and its active workers.


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Pam Jackson
6 years ago

Thank you Miriam, it was indeed Minnie Pennell. I look forward to seeing the garden
on an upcoming trip to Cobourg.

Pam Jackson
6 years ago

Can someone remind me the name of the wonderful woman who started the garden
all those years ago? She certainly had a few hurdles to her initial proposal but she
persevered over all the naysayers. I hope she is remembered with affection at all
these ceremonies.

Miriam Mutton
Reply to  Pam Jackson
6 years ago

hi Pam,
Would you be thinking of Minnie Pennell?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Pam Jackson
6 years ago

She is remembered. This is Cobourg Poet Laureate Emeritus reading a poem about her at the Ecology Garden, 2011.

Wally Keeler
6 years ago

It was an honour and enriching to have chaired the Ecology Garden Committe with such well-informed and dedicated volunteers. Year by year the Garden evolves and expands. It acts as concierge to the west beach and acts as sentry to the west beach. There are a number of tree stems in the garden that invite birdhouses to top them.

Dur ka
Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Wally perhaps you have some insight on the garden. It seems to get a little larger every year, it’s only human nature to expand, so what happens when it reaches its borders? Will the Legion allow them on to their land? Was it ever discussed?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dur ka
6 years ago

The Legion has already permitted the Ecology Garden to straddle their property line. Nothing formal, just a wink wink nudge nudge. The Garden benefits the Legion Villagers. As I recall, the Legion would offer a couple hundred dollars to the Garden each year.

Dora Body
Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Wally, birdhouses are a wonderful idea but, sadly, I have no woodworking skills. I’ll be at the Garden all morning on Friday for Day of Caring. If you have time, please stop by the CEG so we can chat about this.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dora Body
6 years ago

I was taking photos of the Garden this week, so that I can Photoshop birdhouses onto the stems to illustrate what it might look like. Is it possible to have a birdhouse construction contest for Cobourg? I’d be willing to throw $100 towards that. The Garden Committee could set criteria; no use of plastics, etc. only wood and nails, perhaps painted or not. First prize for the most ecologically sensitive birdhouse. Okie doke, Friday morn it is.

Dora Body
Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Let’s chat about what a contest would involve on Friday & then I’ll present it to the Committee at our next meeting.

6 years ago

The ecology garden is a true gem. I just worry they are going to run out of room!