Beach Re-opening and Beach Crowds

There were three delegations about the beach at Monday’s Committee of the Whole Council meeting – and later in the meeting Council decided how and when to re-open the beach. Adam White wanted more input from residents, and both Paul Pagnuelo and Brenda Quinn wanted a task force to deal with usage of Cobourg’s beaches by non-residents. And when it came to a decision on re-opening the beach, Council included a response to the often repeated request to look into how to manage the summer crowds usually experienced. Many residents have commented that we pay the taxes but visitors pay nothing and yet get to enjoy the beach. If nothing changed, the beach would reopen on September 1 but staff presented Council with four… Read complete articleBeach Re-opening and Beach Crowds

News in Cobourg – August 2020

Publishers, editors and journalists rarely talk about their own industry although lately, print newspapers talk about their dwindling business.  Large news media companies such as the Toronto Star have recently got some publicity but the small ones just seem to fade away.  The Cobourg Star was a daily Newspaper for over a century but recently merged with others until it became Northumberland Today. But when it finally closed in November 2017 (see link below), Cobourg residents were unhappy and were vocal at a “Town Hall Meeting”.  As a result a small group led by Rob Washburn and John Miller started a portal web site (Northumberland Hub – Sept 2018) that provided brief news synopses plus links to all local news… Read complete articleNews in Cobourg – August 2020

County Annual report – 2019

Northumberland County has now released their Annual Report – not just Financial but also a review of what they have been doing.  The County’s organization and budget are bigger than Cobourg’s ($112M compared to $50M) but they get less attention.  They look after Waste Collection and Management, County roads, Social Services (Welfare and the Golden Plough), Affordable Housing, Economic development and Tourism promotion, Paramedics (Ambulances), County Forests and Archives. You can  download the full 86 page report from the link below but I have summarized the highlights for you.  It’s hard not to compare the County report to what is done by Cobourg.  Unlike the County, Cobourg does not do an annual report but simply reports on finances and so… Read complete articleCounty Annual report – 2019

Council to Consider Extending Beach Closure

Earlier in the summer, and after a lot of discussion, Cobourg Council closed the main beach until 31 August.  But that date is coming up soon and at their Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting on 24 August, an Agenda item asks Council whether they want to extend that date or not.  Four options are offered by staff: 1) Extend closure to 17 October; 2) Keep beach closed only on weekends to 17 October; 3) extend closure only until after Labour Day and re-open 8 September OR 4) another option determined by Council.  In each case, there will be no lifeguards and washrooms will remain closed but port-o-potties will be available.  I’d be surprised if there are no citizen delegations on… Read complete articleCouncil to Consider Extending Beach Closure

Remembrance Event in Victoria Park

Today is VJ Day when Japan surrendered 75 years ago.  That was also the day that 1475 Canadians were liberated from a Prisoner of War camp in Hong Kong.   They had defended Hong Kong from attack by the Japanese army but suffered heavy losses before surrendering.  The defending Canadians were from two regiments, the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers.  Many of the Royal Rifles were from Cobourg and Port Hope and today they were remembered in a ceremony at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park.  Members of the veterans’ families were there to lay wreaths.  The event was not promoted so that the crowd would be less than 100 – which it was.  But paying their respects were… Read complete articleRemembrance Event in Victoria Park

Review of Council Work Plan

About a year ago, with Covid-19 not on anyone’s mind, the Town of Cobourg staff were trying to follow the Strategic Plan that was approved in early 2019 (see links below).  The soon to retire CAO Stephen Peacock issued a work plan that gave staff direction on how the Strategic Plan translated into actual actions – see the link below for my detailed report on this and a copy of the Strategic Plan.  But given the disruption caused by the virus, maybe it’s time to review the key actions.  These include a Town wide CIP with a housing strategy, creating an action plan for Climate, review organization re Economic Development and Tourism, develop an Information Technology (IT) strategic plan and… Read complete articleReview of Council Work Plan

Province Provides Covid-19 Grants to Municipalities

In May, Council had a special meeting to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on the Town’s budget.   A report by Treasurer (and interim CAO) Ian Davey said that there would be a shortfall in revenue of $1,561,000.  However, he also said that this could be compensated for so that the Town would not have a significant financial problem – see links below.  This assumed that the crisis would last for no more than 6 months – that is, that the last 3 months of the year would be business as usual.  County Council was also expecting a drop in revenue and as well were trying to limit the impact on citizens by directing staff to have a goal of a… Read complete articleProvince Provides Covid-19 Grants to Municipalities

Town Hosts Virtual Sandcastle Competition

The annual and very popular sandcastle competition on Cobourg’s Beach is not happening this year but instead the DBIA and the Town have created a virtual competition.  They have placed 18 signs around Town – not just downtown – and to participate, you have to go look at the signs.  Each sign has clues as to the location/name of one of the many Sandcastle Festivals in other parts of Canada and the World – see the sample below at the Sifton-Cook Museum.  You then go online (details below), enter the names you’ve found and send it in.  If you got all 18 right, you get entered in a draw for a $50 gift certificate – there will be 10 winners… Read complete articleTown Hosts Virtual Sandcastle Competition