Town proposes joint DBIA program for Homeless

In 2023 budget deliberations, Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty moved that staff be directed to use funds allocated to address the Opioid crisis ($35k) to “explore options for outreach support service towards the Town’s Homeless response.” At the DBIA management meeting on 6 November, Brent Larmer presented a “Welcoming Streets and Neighborhoods Pilot program” to respond to this direction. Not everyone is happy with this plan. Basically, it would require hiring someone to patrol downtown and look after problems “that do not require police intervention, with a longer-term vision to achieve an increased sense of safety and inclusion in the downtown core.” The intent is to improve the relationship between Business Owners and “community members experiencing homelessness or facing mental health and/or addiction challenges”.

Brent used a long Powerpoint presentation to explain the program – most of it concerned goals and objectives. Download from resources below.

Welcoming Streets and Neighborhoods Pilot program

Cobourg and DBIA specific Goals:

  • Preventing unnecessary police and by-law involvement;
  • Facilitating positive relationships between business owners and vulnerable individuals,
  • Ensuring that street involved individuals are linked with the services they need.
  • Lead to less disruptions and occurrences in the Downtown.
  • To promote a safe and welcoming downtown

Pilot Program Details

Potential Approach (not edited or summarized)

  • Hire 1.0 FTE on a six (6) month contract with funding through Town of Cobourg (position hired by Town – $35,000) and DBIA (funding TBA)
  • Connect with others in similar positions in the agency to create an approach and share resources and assist with relationship building to link the Downtown
  • Work downtown weekdays, weekends with hours flex (day, mid-day, evening)
  • 80% Downtown Outreach on foot throughout the core and DBIA including waterfront area. 20% in office setting preparing/performing training and materials and corresponding with agencies and partners.

The total budget is estimated at $57.3K. The unfunded amount is $22.3K and this would come from the DBIA or a Federal Grant.

Brent recognizes that there are risks:

  • Recruitment issues in the job force: there may be difficulty finding the right individual for the unique job opportunity, potential for turnover (maybe look at engaging a local organization to provide the support)
  • Safety Concerns: could be times when worker could be in a compromised situation working alone (maybe looking at two individuals – One FT and One PT – Part-time to only attend street outreach)
  • Communications – potential for comments and criticism of program with lack of information (maybe have a prepared comms plan with TofC [Town of Cobourg?] comms and DBIA coordinator).
  • Resourceless – Not being accepted and seen as an additional support in the community and being part of larger community outreach conversations (Value in having the person connected to resources such as County Social Services relationships and NHH – multiple partners are needed and the person/team needs to be a good connector).

How is this different from other Initiatives (summary)

  • It’s another tool
  • Alternative to police and by-law involvement
  • It is a non-confrontational and non-institutional approach
  • Direct connection with Town to clean up garbage, respond to sharps.
  • Direct training to business – ex: De-Escalation and Anti-Stigma Training offered to all businesses.

Next Steps (summary)

  • Following the Special DBIA Meeting (no date specified), if supported and endorsed, finalize the Welcoming Streets and Neighborhoods Pilot Program Staff Report to Council:
    • Committee of the Whole Meeting – 27 November, 2023
    • Regular Council Meeting – 4 December,  2023
  • Federal Grant submission date – 22 November, 2023
  • Starting planning and implementing program January 2024.
    • Partnership local and joint press release.

There’s no mention of asking the public what they think. The Council representative on the DBIA Board is Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty – it’s likely that she supports the idea. Support (or not) from other Councillors would presumably be at their meetings on 27 November and 4 December.  However, it’s not known if DBIA members support the idea and a schedule to get DBIA approval was not available. It could be at the DBIA AGM which I believe is on 30 November.



14 November 2023

At Monday’s Council meeting Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty said that there would be a DBIA board meeting on November 16 to decide on this matter.

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Mrs Bigley
10 months ago

not a strong enough method – Police are the only people that can control anyone if required – legal problems can arise if a unqualified person is involved – let alone injured = tough love might be an answer

10 months ago

I wonder how much of our tax dollars were spent on the collaboration and development of this proposal with the consultant?

Iain DeJong, OrgCode, is a company located out of Oakville who specializes in Advocacy response and consulting.

DeJon is the President of the consulting company and states that he is an advocate for social justice and supports people who use substances and housing first initiatives.

