Council Asked to Apologize

At the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on April 2, there was a long discussion on the Community Grants process.  Towards the end of debate, Mayor Cleveland moved an amendment to a motion which would deny any grants to “either Green Wood Coalition or Moms Stop the Harm for the remainder of this term of Council.”  The amendment was supported by Councillors Mutton and Darling but not by other Councillors so it failed. Further, after the main motion passed without this amendment, Miriam spoke passionately about the issue. She said that these organizations “harm people”.  At tonight’s Council meeting, Missy McLean presented on behalf of Moms Stop the Harm and described the goals of that organization which she said had 4000 family members across Canada.  She too was passionate but strongly disagreed with Miriam and demanded an apology from Council.

Missy McLean
Missy McLean

Missy pointed to a resolution unanimously passed by Council in December 2020 which supported a Moms Stop the Harm  declaration of an overdose crisis and which asked the Federal Government for action. Missy particularly objected to the accusation of harm – she believed that Moms Stop the Harm had the opposite impact.

Judging by comments on this blog, there is strong support in Cobourg for the Mayor’s motion despite it not being passed.  There is also a letter to the Editor supporting the Mayor’s motion.  Go here.

Missy spoke as a “speaker” concerning the agenda item at tonight’s meeting which called for decisions on handling of community grants and called for approval of grants per “January 2024 budget deliberations”.

She finished her talk with the following request:

      Tonight’s ask of Council

  1. A public explanation from Mayor Cleveland as to why he targeted Moms Stop the Harm at the April 2, 2024, meeting of the Town’s Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee.
  2. A public apology to Moms Stop the Harm, its members and volunteer Board of Directors from Mayor Cleveland, Councillor Miriam Mutton and Councillor Brian Darling.

She then asked when would she get a response? – Lucas answered “That’s up to Council”.  But Council did not respond and simply approved the motion on the Agenda. This included approving $33,025 in cash and in-kind grants.  An amendment directed staff to “develop a draft Community Grant Program for 2025 that would identify a decision making protocol for a Task Force to be appointed by Council.” No response to Missy’s demand.  In case you missed it, Green Wood Coalition are also unhappy with Lucas.


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4 months ago

A recent study from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA)

Social cost of alcohol addiction in Canada outweighs government revenue by $6 billion |

76% percent of Canadians drink alcohol (31160000) if you were to divide the $6billion cost per person it would cost $193 annually per user.
3% (1230000) percent of Canadians have used one of 5 illegal drugs (including cocaine or crack, ecstasy, speed or methamphetamines, hallucinogens, and heroin) in the past year. If you were to divide the $46billion cost, it would amount to $37398 per user.

There are social costs related to every aspect of life. CCSA are expanding the scope, perpetuating the views coming from the encampment. That “coffee and alcohol are drugs too you know.”

Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

Another big omission is that nearly all alcohol users are in fact tax payers, contributing far more than their ‘social cost’

Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

We have a drug crisis causing crime and homelessness. It’s not coffee and alcohol causing these issues.

Reply to  Sonya
4 months ago

Knielands encampment king, is the one Mervin is quoting. Agree, Sonya, that coffee and alcohol are not causing the crisis and though l cannot speak for him, lm confident Merwin agrees.

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

I agree Downtowner! The article is a joke, I thought the numbers spoke for themselves. “Alcohol still has the biggest impact on society. We call it ‘slow suicide’ because it just takes longer to have that impact on your liver and your stomach and your throat and your heart,” Thiessen said. This coming from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) is absurd!

4 months ago

It is my experience that only people with high-conflict personalities demand apologies. They are aware of the tiny faults of others but not their own or how their faults contribute to the source of conflict. The “4000 members across Canada” is such a small percentage of those with the opposing views. Apologies are not necessary.

