Dean Hustwick leaves for CAO job in Brock

Brock Township announced on Tuesday Sept 29 that Cobourg’s Dean Hustwick is leaving his position as Director of Community Services and going to Brock Township as their CAO.  He will start in his new position on November 2.  Dean joined Cobourg’s staff on April 4, 2016 with his previous position being COO of Sport Alliance Ontario.  The announcement says that Dean is an accomplished and highly skilled leader with a reputation for transforming operations, driving innovation and improving organizational performance. Brock Township is located approx. on the east shoreline of Lake Simcoe with major Towns being Beaverton and Cannington.  Population in 2016 was 11,642. It is the smallest Township (by population) in Durham region. Dean is quoted as saying: “I am absolutely thrilled to be joining the beautiful Brock community with its deep history, heritage and endless opportunities for the future.”

Dean Hustwick
Dean Hustwick

The immediate impact to Cobourg’s organization may not be too significant since Teresa Behan is Deputy Director of Community Services so could presumably at least hold the fort.  Dean will leave only one month after the start of Cobourg’s new CAO, Tracey Vaughan.

There’s a simplified org chart of Cobourg’s current organization here.


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Cobourg taxpayer
3 years ago

My not so fond memories of Dean. I remember one of the first public meetings I attended that Dean chaired at the court room in Victoria Hall. He stood there and spouted his very costly plans for the parking lot to the south of Victoria Hall including 3 out door stages, rebuilding of the adjacent streets and a lot of landscaping planned by a landscape architect standing beside him. They looked very chummy. Residents pointed out their lack of support for this plan and fortunately so far it has not come to fruition. The next step was dismantling of the public use of the west side of the harbour and more boat slips. This was a common theme that Dean hammered away at for the 4 or so years he was here, Despite the public feedback from the Dragonboaters, Canoe and Kayak club. this was finally resolved for them recently without Dean’s input. The last time I heard Dean was when a member of the public proposed special protection of west beach. Dean had prepared the lengthiest verbose speech I ever heard refuting this idea. I wish I’d had a peashooter, what a load of self serving rubbish. I am so relieved he is gone. I hope the future CAO and whoever she hires to replace him have some sense of fiscal responsibility and don’t turn their time here into building accomplishments to put on their resumes.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
3 years ago

The plan to the south of Victoria Hall was actually started in the late 1990’s and started to take shape in early 2000’s. Well before Mr. Hustwick arrived Cobourg. Various phases of the project were built through fundraising by the volunteer committee and also with coordination by the Town with adjacent street improvement projects that needed to happen in any case e.g. downtown King Street was totally rebuilt including underground infrastructure. The main phase (2016) you refer to has a significant amount of underground works. The project price tag may seem high even though the surface was fairly simple, an open urban square. The stages you refer to are in fact part of the accessible design for the site where people could gather …functional and multi-purpose space. Like the Concert Hall overhead lighting supports and seating all removable and storable. The main space had three modes – weekend market, weekday parking and special event. There were several landscape architects and a large volunteer committee working on the upgraded design. The plans were nearly complete by the time Mr. Hustwick was hired, the lead staff person for the project being the Town’s CAO. From my perspective, the Town had hoped for significant funding through the Canada 150 program at the time to finally complete the Victoria Square project. Victoria Hall is a national historic site and the heart of downtown and deserves a beautiful town square around it where people want to be. The project was also intended to strengthen the pedestrian connection between downtown and the waterfront.

Cobourg taxpayer
3 years ago

Omg dancing with happiness, good bye Dean!! Great review Canuck Patriot.

Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

Increasing the annual CCC deficit from $994,983 to $1,235,207, making a mess of the Marina, unable to figure out how to remove the ice in the summer, questionable staff hires, endless consultants, biased surveys, a $24 Million Big City spending appetite, a relentless effort to get his way on mega projects like the Travel Lift and a new Marina administration building, and to transform Cobourg into a Coney Island tourism attraction are inconsistent with his claim of being an “accomplished and highly skilled leader with a reputation for transforming operations, driving innovation and improving organizational performance”,

That noise you heard is the collective sigh of relief from a good number of residents who are happy to hear that with his departure we have regained control over a vision Hustwick had for Cobourg that simply ignored our history, culture and the enjoyable things derived from small town living.