I would be interested in reading his full consultant report instead of being provided a copy of a generic Homelessness Response Tool Kit PDF that is published on the OBIAA website for access to all BIA’s across Ontario.

Again, what is the definition of insanity? … doing the same things over and over and over and expecting different results.

The Town of Cobourg DBIA has hired an “advocacy ideology” consulting company to review the current status in the community and has accepted collaboration with this organization, who, again, has been hired by other cities and towns, such as Sudbury, Timmins and the Region of Durham, as far back as 2018, of which, those towns and cities have had zero success in overcoming drug addiction, crime due to addiction and homelessness.

What did this cost and when will the advocates realize that they are on the wrong side of fixing this issue?

10 months ago

I read the letters from business owners. The ones against this idea seemed to have more to say and had some good questions. People are concerned about the safety of the person to be hired. How about somebody trained in security? Maybe the guy at the ‘town hall’ meeting who was just launching his private security company and thinks the police should not have to deal with minor issues, like the types of things a drug addict or homeless person might do. Police are expensive but private security will also cost he told me. He seemed very informed about what is happening so I asked about why so many police are on some kind of leave related to PTSD. He said it is difficult to have people insult and threaten you on a regular basis. It seemed he thought the police were not up to the task and were legitimately out on leave. But he can handle this kind of thing because of his background. I wonder if part of this job will be to remove human excrement which I have been told is a common problem for some business owners.

One of the questions, “how is success determined?” What will be measured to determine if we need yet another government employee to continue after this pilot? If it is successful will the town want to hire more of these people to patrol other neighbourhoods? The word neighbourhoods is in the name. The area around the Brookside encampment is an obvious location to patrol. The average homeowner can’t afford private security themselves. But what if they had the local patrol person on speed dial if they find somebody in their backyard? Private security is the way to go, according to the guy starting a private security company. Some of his service might be of interest, like checking your house while you are on vacation. I have nothing against him starting a business. It is just all too coincidental for me not to think this pilot program is a start to hiring private security to patrol areas of town. More employees, more taxes. We already pay police to do this.

Reply to  Kevin
10 months ago

Kevin – I did mention this position to a person who is attempting to start a security business here yesterday. His response is he wouldn;t touch the position with a 10 foot pole. Wonder if it is the same person?

Reply to  Kevin
10 months ago

For lack of a better word, this idea is absolutely terrible. How about we demand that bylaw and law enforcement do their jobs…additional bylaw has been added. There are special constables and auxiliary police. This suggestion is a homicide waiting to happen. Do you every wonder why 2+ highly trained and armed CPS officers show up to all domestic calls or public disturbance calls; Because in a heartbeat a seemingly mundane interaction can turn into a violent confrontation without warning or cause. This is a job for the CPS and no one else.

Can we please just get back to reality? We need common sense and clearly its in short supply!

Sam Westcott
Reply to  Kevin
10 months ago

Why should business owners pay through their DBIA levies on their property taxes pay for this initiative when we already pay for the police? For that matter the ordinary citizens of Cobourg will benefit from this not just possibly businesses if they open at night.
Ridiculous. the Town should pay for this initiative not just a small number of business owners who are already struggling.
This issue is a problem for the town not downtown businesses.

V Taylor
10 months ago

To Ben

Perhaps if you took the time to read the DBIA Agenda, and read the emails, you wouldn’t make such ridiculous comments!

10 months ago

Who exactly will oversee this program?

Ken Strauss
10 months ago

The agenda for the coming DBIA meeting ( will help everyone decide which businesses to patronize:

Acanthus Interiors, All Creatures and Quinn’s favour having the DBIA support addicts in our downtown.

Cactus Clothing, Sydney Fairman and City Streaks oppose addicts in our downtown.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

And you know this How Ken? Defamation is a serious offence if you cannot substantiate it!

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  ben
10 months ago

Read the agenda and substantiate yourself like the rest of us did.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  ben
10 months ago

My list of good/bad businesses is based on who responded and how to the proposal. Please verify my list by looking at the published agenda. Certainly if I made a mistake then it should be corrected. Do you see an error or are you just whining?

Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Sad I can’t shop at Quinn’s I love that place – but yay I can still shop at Jake’s!!! Already knew not to go near all creatures great and small and SPARK. Theresa Rickerby sure is excited lol.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Thanks, Ken, for posting this link. I, certainly, will not patronize those establishments in favour of having the DBIA support addicts in our downtown. If this crazy proposal is ultimately approved, I will avoid the area completely.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Sydney Fairman wrote a great email with very good points regarding this ridiculous proposed project.

Donna Londry
Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago


Your comment that we support drug addiction is misleading. We shared our perspective in support of the initiative which has a goal and is having some success in other small and large towns/cities, such as Belleville and Kingston. Building upon what is working in other towns similar to ours may be an experiment and may be worth the effort.

Let’s restate and remember the aim of the program ~ it is to engage with individuals who may be experiencing homelessness, addiction, or mental health difficulties in a respectful manner, and assist them in accessing the resources and support they may need.

Have you been downtown on a sunny morning, sweeping the sidewalk in front of your store when a crazed person runs by screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs? Well I have and it left me feeling helpless and frightened. The more support we have in the community may help this person and may take him off our streets. That is why we gave a thumbs up to trying this initiative in Cobourg.

The fact that we hope the Welcoming Streets program may help our fellow citizens in Cobourg you believe is merit for boycotting our business. Really!! I would ask you to open your mind and open your heart. Communities that take action with respect of all individuals have better outcomes.

Reply to  Donna Londry
10 months ago

Donna Landry,
I adamantly disagree. This pilot project is asking businesses owners and the public to not fear the obvious escalating criminality in our downtown core, essentially to Normalize Crime, excuse it and have empathy toward perpetrators as opposed to respect, understanding and empathy toward Victims of Crime.

Have you read about the statistical failures of similar Programs in Kingston and Belleville?

The aim and objectives of any such programs must lie with Professionals at Social Services and the Criminal component lies with the experts and Professionals at Cobourg Police Services — not the DBIA.

I work downtown and witness daily the emboldened Criminal behaviours. Seniors are the majority of our business and have the fundamental right to feel Safe in our downtown as Customers. I would ask you to open your mind and heart to those Vulnerable and Loyal Customers of our downtown businesses.

Why is there a decline in business productivity and prosperity? Who are the majority of downtown business customers? Our Most Vulnerable — Seniors, who are Vulnerable to drug-fueled crime is the answer.

The Welcoming Streets Pilot Proposal is insidious and will create a ghost town — is that what you want Donna Landry?

I fully support Ken’s proposition to Boycott any business that supports this irresponsible Pilot Project Proposal that will further deter our Customer base — and “accept” criminality as “normal” and deserving of “empathy”.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Commenting on my post from 2 days ago:

The agenda for the November 16 DBIA meeting has been deleted from the meeting calendar! An agenda is part of the public record of government in Cobourg and should be sacrosanct. Who deleted it and why was it deleted?

The eScribe calendar no longer shows a link to an agenda and the previously posted link ( gives a blank page rather than an error.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Commenting on my post from a day ago:

The online agenda for the November 16 DBIA meeting has been replaced with a new version!

Additions include correspondence from residents opposing the Welcome to Addicts plan. Further, emails from merchants who feels that the plan will be detrimental to his businesses and others from businesses who don’t appreciate the negative online comments regarding frequenting businesses that support destigmatizing addiction.


Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Would you know if the DBIA voted on whether to proceed or not this past Thursday?

10 months ago

I am frustrated, saddened, exhausted & angry that we are relentlessly told who the Vulnerable are in our community. Seniors & Children make up more than the majority of the Town’s populace & they are Vulnerable.

Why do we incessantly hear the term Vulnerable applied to 23 persons addicted to mind-altering drugs, committing crime & refusing professional supports? We have had this information verified by an encampment resident.

Why is there zero focus on preventing and reducing the most harmful consequences of drug use? I feel like priorities are upside down and I am living in Orwell’s 1984.

Newspeak & the inversion of customary meanings. The Illusory Truth Effect.

10 months ago

I would prefer to see a police officer accompanied by a social services worker. This would provide better protection, allow checks for warrants, past charges – prior arrest history and also the opportunity to further gather information, offer services and document whether the person accepted additionally discovering where the person was from.
Using the grant to pay for overtime instead of hiring security with less authority and provide further statistics as well as documentation of refusal of offered assistance as well as reason for interaction – prowl by night, attempted break in, connecting with dealer, threatening citizens or standing screaming illogically in the street.

