Northumberland Players Wants to Upgrade the Firehall Theatre.

One of Cobourg’s Cultural success stories is Northumberland Players. They are an amateur group who have been operating in Cobourg since 1976.  Each year they stage plays in Victoria Hall, produce dinner theatre at the Best Western, stage a musical in Port Hope’s Capitol Theatre and stage smaller scale productions in the Firehall Theatre.  They have significant economic impact with an annual spending of over $360,000 each year. The Firehall theatre productions usually sell out so expansion makes sense.  It could also do with a decent lobby, improved washroom facilities, an elevator and a new greener HVAC system.  With this in mind, and sensitive to Heritage considerations, Northumberland Players hired ERA Architects to provide preliminary design ideas. They presented their ideas to Cobourg Council at the Corporate, Finance, and Legislative Standing Committee on September 5.

Although there are no Financial estimates, the expected cost would be in the $2 to $4 Million range. When asked how this would be financed, Mayor Cleveland was told that the intent is to form a partnership with the Town.  That is, some of the cost would be paid by the Town and some by fundraising.

Presentation Summary

A series of renovations to the existing building would provide an enhanced user experience while remaining sensitive to the existing building and surrounding architecture of the site, especially the Kivas Tully Town Hall.

The renovation will be an addition to the south of the building to accommodate an entrance lobby with presence on Second Street, a reception foyer for public gathering pre-show, extend the existing theatre to target 80-100 capacity (currently ~55), provision of new accessible washrooms on two floors, some reorganization within the building, provision of a new 3 story elevator to provide accessibility to all floors and upgrade HVAC with “green technology”.  So far, $20,000 has been spent by Northumberland Players on this project.

Below are some conceptual images provided by ERA Architects.

The Committee passed a motion to ask staff for a report back. This needs to be ratified at the next regular Council meeting on September 25. Update: At the 25 Sept meeting, Council asked for a report back from Staff in December 2024.  When that happens, Council plans to decide on whether to proceed.

I note that the Cultural Master Plan of 2019 did not mention enhancing the Firehall theatre – this idea came from the Northumberland Players. This proposal also negates the seemingly abandoned Victoria Square idea – its cost of $1.5M was deemed too high without subsidy by a Provincial or Federal grant. Victoria square was “approved” early 2017, before this blog was operating on this site, but there is a video online explaining the project – see Resources.


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24 days ago

 Mayor Cleveland was told that the intent is to form a partnership with the Town.”


Signed, a taxpayer.

25 days ago

The renderings are terrific! The downtown could use a project just like this. Great location. Sadly in my 25 years of living in Cobourg, I haven’t once attended a production in the Firehouse Theater. As a taxpayer I’m a “no”. This is a private partnership opportunity, certainly not appropriate for tax dollar allocation at this time; frankly it may not be a good time for private philanthropic money either, perhaps involve Scotia Bank, TD, BMO or Royal Bank.

Good times and bad, they always have money.

Reply to  Rob
24 days ago

I’ll second that !!!!

25 days ago

And here’s another idea – turn the Firehall Theatre into the Firefighters’ Museum!!

25 days ago

With the advanced age of the building, is the Firehall Theatre even structurally sound? Is it safe for theatre-goers? If this is a town-owned building (as I “think” it is??) – then the town is responsible for ensuring its safety and with the new provincial regulations about accessibility coming into play in 2025, then an elevator will most certainly be required. In a perfect (and affordable!!!) world, then an expansion and upgrade would be wonderful. However, in this day and age and with the financial difficulties this town has managed to land itself in, I don’t believe such a project is feasible at this time. I agree that the Concert Hall of Victoria Hall makes much more sense for the Northumberland Players. That’s what the Concert Hall is there for – it’s all set up – there’s an elevator already and apparently it’s being underutilized. Problem solved and tax dollars saved…

26 days ago

I very much like the concept of the modern extension although IMHO the roof section is a bit heavy. The classic fundraiser would be offering the naming of the extension to whichever company ponied up the most cash. Also think that having a very attractive refreshment area would greatly enhance the rental possibilities of the Firehall Theatre.

Reply to  GailR
25 days ago

Do you remember the fundraiser for the CCC?
It went so well that the Town had to take out a mortgage (9 years left) to cover the fundraising shortfall.

Reply to  Bryan
25 days ago

Totally different situation, Bryan. That whole project was way too ambitious.