The new CAO should take her time and fill the vacancy with someone who can tackle the CCC deficit and bring spending and revenues under control. The new Director must also be respectful of our local community and focus on serving residents rather than a beach tourist demographic that most people feel is a terrible fit for Cobourg

And finally, members of Council would be wise to keep their relationship with the new Director at a strictly professional level. Becoming personal friends clouds all objective thinking and has no place in a modern democracy and can cause serious conflict of interest problems.

Last edited 3 years ago by Canuck Patriot
Wally Keeler
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

“...rather than a beach tourist demographic that most people feel is a terrible fit for Cobourg.

Please provide the source of this metric?

Canuck Patriot
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

All public input and comment to date has mostly against beach tourism. If you have a better source that says the opposite I’m interested in seeing it.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

You have a pathetic source to prove “most people”. The so-called most people that you refer to are more often than not pseudonyms rather than citizens. Your source is unsatisfactory.

Canuck Patriot
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

So what is yours that makes it more accurate or correct. You can’t even name a source. We know the beach petition was not enough for you. I”m not interested in playing one of your little mind games about names.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

You assert “most people” without any substantial metric. If you had used the word “many” instead of “most” you would be more accurate.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

How true. So often it’s the whiners and complainers looking for an outlet for their vituperation that dominate the discussion, while those who are positive and content choose to remain silent.
The result can be a very unbalanced perception of just how “most people” actually feel.

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

The complaints that Canuck Patriot (whoever you are) lists have little to do with Director Hustwick and everything to do with Town Council. Directors are given their annual duties and budget by Council and are held accountable by Council for their execution. CPs’ gripes should be directed at Council not Hustwick.

In reorganising the administrative branch of Cobourg Government several years ago, the quest for greater efficiencies led to Hustwicks’ Department being assigned responsibility for the following.

The Community Centre its operation including hiring, training and oversight of staff; majority of the programmes that take place at the CCC including programmes for seniors and outreach lunches specifically for them which are paid for by a government grant; recreational programmes that take place outside the CCC including the sports fields and Victoria Beach; up keep and improvements to children’s parks around towñ; the Marina and boat slips; the waterfront as a whole, including lifeguards and maintenance; the operation and up keep and now multi-million dollar reconstruction of the East Pier; use of Victoria Park by a series of festivals and events and it’s repair and maintenance; the Trailer Park; the Bandshell scheduling; the Town Greenhouse and planting programme; the promotion of Tourism in general to the benefit of the Town; and I believe the annual production of various high quality Town publications.

As a proponent of an Adult Outdoor Fitness Park for Cobourg I had a number of interactions with Dean and his staff. I noticed how adept they were at monitoring and taking advantage of Provincial and Federal grant programmes as a means of keeping costs down.

While staff was extremely helpful to me in the writing of a successful grant application to the Feds for part of the fitness park cost, and while we did not always agree on various issues, I always came away with respect for Dean, the workload he was faced with every day and the way his department was run.

I wish him all the best as he relocates to Brock Township and very possibly a more peaceful and bucolic work life.

Last edited 3 years ago by Keith Oliver
Canuck Patriot
Reply to  Keith Oliver
3 years ago

Dean was the author of his own demise.

BTW – He reported to the CAO and not Council. By blaming Council you are blaming the wrong people.

Now go back on one knee and apologize to Council for your slur against them and ask them again for you Adult Fitness Park that I for one have no interest in funding. If that’s what you want, dig deep and pay for it yourself.