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Dave
10 months ago

We already pay for the HARP program through CPS, the NHH community mental health services outreach, and Northumberland County Social Services.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
10 months ago

22.3 is coming from the DBIA and the rest expected surprisingly by Federal grant, the perpetrators of the situation. Ironic to say the least.

Cobourg taxpayer
10 months ago

Just read the DBIA agenda/minutes. The entire board of the DBIA which includes Nicole Beatty have approved the Welcoming Streets project to the tune of contributing $22300 from May-December 2024. Money they don’t really have as Harvest Fest was not a huge success and there is a $12000 deficit. They want to buy speakers, picnic tables and banners. The subcommittee plan is also a flop. Businesses is support of the plan are of course Theresa Rickerby (all creatures great and small), Quinn’s flooring and Acanthus. None of which I will support. City Streaks, Jakes and Sydney Fairman are a hard No. 10000 Villages has several questions.

10 months ago

The Thurs Nov 16 DBIA Meeting Agenda has now been added to the Town’s escribe calendar.

Thurs Nov 9: DBIA Board Emailed The Pilot Project proposal to business owners.
That Email and some of the business owner responses are included, the lack of support is evident.

Please see Link:

10 months ago

The B of Nova Scotia at the mall is closing. My husband has a disability and we are seniors. We are not comfortable parking at down town bank , parking lot small and at back of bank, not safe. Almost impossible to park on King and so.many druggies and homeless, not safe any more. What is bring done to.protect seniors by police, town council? Nothing!

Reply to  Concerned
10 months ago

Sorry to hear this. Ask if you can have your home branch transferred to Port Hope. It’s also downtown but I don’t find it’s nearly as dangerous in downtown port hope. Usually there’s parking right out front

Cobourg taxpayer
10 months ago

The DBIA board can be reached at [email protected]. Chair Keith Herring, Vice chair Megan Carr, treasurer Scott McCracken, Tina Christopher, Courtney Ker, Denise Liboiron, Nicole Beatty. Liaisons Jackie Chapman Davis(town) Jeff Haskins (police) Kevin Ward Chamber of commerce.

small town Ontario
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
10 months ago

If I understood correctly at the Nov. 13th council meeting Beatty said the DBIA board will meet Nov. 16th 9:00 am to vote, on this Pilot Program.

Sam Westcott
Reply to  small town Ontario
10 months ago

THE DBIA Board do not speak for the DBIA taxpayers. Denise Liboiron for one does not run a business. She is a real estate agent for C21 who are not in the downtown. Who on the Board has DBIA taxes to pay?

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
10 months ago

I corresponded to the DBIA regarding crime and homelessness to the downtown in a respectful and clear manner. Never received a reply.

10 months ago

Right now at St. Peter’s 2 fire trucks, 1 ambulance and 4 police vehicles. Quick, send the advocates and volunteers!

Reply to  Mervin
10 months ago

Wish I could reword this post, sadly someone was pinned under a vehicle.

Last edited 10 months ago by Mervin
John Draper
10 months ago

Mayor Cleveland talked about this issue at tonight’s Council meeting – there will be an official Town Hall meeting. Stay tuned for yet another post tomorrow, Tuesday, and email Wednesday am.

Old Sailor
Reply to  John Draper
10 months ago


I hope Mayor Cleveland can run a Town Hall meeting just for Cobourg residents- without Missy MacLean and her cadre of misfits. We don’t need to hear from Councilors who aspire to the Green Wood Coalition mission statement. A serious discussion for those who pay Cobourg’s bills.

Cobourg has been sailing upwind under a storm jib for far too long. We need a moderate Westerly where we can unreef the mainsail and maybe even pop up a spinnaker when we are on a run.

Reply to  Old Sailor
10 months ago

Sandpiper as usual you only want to live in a echo chamber, how can you have a serious discussion if you are going to hear only one side. Might is not Right, although you may think so! All of us pay Cobourg’s bills not just your friends.

small town Ontario
Reply to  Old Sailor
10 months ago

Missy showed up at the Chipping Park Meeting in July, it is still on line. She talked for about 10 minutes and some people clapped at the end, obviously they did not know what she stands for. So, I would be very surprised if she was not there and she will talk. Why if this issue is so important to residents of Cobourg does LC have to give another 30 minute speech/lecture. He will not have answers for us.