5 months ago

Pathological Altruism is defined as altruism in which attempts to promote the welfare of others, results in an unanticipated harm. When altruism is taken to an unhealthy extreme or causes more harm than good.
An example would be an unhealthy focus on others and ineffective philanthropic and social programs that ultimately worsen the situations they are meant to aid.
Supporting addictions of other people [such as drug use], animal hoarding, depression, guilt, and self righteousness can be pathological altruism.
When perpetrators of these acts believe they are behaving altruistically towards those who share their ideologies…. some people are naturally “hypersensitive” or they have an excessive desire to help others… such people are convinced that they are helping others without considering the practical results of their “help”.
When the “how can I help you” behaviour is taken to extremes or misapplied it can become unhelpful, unproductive and even destructive.

This is a psychological disorder incumbent with enabling.

Pathological Altruism, non-fiction, Psychology Published Jan 5, 2012 E/B B. Oakley

I think we may have a situation of the helpers needing the help and getting lost in being “right fighters” instead of fighting for what is “right”.

Reply to  CountryGal
5 months ago

Victim by proxy and anarchist by proxy are dimensions I see, but I like your term too.

Reply to  CountryGal
5 months ago

You might be interested in these concepts: The Tocqueville paradox, prevalence-induced concept change, and concept creep can provide insights into why people paid to solve a problem may redefine the problem itself in order to remain relevant and continue evolving in their positions.

The Tocqueville paradox, named after the French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, describes how as societies make progress in solving certain problems, new problems emerge. This paradox implies that individuals and institutions involved in problem-solving may feel the need to redefine or expand the scope of the original problem to justify their continued existence and maintain their influence.

Prevalence-induced concept change, refers to the phenomenon where the threshold for defining a concept changes as the prevalence of the concept decreases. In other words, when progress is made in reducing the occurrence of a problem, the definition of the problem may expand to include milder cases or new manifestations. This can lead to a perpetuation of the problem-solving industry by continually redefining and expanding the problem to ensure ongoing demand for solutions.

Concept creep, as mentioned earlier, involves the expansion of the definition of a concept over time. This can occur for various reasons, including societal changes, evolving values, and the desire to address new concerns. In the context of problem-solving, concept creep may be driven by the need to stay relevant, maintain funding or support, and demonstrate ongoing progress. By broadening the definition of the problem, individuals or organizations involved in solving it can continue to demonstrate their effectiveness and secure their positions.

These concepts provide potential explanations for why people paid to solve a problem may redefine the problem itself.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Mervin
5 months ago

These concepts provide potential explanations for why people paid to solve a problem may redefine the problem itself.

Yes, Mervin, and your explanations provide ample justification for replacement of the “problem solvers” with someone competent!

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 months ago

I believe Ken it is a result of the Federal mainly Liberal and long years of Liberal Provincial governments we have been under. The school system, social enhancements towards socialism, sea changes in judicial outlook and sentencing and downgrading of the culture of Canada. I smile sadly when I think of Ontario’s former song – “a place to stand, a place to grow – On tari ari ari o. I recall one poster sneering saying basically some misguided fools want to turn back the clock. I for one would like to, raised in a time where 2 parents were the norm, children were greatly encouraged to go forth work and be responsible, and Canada was lauded for its acceptance of people coming from other lands to join our way of life as it was successful and a peaceful place to live.
PS – I am not your down voter – I wished to express my opinion here.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dave
Ken Strauss
Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

Dave, the woke would likely use the same derogatory word for us: dinosaur.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 months ago

Well Ken I’ll go to the Wake for the woke – they have no idea how good a quality of life it was compared to the burnt offerings of today.

Reply to  CountryGal
4 months ago

Well said!

Pete M
5 months ago

Maybe I missed it, but where are the annual and monthly reports from GWC and Moms Stop the harm informing the public how many people they ve helped find permanent shelter, how many have they helped out of addiction, how many have they directed to mental health supports?

small town Ontario
Reply to  Pete M
4 months ago

Northumberland County Social Services had an outreach worker going to Brookside, but last I heard the so called leader would not let the outreach worker talk to the illegal tenters.I understand the County SS had one outreach worker and then in process or already hired another. I believe they partner with GWC and use their outreach workers. See NC website. So no numbers that I have seen anyway Places for them to live are available, if they follow the rules, they choose to stay at an illegal encampment and the powers that be allow it to happen.