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

Hustwick may report to the CAO in the formal chain of command but Council and not the CAO decides his responsibilities and budget and questions a director thoroughly and personally on any and all of the administration and planning proposals that director is responsible for. Your remarks about the AOFP are irrelevant to the issue at hand and their tone only serves to abuse this opportunity to exchange differing views on subjects and good information that Johns’ hard work makes possible.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Keith Oliver
3 years ago

Keith, what is an AOFP? Google says: Alliance of Ontario Food Processors, Absolute Open Flow Potential, Advanced Opportunity Fellowship Program, Alliance Of Freelance Programmers,
Approximated Oracle Filter Pruning and Association of Forensic Psychometrics

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Ken Strauss
3 years ago

AOFP refers to an Adult Outdoor Fitness Park which will now most likely be preceded by a media programme that encourages everyone to become more physically active and which is followed by a publication entitled “Fit4LifeCobourg” delivered into everyones’ mailbox. We’ll see! Finances are now more uncertain than ever but the need is certainly there.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
3 years ago

Keith, did you get any feedback as to how well the AOFP in Port Hope was received and was/is used?

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Frenchy
3 years ago

Every time I’ve been to Port Hope AOFP no one was there. Others have said it is well used. Could be the time of day. In any event it has problems. No parking; a soft surface that makes it difficult for people in wheelchairs and that changes in elevation under certain pieces of equipment; too few pieces; no programme that I know of that promotes It’s use.
We’ve visited 11 other parks as far away as Elmira north of Kitchener, interviewed many and are convinced that the detailed plan we have for Cobourg, including its promotion, will work and be of considerable benefit to the community at large. The Town will be asked to pay 20 percent as an indication of its support. The rest of the funds will be from others.

Last edited 3 years ago by Keith Oliver
Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Keith Oliver
3 years ago

The only municipal public servant council has any control over is the CAO. I have questioned certain council members about municipal staff and was told council has no control.

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
3 years ago

Cobourg taxpayer (or whoever you are)

You need to get more involved, from Advisory Committee meetings to those of Council to be able to truly understand how our local system of governance works. It is the Council that we elect that has ultimate control, pure and simple.

SW Buyer
Reply to  Keith Oliver
3 years ago

That’s the theory.
In practice it doesn’t seen to work that way in Cobourg. Staff conducts the Town’s business with only modest accountability and transparency. Council is supposed to provide oversight to ensure that there is transparency and accountability.
In general, Council, both past and current( some member exceptions) have been reticent to fulfil their oversight role. This current Council has made improvements, but has a ways to go to undo the legacy of past Councils. Further, not all members of Council appear to understand Council’s oversight role and “be on board”.
I believe that the new CAO will be an agent of change in promoting accountability and transparency.
Ms. Vaughan will, in all likelihood, hire Dean’s replacement. One hopefully who will respect and promote transparency and accountability

Last edited 3 years ago by SW Buyer
Reply to  SW Buyer
3 years ago

SW Buyer,
Basically you are 100% correct.
We need a strong Council. Not a rubber stamp.
Hope you are right about the new CAO.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
3 years ago

Cobourg Taxpayer

Your statement sounds like it should be true in a chain of command.
In Council Meetings everything goes through his honour, The Mayor not the CAO.
Likewise all staff reports are presented by the appropriate Director to the Mayor and Council not to the CAO.
Staff reports are requested by Councilors directly not to the CAO.
Practically the Council is totally responsible collectively. The Mayor is really the Chairman and has the deciding vote. Check the “Roberts rule of Order”

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

What “demise“?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

He reported to the CAO and not Council.

Ok. So we should be blaming the CAO for all of those alleged misdeeds you enumerated?

Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

I agree – what demise? Looks like ~ 20k bump in salary plus positionally it is a promotion. Shouldn’t we all be so lucky as to meet that demise. 🙂

Reply to  Rob
3 years ago

Maybe they worked with the resume.
Brock should have looked at the results.
$20K before Tax will not pay for the Gas to get down to the 401 to return to Dean’s former habitats. Just saying.
BTW do you know where the Township of Brock is?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Keith Oliver
3 years ago

I would add that Dean was more than helpful in the widespread success of Last Day, Last Hour: Canada’s Great War on Trial.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
3 years ago

So the Director is not in fact the Director?