Tatiana Sorkina
10 months ago

Please tell me, as a result of this project, the total amount of drug users in Cobourg will increase or decrease?
What are your expectations on how many members of the community will be involved in drug use?
The project is supposed to fund people with an addiction, so I can expect only that their number will grow to help attract more funds for the project.

10 months ago

There have been several comments that the town has been working behind the scenes to address the encampment. One councilor has been quoted as saying”they are doing corrective activities”. Whatever does that mean?
The Mayors’ interview on Cogeco, he stated”that the County, Town council and staff, as well as CPS, MPP & MP are all on the same bus trying to deal with IO as it relates to the encampment”. If this is true than somebody needs to put the wheels on the bus and have someone with some GUTS to drive it.
He also commented that they are all working together to recommend to IO that we cannot create an ESTABLISHED ENCAMPMENT when we have a system open and ready to accept individuals(12-14 average empty beds per night).
Is the Mayor trying to create a permanent encampment? What does he mean by that comment?
Does that involve purchasing tiny cabins? Are they planning a place in Cobourg? Will they expect the taxpayers to foot this bill? We are already paying for community and social services through our taxes. Why is the County of Northumberland Community and Social Services giving a donation to the Greenwood Coalition? All his talking does nothing to address the real problems facing the citizens of Cobourg-SAFETY, SECURITY & WELL-BEING.
The Mayor commented the CPS and bylaws are being enforced by removing the pop up tents.
Why didn’t the police remove these pop up tents at the beginning when they were at the park or when they first started on the Brookside property? It is my understanding the CPS refused to enforce the trespassing order TWICE in September when asked by the MPP.
As taxpayers we pay $49.92 for police services each month and safety and protection are only given to the encampment residents. The mayor mentioned the leadership at the encampment has a criminal element. I guess this is acceptable to the CPS.
As far as the advocates need to work with the agencies to improve the system. What a joke!!
I would put it to you that there are no advocates, only ENABLERS. We have enablers receiving a salary from we taxpayers.
Going back to the comment working behind the scenes, COULD THE LACK OF ACTION BE THEIR PLAN OF ACTION? Are they just waiting long enough until there is snow on the ground than it becomes an emergency. Wait for it…..there is only one solution……SLEEPING CABINS!!!

Reply to  KalaM
10 months ago

They get kicked out of sleeping cabins too and end up back in a tent. They get kicked out of st. Peter’s and end up back in a tent. They get kicked out of houses and apartments and end up back in a tent. Theres no good solution for drug addicts and housing except to get off the drugs.

Reply to  KalaM
10 months ago

Remember what western Canadians once said…Let them freeze their rear ends in the dark”. Seems like a good action by Cobourg.

Reply to  KalaM
10 months ago

We have a structure right beside the present encampment. For lack of a better term, I’ll call it the Brookside Reform School. Put them, all of them, in and lock the doors and the gate. It functioned for several decades and there’s no reason why it cannot function again. They have and continue to break the law. The provincial government must charge them, convict them and lock them away. Hopefully this will get the drug-users off of the drugs and discourage others from coming to Cobourg.

Reply to  ciw
10 months ago

Problem is they won’t be locked in – there will be more roaming streets and schools.

10 months ago

This, I believe, is such a relevant moment in what is happening in our town. If this is the only thing the mayor accomplishes, I will consider him a success (I didn’t vote for him-but absolutely will next time) It’s obvious from this meeting who’s who in our council. I just wish I could hear the mayor finish.

Reply to  Mervin
10 months ago

I think some credit might need to be given to some of our councillors and the mayor. They’ve all been lumped together and have often received abuse from the public. Some have voted against these groups every step of the way. It takes bold people to stand up to these groups, they are often verbally abused and are accused of harming people. Miriam Mutton, Randy Barber, Bryan Darling and the Mayor have my support (from what I’ve seen). I would love for them to greater vocalize their opposition to some of the things that have happened in town but hopefully once they receive greater support they will gain the courage. Direct your attention to the people who are trying to give these groups town land to literally set up camp indefinitely. We need more people to voice their concerns to the right people. Beatty, Burchart and non committal Bureau (maybe he needs their business) Burchart, is all in, drug tents and all. He might be the only one who will say it openly when asked, yet most of the public have no idea where he stands.

