Deputy Mayor Disappointed with Financial Reports

At Monday’s regular Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin spoke out about the lack of any reports on the status of Cobourg’s Financial status and the impact of Covid-19 on the Town’s Finances.  Without that she said it was very difficult to plan for the future of our Town.  Since her statement was given as part of her “General Government Coordinator report” there was no chance for a rebuttal but no doubt Ian Davey will point to his dual role as Treasurer and Interim CAO.  But you have to wonder why in this age of computers, snapshot reports at quarter end could not be provided in a maximum of a few days.  Businesses do that regularly; why is it so… Read complete articleDeputy Mayor Disappointed with Financial Reports

Message from Northumberland County Hospital CEOs

Northumberland has done better than average in the pandemic but there has been an uptick of cases in Ontario and the CEOs of Northumberland’s two hospitals decided it was important to communicate with the public. Unlike most posts on this news blog, their statement is provided unedited or summarized: Statement from Hospital CEOs With the concerning uptick in COVID-19 cases in Ontario, infectious disease experts, health care providers and public health leaders are strongly encouraging Ontarians to stay vigilant and do all in our power to follow the public health measures that will help to minimize spread, keep our province functioning and avoid wide-scale illness and even death. On September 13, the President of the Ontario Hospital Association also issued… Read complete articleMessage from Northumberland County Hospital CEOs

Council’s Unfinished Business

The good news is that the Council’s agenda now includes a list of unfinished business from previous meetings which is much improved and very comprehensive.  The bad news is that the list is long and many items are overdue.  At Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting the list had 15 items with seven overdue or running late.  At each council meeting, this list is now reviewed with new dates often (but not always) assigned.  No doubt the Covid-19 virus is a major reason for the delays although no specific reasons are provided when the list is reviewed.  The items cover topics ranging from Affordable Housing to Taxi Licensing to Downtown Parking – some have been on the list for well… Read complete articleCouncil’s Unfinished Business

Province and Feds Help Fund Transit

People ask why do we have full size buses and not small ones or even ones like those used in Okotoks?  (See link below to earlier article). Well I don’t have an answer but if spending Council money is the problem, then the Federal and Provincial Governments are helping big time to buy replacements for existing fleets.  Today, MPP David Piccini announced the support being provided to Cobourg and Port Hope via the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.  Cobourg’s 2020 budget included $160K (contingent on a grant) to replace a Wheels bus, $230K in 2021 for one regular bus and $460K in 2022 to replace two more regular buses – total $850K.  The grants for Cobourg are $496,182 from the… Read complete articleProvince and Feds Help Fund Transit

New Venue for Council Meetings

At the start of the what I like to call the “Covid-19 era”, the Town shut Victoria Hall to the public.  They also made Council meetings virtual but now that we have a gradual re-opening of everything, that has changed.  The Committee of the Whole Council meeting on Monday 14 September was “in person” and held in the Concert Hall instead of Council Chambers. With advance notice, the public were admitted.  However, You-Tube streaming was still available so there was no real need to go to the meeting unless you planned to participate with a delegation. Below are some screen grabs taken near the start of the meeting.  From what I could see, apart from Councillors, all but one person… Read complete articleNew Venue for Council Meetings

GPL and Mason Homes Developments Approved

At Monday’s C.O.W. Council meeting, as well as the Coast Guard re-development, two other projects were also approved: the Golden Plough Lodge (GPL) and the 27 Townhomes by Mason Homes at 425 King East (pre-servicing and sub-division agreement).  Mr. Mason was there to suggest that a chain link fence would be better than a wooden one but was otherwise happy and thought that construction would start next Spring.  He said that chain link blends better with trees and lasts longer but neighbours wanted privacy and wood is better for that so wood will be used.  (See links below for the full Planning report and earlier articles).  The GPL project was first initiated in 2016 and residents should move in during… Read complete articleGPL and Mason Homes Developments Approved

New Coast Guard Building Approved

At the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday night, the development agreement for the new Coast Guard building on the east pier was approved. That means that work can start soon: two months are needed to award contracts then demolition of the existing buildings would be done in November/December. Construction of the new building would be done over the winter so that the new facility would be ready for the boating season. Weather permitting, this would be April/May but could stretch into summer. Directors Glenn McGlashon and Dean Hustwick said that this work would not clash with other work on the east Pier.  Dean clarified that East Pier work would be in two parts – repairs and enhancements –… Read complete articleNew Coast Guard Building Approved

Welcome to Cobourg’s New CAO

Today Mayor John Henderson announced that Tracey Vaughan will be Cobourg’s new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), effective Monday, October 5, 2020.  Her current position is Director of Recreation and Culture at Ajax which she has held for 8 years.  She also currently lives in Ajax.  From her resume on Linked-In (see link below), she has been working since 1998 after graduating from York University with degrees in Sociology and Psychology.  Her experience includes “nearly two decades of senior management experience within the municipal and public sectors”. The Mayor’s announcement continues with: In her current role as the Director of Recreation, Culture and Community Development with the Town of Ajax she designed and implemented several key strategic plans including the Diversity… Read complete articleWelcome to Cobourg’s New CAO