Reply to  small town Ontario
4 months ago

Of course outreach workers wouldn’t be allowed on the premises. They would mess up Missy’s agenda of keeping the addicts addicted and homeless. There are several places they could live if they pooled their ODSP and welfare cheques. But oh no.. Missy has other plans, including tiny homes or shacks of some kind. Oh God forbid any REAL help would be allowed in there. The saddest part is.. those living there has been brainwashed by Missy and are holding out for what she thinks the town will allow

5 months ago

I think the VOTES and Opinions are In
No Need for an ENGAGE Survey here at least not on the Homeless Topic
Do you think the COUNTY , our Mayor, CAO , Clerk and ALL of Council will read this
May be this is a Question that should be raised in the Next Council meeting .

5 months ago

Does Missy really want an apology or is this just a way to draw more attention to her cause? Based on the comments below she got attention.

A comment from Beachwalker about GWC and “like minded people” is of interest to me. When I was teaching I believed the only way to advance to Vice Principle, Principle or to the school board was to be “like minded.” A way too much time and money is spent constantly changing instruction methods based on opinions of “like minded” people. The same seems to be happening with drugs. Support the poor addicts, give them food, housing, etc. and when they are ready they will … I really have no idea what some of these people think the long-term outcome will be.

Sandpiper got many thumbs up on a comment which includes the Police asking if they should arrest somebody for committing a crime. Maybe if the police arrest a person every time that person commits a crime judges will learn how the system is failing everybody. Hiring security guards just creates another layer of people, along with police and by-law, who do not contribute directly to providing housing, clothing, food. And it is another cost to honest people.

Does Missy real want to defund the police or is that just for attention? With no police do we also get rid of bylaw and private security? How long would the encampment survive when a group of citizens, with the baseball bats they have been keeping handy, walk over and start playing ball? By no means am I suggesting anybody should actually try it. But without police who would stop us? It really seems Missy has mental health issues, possibly from some form of trauma in her life, and should be getting the help of a trained professional therapist.

Pete M
Reply to  Kevin
5 months ago

GWC and Missy have no intent of helping improve these peoples lives. It gives them the domain to appear to be helping when in fact their agenda is to tear down the community, while receiving a steady income from governments and misguided citizen donations.
This is the progressive leftist homeless Industry on full display.

Reply to  Pete M
5 months ago

Unfortunately this is exactly it. I’m not heartless I’d love to help. But this is just not helping anyone. We need real help which for some is housing (with the guidance and expectation from these organizations that people treat this housing with respect by being a good neighbour and cleaning up after themselves and not being a nuisance). Some need rehab and others need jail. Sometimes helping is giving people consequences so they change their behaviour.

Reply to  Catherine
5 months ago

Catherine, you very eloquently summed it up perfectly.

Old Sailor
5 months ago

Missy McLean is like the lamprey eel that attaches itself to its victims’ bodies. And then slowly sucks the vital juices out of all of the victim’s organs until they die. In my view she should be banned from attending or presenting at Council meetings. Cobourg or Northumberland County support for any organization to which she is associated should be terminated.

5 months ago

I used to by sympathetic towards the homeless crisis. I wanted to help so reached out to GWC to offer my skills in Social Work and crisis management. I was recently retired and was looking to volunteer. After spending two hours with Dave Sheffield I was told there were no positions open. I wasn’t needed! I was told later, by a GWC volunteer that I was over qualified and that they only hire ” like minded people “! My sympathies have since changed and I help in other areas, but who exactly is qualified if not a trained Social Worker?

Reply to  Beachwalker
5 months ago

Dave Sheffield used to be a Painter. Maybe he went back to school?