Last edited 10 months ago by Mervin
Reply to  Mervin
10 months ago

Yes…come after the woke coalition (Burchat, Beatty, Bureau) not the rest. As far as I can tell they’re not behind this nonsense.

small town Ontario
Reply to  Mervin
10 months ago

Cleveland was elected in Oct./22 -3391 votes Henderson -3286 close race
When this meeting took place he had been in office about 7 months, and he said he had been working closely with the group, NSCC, Northumberland Sleeping Cabin Collective, at the beginning of his mandate. Very, Very, supportive, he said. All of a sudden he finds out they are connected to GWC, Green Wood Coalition. He appointed Beatty as Deputy Mayor? residents have been very verbal about this group!!
Illegal consumption sites are popping up linked to GWC and members of NSCC. He said cannot support NSCC because they don’t support rule of law BUT “while I yet still support the idea behind it.”
Missy at this point is angry, and the vote has not yet been taken, why because she knows Beatty, Bureau, Burchat are voting yes, and without the mayor’s vote it will be voted down.
Darling, Mutton and Barber are voting no. Barber said 30 – 40 percent of the individuals who responded negatively to the proposed pilot initiative deserved to be heard as well.
Motion put forward by Burchat,( lets play politics), alternative site, change land ownership to county etc.
Beatty loves her toolbox, says I’m very aware of the lane we drive in, BUT, we can carpool in those lanes and I’m just trying to understand if it’s not this then what?
The Mayor did not vote no because he does not want sleeping cabins in our community. He still supports the idea.

Reply to  small town Ontario
10 months ago

Henderson would have been walked over by this group. Also, he did not appoint Beatty, she was *shockingly* elected. I guess people didn’t realize she was connected to GWC and that Missy was campaigning for her. Sequin would have been a hard no to all of this.

small town Ontario
Reply to  Ruth
10 months ago

Thanks Ruth, I thought she was elected as a councillor and appointed by LC – Sequin was aware and made good decisions, sorry she was not elected again.

Reply to  small town Ontario
10 months ago

Fair points. I didn’t like the mayor at 1st. I didn’t feel the town needed a “showman”, he was on board for safe injection sites and told me “a war on drugs will never work”. I voted for Henderson. The mayor has most definitely changed his stance since then, the proof is not obvious but are you convinced Henderson would have been better? I would vote for ‘country gal’ if she ran

Reply to  Mervin
10 months ago

Beatty is an elected official. She and Cleveland don’t see eye to eye on anything

small town Ontario
Reply to  Mervin
10 months ago

The mayor likes to lecture, I am tired of it, I would just like a direct answer to a question. Like do you support Sleeping Cabins, yes or no. He announced to-night at Committee meeting that he is going to have a Town Hall meeting on Dec. 5th at CCC, first 30 minutes he said he would talk about what has been accomplished since they were elected, then questions and answers. I think most of the questions will be about the encampment and he does not have the answers because I don’t believe he is part of the decision making, so what is the purpose of the meeting? I don’t know if Henderson would have been any better in this environment but at least what you see with him is what you get, same with Seqin.

Sam Westcott
Reply to  small town Ontario
10 months ago

Beatty was elected by the voters in the election. Cleveland had nothing to do with it!

10 months ago

This Welcoming Streets and Neighbourhood Pilot Program is INSANE!!
This town has lost its way and robbed of all common sense by the enablers!! Unfortunately, common sense is not that common anymore in this town.
Taking the $10,000 from the Operating Budget and then the Deputy Mayor suggesting another $25,000 from the contingency reserve fund for an out reach support service for the town’s Homelessness This is $35,000 of our taxpayers money and was directed to staff to explore options. According to the Mayor the Transition House needs updating. Mayor stated”he can’t ask the government for more money when he can’t justify it at present(empty beds”). Why isn’t the money being spent at the Transition House for improvements? It’s our money, and we had no say!

What would make anyone think a single individual with a cell phone could be safe engaging with drug addicts, criminals, and mentally unstable individuals when two police officers and security guards are on site at the Encampment when garbage is picked up. Not to mention it took 3 police officers to remove a homeless person blocking and occupying entry into a business.

Brent Lamer mentioned in the recruitment issue that maybe they would have to engage a local organization to provide support. Who might that be? One would ask do they drive from Port Hope?
I’m sure the proposal will be accepted by DBIA members and council since there are 2-3 enablers on each.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  KalaM
10 months ago

“Welcoming” Streets …for whom ?

