Town starts 2018 Budget process

Today Deputy Mayor Henderson called for public input to the Town’s 2018 budget – that’s operating and Capital but excluding the Police and Library.  The target limit on the increase in spending is 2.5% but the corresponding levy would increase by no more than 1.4% – the implication is that the tax base has grown by the difference.  That is, the Town component of our tax bills is targeted to go up by 1.4% compared to the expected inflation rate for 2017 of 1.6%. The first meeting will be on October 12 at 1:00 pm when Council will hear from staff what they want to spend money on.  Presentations from the public will then be accepted on October 25th at… Read complete articleTown starts 2018 Budget process

Should Cobourg’s Langevin Pier be renamed?

Most people would not know that Cobourg’s West Headland has the official name of Langevin Pier but in the late 1800’s, when the western headland was built, it was called a “pier” and named the Langevin Pier.  This was of course named after Sir Hector Langevin who was a Father of Confederation, and a minister of Public Works at the time.  But unfortunately, he was also a man of his times and was a chief architect of Canada’s residential school system, which aimed to “eliminate aboriginal people as distinct peoples and to assimilate them into the Canadian mainstream against their will.” He specifically argued in favour of removing children from their parents and family in order to speed assimilation.  That… Read complete articleShould Cobourg’s Langevin Pier be renamed?

Conservative Nomination Meeting

The PC’s in Northumberland Peterborough South turned out today to vote for their candidate in the Provincial election next June. More than 200 showed up to vote and choose between David Piccini and Rob Milligan and looking at the crowd you would have expected David to win, and he did. That’s because of all the supporters with T-Shirts or stickers making it clear who they supported. This event is the nearest equivalent Canada has to a Primary although the speeches were limited to 10 minutes each. The Port Hope Lions Hall was filled to capacity with many standing and then lining up to vote. David’s speech emphasized community and better representation of the rural community. He was also particularly critical… Read complete articleConservative Nomination Meeting