5 months ago

Maybe we should talk about the apology Missy needs to give for continuing to support and encourage illegal activity within our community. The “Drugs are really awesome” shirt, really! The same drugs that cause nearly 8,000 deaths per year. What about the “nice people use drugs” shirt she wore? The same nice people who support organized crime and contribute to the massive increase in disability throughout Canada. I can’t really understand her request for an apology. A person not wanting to support something that they do not believe to be productive should be a right afforded to anyone, never mind elected officials. To state the obvious, democracy works when officials state their views, then the public vote for the person who more closely aligns with their views. This means that it was the mayor’s duty to do as he did. The problem I have is people support Missy, and the people who support her, without a proper understanding of her wildly unpopular ideological views. Missy is a self-proclaimed dissident, abolitionist, anarchist, and calls for people to radicalize. Do people that support MSTH understand that her radical views are exactly as harmful as they sound? Do they really want the same outcomes? Our elected officials know her, they have no excuses. My only hope now, is that the public know who she is, and they know who supported her.

Reply to  Mervin
5 months ago

I stand for what you say. I saw a fella at division and king enjoying the help from two ambulances, whacked right out a few days ago. I wondered how he made out and surprisingly noticed him this morning while driving to work as efffed up with a mate as he could ever be…clearly common sense needs to prevail here!!! The line between near death and “I should learn from that experience” is greatly out of balance it seems.

5 months ago

I AM MAD I’m F-ING MAD! Maybe ms. McLean should be apologizing to US? I live up the road from this encampment. I don’t sleep at night and I’m so stressed out I can barely think. My entire life’s work is my home equity and it’s vanishing before my eyes. I’m scared of break ins constantly, and worried about something happening to my kids on the way to school. She’s harming this entire community including the people at the encampment. They’ve been there since last summer and I see very little effort made on improving their lives. Why are advocates not advocating for that? I’ll be the first in line to volunteer once we are actually making a concerted effort to help people improve their lives. At the very basic level why are advocates not encouraging encampment residents to abide by basic decency (not committing crimes, not shitting on sidewalks, cleaning up after themselves etc). They claim housing will solve this, but I’m not seeing how housing will solve this when people don’t know how to use a toilet or put garbage in a bin. I’m so f-ing sick of being called privileged for working my ass off for 15 years just to pay all my bills and live in a decent home. Handouts are killing people, and this entitled attitude is killing people. I’m fed up.

John st resident
Reply to  Catherine
5 months ago

I hear you, I live off John street and feel the same. Plus where is her data? Look at how decriminalization in Vancouver, Portland and Portugal is going? Crime up, overdoses up, hardly anyone going into treatment. Where is the model for success here?

5 months ago

Excellent comments, more eloquent than I could ever write.

There are only two words I can think of that Missy McLean should have directed to her and the GWC. Unfortunately they are not publishable.

5 months ago

Part 2 – As for Mclean working in an associated position with an organization attached to The County of Northumberland, it is questionable whether this creates a conflict of interest with County initiatives and its associated entities. McLean is thought to have used the legal services at her disposal, a tax payer funded system to further her own agenda. The placement of the encampment from municipal property to County property to Provincial property was strategic. Also, the legal representation that has been at the disposal of the encampment and its dwellers has been by her coordination. Having positions outside of her primary employment that creates an unreliable, deceptive and questionable situation where professional duties and self serving personal interests collide is a conflict of interest. McLean is/was sitting on the board of directors for GWC (GWC has not been open with their current BoD status) and is also the Ontario director of MSTH. I would question Northumberland County and its councilors with her employment affiliation and whether the best interests of the tax funded level of government is currently being served by having this as a blatant conflict of interest.

Reply to  CountryGal
5 months ago

As for Mclean working in an associated position with an organization attached to The County of Northumberland, it is questionable whether this creates a conflict of interest with County initiatives and its associated entities.”

Check your facts you are totally wrong, she has nothing to do with the County!!

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago


After watching BC, New York, California, Portland, and many others changing course and coming to their senses, is there anything new you could learn that would allow you to divorce yourself from some of the people and ideas you’ve supported over the years? How much more harm would you need to see?

Concerned Taxpayer
Reply to  CountryGal
4 months ago

Time to March on Piccini’s office!