Come on.
The Director is probably leaving because he did not get the CAO position and perhaps because Council was not happy with his job performance.
If I remember when Dean first spoke at Council. He admitted he did not know Cobourg had a beach before he got the first job here?
He may be a fine man and no he has his reasons for moving into a small township. He might like Winter Sports but Brock is…….well…. out there.

You cannot blame the Town Council for everything. They act on reports, recommendations etc. from STAFF.
Staff is headed up by Directors. They are culpable.
As Truman said “The Buck stops here:” meaning at his desk but he fired General McArthur did he not? We have no idea of the Internal politics of Cobourg Council until Mayors Henderson. Brocanier, and perhaps Delanty, write their “Tell All” books which seems to be fashion today!

I am voting for Canuck Patriot at the next election now.

Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

That is truly funny Canuck. Beach tourist demographic is about insulting as anyone could be. Boy you hate tourists don’t you and yes they do spend money in Cobourg. Well you don’t have to worry about them now as fall and winter are approaching. By the way could I have one of those Cobourg Coney Island hotdogs? It would be to go of course.

Reply to  Conor
3 years ago

Why is “Beach tourist demographic” insulting?

Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

Because you are starting to sort people out.

Reply to  Conor
3 years ago

Why is that bad? Some visitors are beneficial to Cobourg and others are not. We need to discourage visits from those who are not.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

OK, so how do you propose to discourage those who are not beneficial?

Deborah Haynes OConnor
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Wally, I fear that you, me and Ben are likely among the people these former Toronto elitists hate the most. While the three of us only share a few commonalities, we are firmly egalitarian in our outlooks and they sure don’t like that. In my opinion these are the newbies we need to keep out of Cobourg. As to the ones already here, may I suggest they re-locate to Brighton where misplaced hubris rules the day. It would be a perfect fit.

Reply to  Deborah Haynes OConnor
3 years ago

We’re not “former Toronto elitists”, we are the MMBC.

Reply to  Frenchy
3 years ago
Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

See the arrogant self-regard they have, Deb. And notice the total lack of regard they have towards the locals.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

I’m thinking Dubious is a local, as am I.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
3 years ago

It was sarcasm, Mr Prosecutor.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Deborah Haynes OConnor
3 years ago

How refreshing, a Cobourgian who is not afraid to use their real life name.

It is noticeable that the majority, if not all, metro migrunts are lily white skins, escaping the odours of multicultural life in The Metropolis.

It is noticeable that many of the whiners about the beach are pseudonyms. Many come with their arrogance and their money, demanding this and that without regard to the Cobourgians who are native to the Town, and the families that have been here for generations.

And I notice that many metro migrunts condescend and scorn the locals who have lived here for generations and they bring their big city attitudes. They behave as if they have nothing to learn from the locals.

Most of the metro migrunts are OLD. Cobourg would do better to attract younger people with young families and add some vitality to the Town.

Few of the OLD ever go onto the beach. How many old metro migrants have you seen playing volleyball on the beach, or make an amateur sand castle or fly a kite on the beach in the off season or do anything other than stroll.. All they can do is sit on a bench and watch the many young people have fun, like you and I had fun on the beach in our youth.

And like you and Ben, I am energized when I see so many young families of many ethnic cultures enjoying the hospitality of native Cobourgians, rather than the hostility of the migrunt pseudonyms.