10 months ago

Can you imagine what kind of Trouble the Cobourg Residents would be in if we had
some sort of REAL Major Catastrophe
Like the Train derailment in Quebec a few years back or a Fire in one of the Larger Housing units or Apartment buildings .
This Council , By Law Enforcement , County and Yes the Police Dept. has clearly demonstrated
their lack of Leadership , Cooperation or Ability to function as a Whole just to Handle & House a few Needy Difficult

10 months ago

Gerry: “Stop it”, you say? Silly paternalistic comment to people’s CLEAR valid frustration, fear, anger and sadness. People are entitled to their viewpoints, emotions and expressing them.

The issue is not really that complex:

  1. 23 addicted persons are living illegally at Brookside.
  2. To feed these addictions, crimes are being committed.
  3. All of these individuals have been offered professional Supports VIA our existing (tax-paid) social Safety Net and all have refused.
  4. For this reason, law-abiding citizens (including our most Vulnerable — Seniors & Children) are Victims of this drug-fueled Crime.

And now this RIDICULOUS proposed Pilot Project?

⭐️ Why has the DBIA not published meeting minutes on escribe for almost 2 months now? I regularly check meeting minutes — and question the integrity of the DBIA. This information should have been made public knowledge, as WE are the tax-paying Customers.

10 months ago

Below are comments like ‘boycott DBIA constituents’ or how about accusing a Counselor or receiving stolen goods. What is next, if they still don’t agree, threaten their families??? What utter crap, stop it. These types of extremist comments/views do nothing to solve anything. This is a complex problem borne about by circumstances, lack of funding and frankly lack of preparedness by Feds/Provs and yes Munis. From my perspective there isn’t one solution-size fits all, but for sure making the police and the DBIA accountable for the resolution of this mess is not appropriate. I favour institutional (bricks and mortar) solution; release from the institution is based on merit and they are provided available funding for housing to keep themselves going in the right direction. No merit, no release. Believe it or not there are people who do not want to get off drugs, others do not want to sleep in an organized environment e.g. shelters. Benefits of the institution are: funded by the Feds, Prov; controlled environment; allows for societal norms and budgetary funding to catch up and deal with these issues.

Reply to  Gerinator
10 months ago

Bit of a stretch, I don’t see any problem with not supporting businesses that don’t share your values. Have I missed a few comments?

Reply to  Gerinator
10 months ago

Are you suggesting Military Conscription Here
Organized , Sleep out side , Get Clean , get a Badge
Sign them up To—– Be All That They Can BEEEEE

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Gerinator
10 months ago

Gerry, if not by boycotting their stores, how should we persuade a downtown merchant to cease supporting illegal safe injection sites and aiding the criminal trespassers at Brookside? And why should the police not be accountable for not acting on our petty crime epidemic?

Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

This is a small town with long memories. Boycotting often has little effect on revenue but huge effect on reputations and relationships, enough perhaps to put someone out of business due to a SINGLE issue. IMO organizations (and therefore people) on both sides of this issue will all get along better when they don’t have to come up with home-grown solutions; the policies and procedures needs to come from Feds/Prov as well as the funding to allow Munis to deal with this issue. As for the police I didn’t say anything about them not implementing the law (where did you get that?).

Give me a break
10 months ago

Suggest that Pete Fisher or John Draper take some photos to show us the extent of this junk yard and not a tent city …… imagine if the campers at the Cobourg Camp site at the beach did this how long would it last.

Give me a break
10 months ago

I drove by the encampment at Brookside. Why so much junk ….. why do they need all the junk there and where are they getting it from. They will need a few bins and a front end loader to dispose of all this trash. How can people live like this and how are the advocates and supporters OK with this mess. Who will pay for the removal ….. maybe we should use the $35,000 to do so. In a way am glad it is on Provincial property so that it reflects on our MPP and his leader.

10 months ago

I suggest that councillors take turns rotating through this job, one week at a time. The mayor could take weekends. The Deputy Mayor, unfortunately, would be on duty full time.

Reply to  ciw
10 months ago

There are so many volunteers, they should be the ones spending time doing homeless response. It’s very easy to bring pizzas and supplies and virtue signal online showing everyone their moral superiority, but where are they when there are problems. Why aren’t they cleaning the encampments themselves, picking up all the needles lying around. Putting their faces next to the homeless person who is interfering with local businesses or entering people’s private property. They should be proud to have themselves associated with all aspects of the people they support.