5 months ago

Parts 1 – I commend Council for allowing McLean to speak and for allowing her to show her true disposition. As a self proclaimed Abolitionist, which in modern times equates to defunding the police, decriminalizing drugs and drug fueled behaviour, the dissolution of jails and the general blatant disregard for democracy. Abolitionists call themselves radicals and have a disregard for the structure of a law abiding society. The ideologies encompassed by radicals and the need to change the fabric of society are an undertaking by groups such as GWC and MSTH. The use of indoctrination practices and cult like behaviors such as consistently asking the general public to questions their own value and moral compasses. They use specific verbiage such as stigmatizing, vulnerable, radical, inclusive, shame, marginalized, lived experience, trauma induced, fear mongering and grass roots. I am thankful that Cobourg Council kept quiet and did not offer apologies or further address her presentation. The resolution that McLean referred to in her presentation, Resolution #503-20 dated December 14, 2020 was no more than a strategic entity and ask by MSTH. In that resolution the ask was for the Town of Cobourg to recognize the opioid crisis. Simple Resolution correct? Well move ahead to fall 2023, MSTH decided to take all the Resolutions collected from many municipalities across Ontario and use them as a collective lobbying tool to present to the HoC at a federal level, asking for decriminalization of drugs in Ontario. Moms Stop the Harm want the federal government to develop a Pan-Canadian decriminalization and legal regulation authority. That is there wording on their publication. At this point it may be of interest of the community to ask council to rescind the resolution. Not because McLean was proud of it, but because the initial intent is being construed and manipulated to further the agenda of MSTH. All concerned citizens should write council and ask for Resolution #503-20 dated December 14, 2020 be rescinded by current council.

small town Ontario
Reply to  CountryGal
5 months ago
small town Ontario
5 months ago

The April 2023 council meeting is linked below. Beatty is speaking in favour of the Sleeping Cabins, and a vote was about to take place. After the Mayor gave his speech, but before a vote was taken, McLean got angry with council. Why did she not wait for a vote. Because she knew she had a YES vote from Beatty, Burchat and Bureau, and a NO vote from Mutton, Darling and Barber, and then realized the Mayor was now a NO. She stomped her feet and out she went, maybe used to getting her own way all the time. This is some of the behaviour the Mayor is talking about. BUT thanks to Mutton, Darling, Barber and Cleveland for representing citizens of Cobourg. Just a final note, at the very end do you hear the girl tell some of the audience that it will not affect our taxes. Young and Naive.
Link to Pete Fisher You-Tube of this.

John st resident
Reply to  small town Ontario
5 months ago

Bureau has a conflict of interest, his business directly profits from the drug criminals. Seriously just stand and watch what goes on in and out of the buy and sell. Whose interest is he really advocating for?

Reply to  John st resident
5 months ago

Hmm I’d be careful about this statement, perhaps you may want to remove it before you get sued!

small town Ontario
Reply to  John st resident
5 months ago

Burchat has cited a conflict a few times when it came to vote on 310 Division. The reason he gave was the company he works for is bidding on work at 310 Division.
Beatty has cited a conflict when it came to a vote on 310 Division St., (by-law) her reason she sits on the Board at Cornerstone.

Reply to  small town Ontario
5 months ago

Burchat’s daughter is hanging out and dating a encampment person

small town Ontario
5 months ago
5 months ago

So the encampment remains. The CPS is invisible. By-law Enforcement (sic) non-existent. The Courts, those anonymous and unaccountable jurists making our lives miserable, continue to do the wrong thing. Am I correct in
understanding we live in a lawless dystopia.

small town Ontario
Reply to  Eastender
5 months ago

Yes the encampment remains. Does anyone see how ironic it is that Conservative MPP Piccini is the Minister of Environment. Right in his own backyard he has an environmental disaster.

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is the lead ministry responsible for restoring, protecting and enhancing the environment to ensure public health and environmental quality. The ministry sets clear policies, standards, rules and regulations to protect the environment and encourage conservation activities. Along with monitoring the environment and enforcing these rules, the ministry looks for innovative approaches to complement legislation and regulations. (from the website)

He could ask if they have a permit for that dump site.
Sorry being sarcastic because I am fed up with the lack of support from MPP and MP

Reply to  small town Ontario
5 months ago

What can the MP possibly do? He is in opposition not in government. What can’t an adult understand this simple fact?

