Brian Darling to seek re-election

At the last election, Brian received the largest number of votes and with 7 days to go before the filing deadline he has now filed his nomination papers to seek re-election as a Councillor.  He is mostly running on the record of the current council and points to a number of achievements.  However, he says that “we are going to have some tough decisions in the near future with infrastructure improvements.  The East Pier, the Centre Pier and the Monks Cove retaining wall are just a few of the many projects that will have to be addressed.”  He also says he will “strive to maintain fiscal responsibility and keep tax increases as low as possible” and “make decisions that are in the best interests of the entire community.”


Brian Darling
Brian Darling

Brian has been married for 41 years to his wife Lillian and is a proud father to two daughters.  He is “blessed with four grandchildren, who have captured my heart in a way I didn’t know possible.”

He is a third generation citizen of Cobourg and retired Captain of the Cobourg Fire Department with 31 years of service.


Brian is “extremely proud of what our Council has accomplished.”  In the past term, Council has:

  • Brought forward a Heritage Master Plan
  • Introduced a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) that has assisted in revitalizing our downtown
  • Kept tax increases under two percent
  • Worked in collaboration with the Federal Government and the Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) to bring the Venture 13 project to realization.  He is confident that this endeavour will pay huge dividends for the community and develop young entrepreneurs who will be our business leaders of the future.

The Next Term

Brian says that:

  • He will strive to maintain fiscal responsibility and keep tax increases as low as possible. 
  • He believes that the development of an Asset Management Plan for the Town is of the greatest importance. 
  • There will be some tough decisions in the near future with infrastructure improvements.  The East Pier, the Centre Pier and the Monks Cove retaining wall are just a few of the many projects that will have to be addressed.
  • He will work with fellow Councillors to develop a Cultural Master Plan that we, as a community can all be proud of. 
  • As your Councillor, I will make decisions that are in the best interests of the entire community.

You can reach Brian at: 905-372-8981 or by email at [email protected]

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Deborah OConnor
6 years ago

I have no comment regarding Brian Darling’s bid for re-election but I am annoyed to see him accused of breaking an earlier “promise” not to support marina expansion into the West Harbour by voting to approve the Waterfront Study. The chronic complainers here apparently all have short memories, or else simply choose to ignore the facts.

Our intrepid reporter John Draper laid out the facts in his post of July 5th, in his entry titled “Waterfront Study Finally Accepted by Council”. That entry is here:

I’ll make it easy and provide this bit, his second sentence. ” Each project would have to come to Council for approval at the time it was intended to go ahead so most councillors felt that approving the plan did not mean they were approving each project”.

If that isn’t clear enough I will attempt to clarify. It means that approving the general plan does NOT provide pre-approval of each separate project contained there. One by one each individual peoject has to go before the Council of the day for approval. Each one!

Bottom Line: Mr. Darling has not broken any previous “promise” made about expanding boat slips into the West harbour. The complainers need to find a new gripe, there’s no meat on this bone.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Deborah OConnor
6 years ago

That’s good news
I guess we can count on Councillor Darling’s voting against the expansion then as I’m sure he hasn’t changed his mind since last election.
Thanks for clarifying that point although his actions during the meetings sure didn’t give that impression.

Reply to  Deborah OConnor
6 years ago

Rather than relying entirely on Mr. Draper’s excellent reporting perhaps you would find it informative to view the video of the Council meeting at which numerous presenters spoke against any harbour expansion. Watch Mr. Darling’s body language during the presentations. Pay particular attention to Mr. Darling’s questions of the presenters. His every action was dismissive of the presenters and he sought to discredit them. Further, Mr. Darling gave no indication of opposition to the Marina expansion during the prelude to the vote reported by Draper.

It seems obvious that, contrary to his earlier promises, Mr. Darling now favours harbour expansion. He has supported his friend Mr. Hustwick on each of Dean’s malign plans. Question Mr. Darling if he calls on you to solicit your vote. Question Mr. Darling at the All Candidates meeting.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
6 years ago

“It seems obvious that, contrary to his earlier promises, Mr. Darling now favours harbour expansion.”

Obvious!?! Faulty reasoning. Shallow spin. Crock! Your evidence is as clear as a blur.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

And your evidence that Mr. Darling opposes harbour expansion is?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
6 years ago

He stated it in my video quite clearly. No evidence has been produced to say otherwise since then. Like I said, your evidence is insubstantial. You failed to support the idiotic accusation that Mr Darling broke his promise. Case closed. Przt!|

Jason Beatty
6 years ago

I like Brian on a personal level very much. A nice gentleman. Glad to see him seek re-election.

6 years ago

Good news. Mr. Darling is the only Councillor who had taken the time to ring our door bell or stop us on the street and ask for our input. We also see him out supporting downtown festivities. That goes a long way in this house. We like him.

Walter L. Luedtke
6 years ago

Great news to have an election for Councillors.
And thank you Mr. Darling for offering yourself for public service.
Just reading the two posts below tells one that a thick skin has to go with the job.

Reply to  Walter L. Luedtke
6 years ago

They also tell us that Mr. Darling doesn’t honour his promises. Why will it be different this time?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
6 years ago

They also tell us ...”

They? They who? Do they have full names or pseudonyms? And who is ‘us’? Provide some facts instead of a couple ambiguous pronouns. All you have done is enable odious backyard gossip. You are watering weeds. Przt! the sound of your comment entering the atmosphere

Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

The referent, “they”, was to the “two posts below” that Mr. Luedtke mentioned. These are the posts by Bill Thompson and by Tim. To remove any ambiguity, Tim pointed out that Mr. Darling voted to squander many thousands of tax payer dollars on consultants to prepare useless plans. Bill mentioned that prior to the last election Mr. Darling strongly rejected any expansion into the west harbour. This is another broken promise that clearly demonstrates the value of Mr. Darling’s word on important issues.