Reply to  GailR
25 days ago

Built in the Wrong spot at the Time for some of the Wrong reasons and Uses .
The Town was again Competing / Rushing to get a head of the Private sports Complex Proposed on DePalma Drive .

curious in cobourg
Reply to  Sandpiper
24 days ago

It just amazes me some of the nickle and dimers who yap and complain on this blog. The CCC is an exceptional facility to have in a small community like Cobourg. Other communities would love to have something like it. It was a forward thinking decision that in today’s financial climate would not be realistic. Appreciate what you have and quit your whining.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  curious in cobourg
24 days ago

Curious, I don’t consider the over $1M that the CCC costs taxpayers each year to be “nickel and dime”. Of course it is less than the $1.8M that our bus costs taxpayers every year. Perhaps you’d like to contribute a few more nickels from your piggy bank?

Sam Westcott
Reply to  Ken Strauss
22 days ago

It is well over a $ per annum. More like $1,500,000 a year loss per year to the Taxpayer.

Reply to  curious in cobourg
24 days ago

I do appreciate what we had
and what Cobourg was But
Not what its become or Becoming
We had all these things and more
just not the Debt and the never ending
Ask for MORE
I grew up here

26 days ago

Ceative thinking is required for creative minds.
Relying on the Town for cash is not creative –
not on an already tax burdened Town.

Blitz rich investors. Approach movie companies that already do business in Cobourg. The P.R. would be good. Apply for every Government grant there is. Heck, approach the County! They have tons of money to burn, purchasing 310 at an inflated $2M price tag.

Reply to  Kathleen
26 days ago

approach the County! They have tons of money to burn? IS THAT NOT OUR MONEY ALSO?

Reply to  greengrass
26 days ago

Yes it is. But all of Northumberland contributes to County taxes.

And let’s face it…It is called Northumberland Players. Not Cobourg Players.

And ps…I was being facetious with the ‘tons of money remark’. Guess I misunderstood the audience….

Last edited 26 days ago by Kathleen
Lemon Cake
26 days ago

I think it’s a great idea. My kids have done the summer camp there for years and they also rehearse for the kids’ Christmas show in that building. It’s great for families and for theatre lovers. Nice to see a positive plan that would enhance a historic building in town so it can better serve a growing community.

Mrs. Anonymous
Reply to  Lemon Cake
26 days ago

Assuming you pay property taxes in Cobourg, how much more are you willing to pay every year on your property taxes to fund the project? Keeping in mind, that at some point we must also fund the pier renovation as just one example.

Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
25 days ago

Forget the pier…a waste of money just to attract more tourists of which we already have too many. Not too many residents miss it, so why spend more tax money on a white elephant.

Reply to  Cornbread
25 days ago

Too many tourists!!!! They spend the money. Cobourg residents don’t have any more money to give.

Reply to  Tucker
24 days ago

All this to support a few stores that seldom survive
The turn over / survival rates are ridiculous in this Downtown and now with 310 looming in the near future
I doubt more will be shopping downtown
You can’t keep a store open on 4 months of Tourism
and Christmas The cost, parking and taxes are to much

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Tucker
21 days ago

Tourists spend the money ?
it would be very interesting to hear from the shop owners re the tourist spending in town shop.
To date that hasn’t been provided by them nor the town.

Reply to  Bill Thompson
21 days ago

I suspect the DBIA has all of the information people want related to tourists and tourism dollars – the fact is, the desire for, need for and focus on tourism and tourists in Cobourg will out last and out live any of us on this blog. You can swim against the current but I recommend finding a strategy to separate tourists from their dollars…they are coming whether you like it or not.

Reply to  Rob
21 days ago

Part of the issue is the definition of “tourists”,

There are people who come to Cobourg to visit family, who are just out on a day/weekend trip to see the country side, sports types, culture seekers, etc. These people generally spend some money on the various things that the Cobourg has to offer.

Then there are the beachers. They come to Cobourg for one thing…..the beach. The extent of their spending might be Tims or a pizza as they leave to go home.

The first group should be encouraged. The second group needs no encouragement.

Reply to  Bryan
21 days ago

Bryan – both are coming so it would be in our collective best interest to find a way to make it profitable for the community. I don’t mean only through outlandish parking fees and fines. This does little to nothing to support the community – it only lines the pockets of the Municipality who have demonstrated a questionable ability to be good financial stewards.

Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
25 days ago

Exactly, Cobourg residents seem to go from one thing to another, without fixing or replacing anything. First it’s the pool, then the pier, then the multi-level parking on Covert, lands at 117 Durham St. Has that even been completed yet, as the Town bought it in 2022 from the School Board. Who ever thought up the “firehall” addition anyway, it looks very out of place in this so-called heritage town. I hope if and when the Brookside deal does close that the Town Council and Police will at least get one thing done, i.e. moving everyone to 310 Division (with a fence) and cleaning up the eye-sore Cobourg has become, before any money is spent on a new Firehall Theatre.

26 days ago

Financing aside – that will be a very tough slog – those are very cool concepts for the building, and would add a beautiful structure in the heart of downtown.

26 days ago

Cobourg…Your hands are already too deep in my pockets and every other taxpayers pockets.

26 days ago

The Town’s 2024 Q2 financial report, or the recently released Watson User Fee Report noted that the concert hall recovers less than 30% of its costs. Perhaps the Northumberland Players could use that facility.

Last edited 26 days ago by Bryan
Reply to  Bryan
26 days ago

Great idea!

Reply to  Bryan
26 days ago

Per Haps these Hobbies and Interests of some Few Citizens should be supported by those that enjoy this sort of thing , or that the Business they purportedly think they are operating should generate enough public interest and patronage to be actually be self sustaining if not ? Its not a lucrative business interest to the Majority . That goes for the Fire Hall Museum as well
So Please fell free to get out there and Sell Your Selves and Raise Funds Find Supporters and Benefactors and Donations or is that too Degrading for the Artistic Types of this Town.

No Tax Payers are Supporting My Hobbies and Interests ! or the majority of us.
Why are we supporting these one ???
Besides the Town Clerk Indicated last week that they have al ready Exceeded their Legal fee budget for the year What else have we over spent on that we don’t know about????????????????
The New Water Tower for SURE. .

Ted Quinn
26 days ago

The Park Theatre is still empty, and I assume would provide all the space and services needed by the Northumberland Players.

Reply to  Ted Quinn
26 days ago

I have heard that the current owners of the park have no desire to sell and are happy to continue paying the taxes on a vacant building.

Reply to  Are
25 days ago

If you recall The Park Theater was sold under a Power of Sale twice over the years
Then Transitioned to a Club & Dance hall , Youth Bar / Then a Dinner Theater with Shows as well
by the same Group that ran Successful Diner Theater s and Places of
entertainment in
Whitby , Toronto , Buffalo and a few Bars in the Durham region
The Class Act was one of them
Not Enough Patronage and they would not Pay the same Rates
as in other Towns & Cities Thus it was Closed again
The Town Tax Payers didn’t support that operation either
so why should we start now– if they can’t make a self supporting Income then I for one do not want to keep paying to cover Losses every year from here on

Reply to  Sandpiper
24 days ago

IMO – The Town should consider purchasing the Park Theater and control the outcome of future use. I feel the same about Sidbrook and other prime real-estate that maybe available. Can you imagine if the Salvation Army, CAMH or the County developed an outpatient rehab facility and food bank in the old Park Theater? It may sound like a stretch but it is possible. I mean who would have thought the previous owners of 310D would evict our most vulnerable and the County would shelter homeless people instead.

Depending on who buys Broke-side, the Theater property and Sidbrook may become hot commodities.

Reply to  Rob
24 days ago

May be but not in this Town everyone of those property owners have tried to Redevelop these properties
with out success and years of interference from the
powers above

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Rob
23 days ago

Rob, are you suggesting that the town is capable of developing a property to the benefit of Cobourg? They bought prime waterfront at 117 Durham Street and are discussing using it for affordable housing rather than something appropriate for the most valuable land in Cobourg.

Reply to  Ted Quinn
26 days ago

Are you proposing the Town buy the Park Theatre? Why should the Town provide provide a facility for this group. There are many Town infrastructure projects that need attention before consideration is given to a project like the Park Theatre.

Also, as noted by Are, the current owner is not interested in selling. Therefore, if the Park became available, it would be at a high price.

Reply to  Bryan
26 days ago

There is not enough parking there any longer Park Theater And the sell of of the Closes safe parking lot by the Town at the Post office for future Condos with an Ontario wide Crashing Condo market ongoing It kind of screws everything up and leaves developers in wonder and Limbo
This applies to the Theater as well

Isn’t this a Heritage Building The Old Fire Hall
Sure hopes this addition sets a precedent and allows for such updates and reno’s to other such Old properties in town

Reply to  Ted Quinn
26 days ago

Ted I understood the Park Theatre has massive very expensive structural problems. That is why it still sits like a white elephant unused.