Reply to  Jeffy
5 months ago

Piccini is a member of the Ford Government…he’s a MPP not MP.

small town Ontario
Reply to  Jeffy
5 months ago

Piccini is an MPP for Northumberland Peterborough South- Minister of Environment, Ford government in power. Brookside is provincial land. At the very least he could give regular official updates on the illegal encampment, by saying and doing NOTHING, IMO he is accepting of the illegal encampment and all the stress it is causing Cobourg residents. He works under the same roof at Queens Park, so I am sure talks to the M of I.

Lawrence is an MP, for Northumberland Peterborough South. Conservative not in power at the Federal level. One Conservative MP, (unfortunately not this riding) spoke about when he returns from Ottawa, he holds a Round Table with residents and talks about their issues, he does not just listen, he makes suggestions. So for example, Round Table with a half a dozen residents affected by Crime/Drugs/Transition House and their history as they move forward.
Transition House is a federal regulated charity, do an audit. Simple fact.
Do you suggest, because his government is not in power he should do nothing and yet still earn a salary?
Neither one of them live in Cobourg. They just remain Silent on these issues.
I expect more from both of them.

Reply to  small town Ontario
5 months ago

Hi, MPP Piccini is Minister of Labour. I agree our MPP has been missing in action with this file. I generally support him.

small town Ontario
Reply to  Eastender
5 months ago

Thanks for the update, his previous Ministry was Environment.

Linda Mackenzie-Nicholas
Reply to  small town Ontario
4 months ago

Picinni is no longer the Minister of the environment. He is the Minister of Labour.

Reply to  Eastender
5 months ago

Can we just get OPP already? Maybe they’re almost as useless (probably slightly less useless) but at least if we’re going to have an invisible police force, we can save the town a couple million each year.

Local Cobourgian
5 months ago

I like the comment about council agreeing unanimously to support these groups in the beginning. AS IF that would help her claim.

We gave it a shot, and quickly realized how much of a disaster it is. Way to many personal agendas and corruption for these whimsical ideologies to work.

Now there should be an unanimous vote to abolish those structures. Obviously it’s not working and only leading to a worse situation.

And if you can’t even follow Cobourg bylaws (which are essentially community rules that everyone agrees to live within) WHY do you think you’ll have any sort of support from the community!?!?

Last edited 5 months ago by Local Cobourgian
5 months ago

This quote was taken from the Todays Northumberland article on this matter. Ir relates to a question the Mayor asked McLean.

“You are the regional director of Moms Stop The Harm – is the national board aware and do they condone your actions as an individual in this community to set up and run an illegal, unsanctioned consumption site?” Cleveland asked.

Does anyone know if the drug tents are still being set up on Fridays in Victoria Park? About a month ago there was a comment on this blog or maybe a news item they were – even after Henley Arcade was shut down last summer.

Reply to  Rational
5 months ago

Allowing the funding of groups that are advocating for, and involved in illegal activity, should be reason for those who support those groups to step down as representatives of taxpayers.

Reply to  Rational
5 months ago

I was told by a by-law officer they will shut down the supervised injection sites, when they know about them. If you know they are happening then report it. In British Columbia nurses have to deal with people using drugs in hospitals for “harm reduction” reasons. What about the harm to the nurses? I thought nursing was a difficult and important enough job without addicts literally blowing smoke in their faces.

Reply to  Kevin
5 months ago

I don’t know for certain. Just read a comment and wondered if anyone was seeing them.

5 months ago

Oh poor Missy. Boo Hoo Hoo. Imagine, some people actually disagree with you.

Well done LC, MM, BD.

Never be afraid to vigorously advocate and represent the people that elected you.

5 months ago

I agree with the comment s below — and I also think that some of these Not For Profit Organizations are Self Serving flying under the wire with Guise of Good intentions Even if its detrimental to the Greater Good of the Majority of the Law Abiding Community & Citizens .

I for one would like to see These Groups of Do Gooders undergo regular Account and Trust Audits
to ensure the Money / Grants they are getting to the Correct People and not wages of some sort .