Is that sufficiently clear, Wally?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
6 years ago

Bill mentioned that prior to the last election Mr. Darling strongly rejected any expansion into the west harbour. This is another broken promise that clearly demonstrates the value of Mr. Darling’s word on important issues.

How did Councillor Darling break his promise in this regard?

Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Mr. Darling spoke and voted for “adoption” of the waterfront plan rather than voting to remove the plans for harbour expansion. In addition he repeatedly defended Mr. Hustwick’s disregard for the residents on this issue.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
6 years ago

Mr. Darling spoke and voted for “adoption” of the waterfront plan rather than voting to remove the plans for harbour expansion.”

What a crock. One moment, Mr Darling, expresses opposition to adding any more slips into the west harbour. Then, he breaks his promise, and now claims that he supports slips into the west harbour. You have no proof of a broken promise, just mush, mediocre mush. Come back when you have a clear cut broken promise, not some flaccid spin.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

The only mush is in your memory. Perhaps you should watch your own video!

From the campaign, Brian Darling: I think we all realize there is a need for improvements such as a handicap accessible dock and future infrastructure repairs just to name two. I am sure a plan can be brought forward that will allow for these improvements along with others. I am all for making the necessary changes and improvements but I personally cannot in good conscience vote to allow expansion of boat slips west of the centre pier. The west basin should remain as close to its current condition as is possible.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
6 years ago

Good. He doesn’t want expansion of boat slips west of the centre pier.

Is that the promise he broke? If so, prove that he now wants to expand the boat slips into the west pier.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

You obviously didn’t read the link in my prior post.It is quite long but take the time to do so and that should answer your question….and don’t forget the “dead horse ” statement .

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Bill Thompson
6 years ago

He oppose expansion of boat slips west of the centre pier.

Is that the promise that he broke? Proof please.

Bill Thompson
6 years ago

Just a reminder of the marina expansion issue in 2015 and how quickly past public statements made by those seeking election/re-election can be forgotten.

Can the public look forward to the new prospective councillors stating their stand on this most important issue and most importantly standing by it.?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Bill Thompson
6 years ago

Sometime in mid-August, between 11am – 1pm I will set up a tripod with a video camera in the exact location where I shot the above video. The project will continue until the end of Sept. The project will be called Heritage Harbour Minutes. Everyone is invited to stand facing the camera, state their first and last name and municipality. They can then sit on the Survivor Thriver’s bench and look out onto the scene of the west harbour, or they can state their thoughts and feelings for one minute. That is it — ONE MINUTE. I will edit and post the individual videos on social media, and edit/assemble themes. It will inform us of ourselves as a community, and it will inform electoral candidates.

Paul Pagnuelo
Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Excellent initiative Wally. Thanks for doing this.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Since you are the one doing the editing, I would discourage anyone to take part.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

Why don’t you show up and test your stupid theory. Stand there and give us your best Timwit minute. Bring a thumb drive and I”ll provide you with a copy of the raw video before I edit, that way you will have proof of my malevolent editing. C’mon, don’t be such a skittish kitty coward.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Timwit has refused to answer the challenge offered to him. Some people need spine.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
6 years ago

Shouldn’t we wait until sometime in mid-August to see if he answers the challenge?

6 years ago

After reading Mr. Darling’s “achievements” and plans for the future, should he have one in municipal politics and I sincerely hope he doesn’t, my only question is: what is the total price tag for the Heritage Master Plan, the Community Improvement Plan (another giveaway to well-off property owners who are too cheap to spend their own money), the Asset Management Plan and, most ridiculous of all, the Cultural Master Plan?

ben burd
Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

So when can we expect “Tim” to put his real name on the ballot instead of just carping from the sidelines, and when he does can we see what the real “Tim” stands for as opposed to seeing what he doesn’t stand for!!

Reply to  ben burd
6 years ago

Based on his postings here “Tim” would be an outstanding candidate.

Reply to  ben burd
6 years ago

And the same question applies to you and Walter. Perhaps it’s time for both of you to file your nominations for Council and demonstrate first hand your talents in governing.

Walter L. Luedtke
Reply to  Roadrunner
6 years ago

As you may have noticed, I am happy with the work that Council and Staff do to make Cobourg a great place to live.
It’s the anonymous CTA folks that sling the mud.

Walter L. Luedtke
Reply to  Walter L. Luedtke
6 years ago

And furthermore I am much encouraged by the list of candidates for the coming election.
I am sure we shall have an excellent team in Victoria Hall for the next four years.

Reply to  Walter L. Luedtke
6 years ago

That goes without saying, Lawrence. Everyone knows how happy you are with everything — past and future — but it’s wunnerful wunnerful of you to mention it anyway.

Walter L. Luedtke
Reply to  Tim
6 years ago


manfred s
Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

Tim, it’s clear that you have little in-depth awareness of past Cobourg political history. For your benefit and edification you might do a bit of research into what Ben has already contributed and accomplished for the benefit of Cobourg’s citizens, including you. Suffice it to say that it is very likely far more than you are on the road to doing at your current pace.

Reply to  manfred s
6 years ago

But Mr. Darling has just put his best foot forward and highlighted his “achievements”. Perhaps he should have called on you to help him assemble a more impressive list. I’m well-versed in the politics of our little town and I assure you, Manfred, additional research on this topic would neither benefit nor edify me.

ben burd
Reply to  Tim
6 years ago

Because you obviously know everything – nothing like a closed mind!