You and I have experienced the extended family reunions in the park and beach, the O’Conners, the Keelers, the Rabies, the Bakers, the Fishers, etc. etc. And the migrunts lack the experience of THE PAV that influenced two generations of young people. That and the entirety of the park and beach was and is Cobourg’s greatest educational institution. The migrunts never graduated from that because they have no youthful experience of a small town, this town, like we have.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

content deleted

Last edited 3 years ago by Frenchy
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago


Merry Mary
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

(The chastised use of pseudonyms frequently appears in the conversation comments. My name is Mary Adams; five other people in Cobourg and two in Port Hope have the same name. We all have the same middle name; therefore, a pseudonym is necessary).

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Cobourg had a well-earned reputation for being hostile to new arrivals back in my formative years here.
How very daunting to discover that it seems not to have changed a whit in the intervening decades.

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Wally, Frenchy
John has asked on several occasions that contributors stay on topic and be civil. What do you not understand? Your intercourse that follows this entry, is once again focused on what seems to be your favorite subject, ie the beach. Your behavior threatens the success of this blog!

Canuck Patriot
Reply to  Keith Oliver
3 years ago

Nonsense. John decides whose comments are subject to deletion; not you.

Stop being so patronizing and reflect back on some of your previous postings. Your comment, in itself, is off topic and comes across as one of being superior to others on this blog.

Reply to  Deborah Haynes OConnor
3 years ago

Deb please count me in the group too.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

The primary attractor of non-beneficial visitors appears to be our free beach. A few suggestions: Stop GTA advertising of our beach. Charge non-residents for beach access. Increase parking fees for non-residents.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

It would be very good if Cobourg stopped advertising the beach. Go on YouTube and put in “Cobourg Beach” and you will find all kinds of videos made by visitors extolling the Town and its attractions. Free advertising and permanent and accumulating year by year. And many of the extollers are non-white.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Exactly! Why should we spend money advertising the beach if it is being promoted through word of mouth and through social media? It looks after itself.

But… what has being “non-white” got to do with this discussion, thread, or indeed anything?

Reply to  Frenchy
3 years ago

Apparently everything if you read between the lines

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

Charge non-residents for beach access.

Easy to say, but how would you implement that policy?

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Wally, you frequently lament the lack of creativity in others. Make some suggestions that show your superiority.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

You made the suggestion to charge for beach access, so quit passing the buck for your own lack of creativity and tell us how you would implement your assertion.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

I have never claimed the extraordinary creative ability that you often assert. I await your superior efforts.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

Charging for beach access is YOUR assertion, so flesh it out for us if you have that capability. I don’t think you can do it because, you have not given any thought to it other than to blurt out a slogan. You made the assertion and I am calling you out on it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

This whole thread is supposed to be about our departed Dir Parks, Rec and Culture. Perhaps we should decide how to charge for beach access as he would have done. We should hire a consultant for $160K who could conduct a slanted survey and then after a six month delay to produce a glossy presentation would recommend the obvious. That is, hire another consultant to prepare a detailed collection plan and another to design the way finding signs.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Charge 5 bucks. If somone hands you a 10 then you hand them 5 bucks back.🙂We could start there?

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

Hey Wally, I know you’ve been absent for a few days, but did you happen to catch my post on the DM disappointed thread?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
3 years ago

what does that have to do with this thread? And why are you so bloated with importance that I should read every comment that you have made. I assume it is a hostile zinger of some sort because that is what you have done for years ever since you got burnt on the Canada flag drapery. How dare a local challenge a migrunt to Cobourg. Our personal hatred of each other is legendary.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

You and I are so small and unimportant that I would hardly call that legendary.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
3 years ago

Speak for yourself. You are a migrunt and abysmally ignorant of the active participation that I made in Cobourg during the 60s and 70s. I was a national news item in Cobourg over several years. Go read the newspapers of that time and educate yourself. But I will qualify it: our personal hatred of each other is legendary on this blog.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

No hatred from my side Wally. All that hatred only comes from within yourself.
You are only a legend in your own mind, nowhere else.
In the big picture, you and I are insignificant.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
3 years ago

I wasn’t talking about the big picture, I was referring to this blog, and you have spent years on this blog spewing your hatred of me, as I have towards you. Get real.

Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

Maybe we don’t need to discourage anyone, rather just not encourage elements of our town that don’t need it.
No need to advertise the beach, it will be full without encouraging tourists to visit it. Extol the virtues of our other assets.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
3 years ago

 just not encourage elements of our town that don’t need it.

And to what elements of our town are you referring?

Reply to  Wally Keeler
3 years ago

The beach.
Wasn’t that obvious?

Reply to  Dubious
3 years ago

Could you please be more specific?

Reply to  sam
3 years ago

More specific regarding what? My comments regarding following Dean’s approach was intended as a joke.

SW Buyer
Reply to  Conor
3 years ago

There is no sorting people out in a xenophobic sense. The sorting is based on an economic behavior: do they spend money in Cobourg or not. Of the two general categories of tourists, visitors spend and beachers don’t.
Why should Cobourgians bear the cost of providing a recreational facility for those who contribute little to Cobourg’s economy?.

Reply to  SW Buyer
3 years ago

As I’ve pointed out before: they would no doubt spend more if there were places to spend it – a few kiosks, a row of “food trucks”, ice cream vendors here and there.
One long line at a window is a great disincentive and deterrent to readily parting with a little cash.

Paul Pagnuelo
Reply to  JimT
3 years ago

How many of those vendors would be from out-of-town? How would this help retail merchants throughout town?

Reply to  Paul Pagnuelo
3 years ago

How many avid local entrepreneurs would see an opportunity and capitalize on it if given the chance?
How many existing retail merchants throughout town would increase their business by selling kites, beach balls, caps, T-shirts etc. etc. down at the beach?

SW Buyer
Reply to  JimT
3 years ago

I am not interested in Cobourg mimicking Wasaga Beach and I think many Cobourgians share this opinion.

Reply to  SW Buyer
3 years ago

When did Cobourgers become Cobourgians?

Reply to  JimT
3 years ago

Buying a hot dog and fries and renting a kite isnt much of an economic spinoff.

Reply to  SW Buyer
3 years ago

SW how are you going to tell the difference. Perhaps different colour name tags? Perhaps having to show your passport at the beach?

Reply to  Conor
3 years ago

Forehead stamp.🥴

SW Buyer
Reply to  Conor
3 years ago

Why is it necessary to “tag” anyone? A visitor’s behavior is quite different from a beacher. Open your eyes and observe.
Further, since these behaviors are specific to a period of time, a tourist could be a visitor one day and a beacher the next. The behaviors (spend, not spend) are mutually exclusive only at a point in time. A tourist can exhibit each behavior at different times.

Reply to  Conor
3 years ago

Sorting people out that go to the beach and tourists that spend money in our Town is the sorting out i would like to see so we can at operate our beach on a cost recovery basis.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Informed
3 years ago

Today’s Northumberland News had a story about two cannabis shops opening in downtown Cobourg.

Asked why the company [Local Cannabis] chose downtown Cobourg, [Manoj] Mami said his family was familiar with the community after visiting the downtown and spending time at the beach.

John Lee
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
3 years ago

Dear Canuck Patriot,

You have hit every nail on the head. Thank you for your refreshing honesty and forthright statements. The CCC needs to be brought up short. Nobody told the Cobourg Taxpayer they were signing up for an annual deficit of $1,000,000 never mind the $1,235,607 you quoted.

Think about how the Town Property Taxes could be reduced without this huge expense?

And we still keep the old rinks as well?

I advocated for the sale of the CCC in 2016 even at a loss of several million. By now Cobourg Taxpayers have probably lost a lot more. But, oh well.

Canuck Patriot. We need you on Council!

Last edited 3 years ago by John Lee
Reply to  John Lee
3 years ago

Why would anyone buy it then or now?

SW Buyer
Reply to  Informed
3 years ago

There is always a buyer if the price is right. If the Town was willing to sell at a loss (perhaps substantial) then someone, perhaps Canlan, would buy it.