If what is happening Cobourg is allowed to continue Then I would like to Know what
Ms Mclean’s position is on People starting to live more in Gated Communities and self defence
and protection of ones home and Family . Just like in the USA .

We had several Thefts last week at our Condo Residents all caught on Camera and the police asked if we really wanted them to go out and arrest this person Again ??? who is known to them — With a follow up Comment that they had just been released that day and have a long history with the Police Dept .. We should get a Private Security Co.
What’s with that ????????????? Gated Communities here we come .

5 months ago

I have supported the Help and Legal Centre of Northumberland for almost 20 years with both my time as a volunteer and my financial resources. I have made the difficult decision to end my support, including attending the Empty Bowls and golf tournament fundraising events, for so long as Ms. McLean is professionally associated with the Centre.

As Mayor Cleveland intimated in his question, she shows no respect for the citizens of Cobourg, while expecting our respect.

The audacity of demanding an apology is breathtaking.

Reply to  MAL
5 months ago

I think your decision is a wise decision. Missy cares only about keeping her agenda and fuels more addiction. God forbid she helps to beat addiction. It angers me that she keeps her job .the Help Center isn’t what Missy is about nor is GWC.
Missy is definitely not what Cobourg needs or wants. Glad council didn’t apologize, for it is Missy that should apologize to the residents. But we won’t hold our breath on that. Residents should email or call the Help Center and let them know Missy should never hold a position there.
I myself used to think quite well of the Help Center.
Not any longer. They best get rid of her before any funding or praise is withheld

Reply to  MAL
5 months ago

Well said. Not one nickel should go to these centres until Missy and her ilk, are gone.

Reply to  MAL
5 months ago

The Help Centre has done some good work to help people, a friend of mine for one. MAL, I understand your difficult decision. There are many ways to volunteer your time to help people. Good luck in finding something that works for you.

Reply to  Kevin
5 months ago

The Legal Centre is funded by Legal Aid Ontario.

Cobourg taxpayer
5 months ago

I believe the Mayor, councillors Mutton and Darling speak for the majority of the tax paying, law abiding citizens of Cobourg. Missy has her own sad agenda of harm reduction, safe supply, abolish the police force, free housing for all with no conditions attached and theft demonstrates need and is not a crime. GWC and MSTH had a compassionate approach but now only support drug addled socially abhorrent behaviour that the majority of Cobourg are sick of. We can only wish that the rest of council, the county, the province and the federal levels of government support those of us who are saying a hard NO to this behaviour and are demanding safety and sanity back in our communities.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
5 months ago

Well said ……………….

Reply to  Russ
5 months ago

Oops again! Thumbs up doubled. Back to 26.

Small town lover
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
5 months ago

I totally agree and when it comes to vote time I will vote accordingly. Missy and her supporters will try and turn this town into a free for all, drug addicted destination at the expense of law abiding tax payers.

Reply to  Small town lover
5 months ago

Missy has done just that. Cobourg is a free for all.. drug addicts that is. She has opened the gates for everyone to pitch a tent. And boats and trailers. Nice weather now so let the party begin on the backs of taxpayers.

Reply to  Small town lover
5 months ago

Small town lover – what are your plans for voting for Provincial and Federal? Small Town Ontario seems to feel the current elected representatives for this area are a problem and in former statements made has had nothing good to say about them leading me to believe they plan to vote Liberal – the perpetrators all the way around. Just curious.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
5 months ago

Well said, the majority are with you.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
5 months ago

Oops! My thumbs up double the amount. Back to 53.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
5 months ago

I would appreciate our 24/7 bank machines up and running, instead of being locked down every evening and weekends. Why should the entire town be held hostage!

small town Ontario
Reply to  Liz
5 months ago

The Belleville Police chief said -“at what point do the rights of a few impede the rights of an entire community”

Reply to  Liz
5 months ago

I am very disappointed in the lack of patrols in trouble spots by the CPS. Even with lack lustre arrests they could at least move these people to the warming centre, if barred from there they are a trouble maker and should be subject to arrest then.