10 months ago

Who with the required skills is willing to work shift work in all weather for minimum wage? They’d probably prefer Timmies

10 months ago

I sure Hope the Town Reads this Blog and listens to the Public contributing to this platform
So Far we all Think its a JOKE —– Clearly a RISK to any New Employee that takes on this Job
Sounds to me that The Mayor and Council are faced with the Police and BYLaw
refusing to do this Job . Its to Big and time consuming for them Which in the past issues like this clearly fell into those 2 existing departments .
Training this new employee who Clearly needs Experience in dealing with multiple Combatants that do carry some weapons at the same time they need to be weaponized to protect ones self .
How many times will they be calling on the Police for back up ???

Doug Weldon
Reply to  Sandpiper
10 months ago

This situation reminds me of the mass murder in Nova Scotia. The murderer’s problems were very well known by everyone around. The police spoke to him often but never did a thing while he abused people including his wife. After 20 or 22 people died they even tried to charge his wife – as if she was the one responsible for letting all this happen.

Maybe in Cobourg if we have serious problems, then the Town Police could charge the part time employee who is supposed to solve the homeless problem in 6 months and with the fortune of $35,000 working all hours of the day.
Who even thinks up this stuff ?

WHY NOT GET the Town Council and town administrators to use the existing laws and politely ask the Town Police to enforce ALL laws. I’m sure camping out at Brookside is illegal. Since the legalization of marijuana it appears that all drugs have become legal and that includes many previously unacceptable social behaviours.

Let’s get the town Police back to work. They are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and receive a very good salary. Why do we have police ?

I would be the first person to hope that they would use a social approach to all these problems as a first step but also bring in the rules/laws when behaviour is illegal and does not stop. Why do we have laws ? Why do we have Police ?

Reply to  Doug Weldon
10 months ago

I suggested over 1 year ago that the Cobourg Police should have a downtown “Walker” dedicated to covering daily the streets of most concern.
Does anyone know if the force has “ALL” its employees ready and able to work?

Reply to  Doug Weldon
10 months ago

Nichole Beatty apparently
Great Idea to get the Police back to work !
May be a better Neighbourhood watch program through out the affected area s
apparently we all have to look after and fend for our selves .
May be everyone should be calling in and reporting what they see taking place .
Obviously the Police are not responding or reporting issues to the public anymore under the excuse of Privacy act.
Who is incharge of Police services on Council anyway ??? Oh another JOKE

Reply to  Sandpiper
10 months ago

Neighbourhood watch???? Who in their right mind would confront someone on drugs??? Professionals are needed here! Open up a portion of Brookside and arrest these drug users. Help them with mandatory effort to get clean, hopefully permanent.Get on board with the Province. Brookside is just sitting there rotting away.

Reply to  Liz
10 months ago

The encampment is growing in size. TOWN OF COBOURG, DO SOMETHING!!!

Reply to  Liz
10 months ago

I Agree But –When was the Last time you had a Politician or Govt Employee at any level ever call you back in a timely fashion if ever
You can’t get on side of this Town and its officials as they won’t come out to deal with the situations of any sort they all think Time is a Cure all as their pay cheques keep rolling in .
This Mayor has been on the same Bus with the rest of the Council and County going No where on this issue for well over a year .

Reply to  Liz
10 months ago

Brookside is full of asbestos.

Reply to  Sonya
10 months ago

With what they willingly put into their bodies, asbestos will be the least of their concerns.

Sam Westcott
Reply to  Sonya
10 months ago

Really. Asbestos. Not likely. where is the proof of that?

Reply to  Doug Weldon
10 months ago

I’m assuming the penalty for breaking our town’s laws is a fine. What percentage of fines given to homeless people are paid? So then what?

Reply to  Silverhairedsenior
10 months ago

Use the35,000$ …at least it would do some good

Reply to  Doug Weldon
10 months ago

I have seen arrests made many times by the cobourg police and they have always been patient and respectable when arresting people. Definatley more patient than I’d be.

Reply to  Sandpiper
10 months ago

I have not talked to one business owner who agrees with this pilot project. In fact they are totally against it. The public needs to know who are the business owners that support this ridiculous idea?

Reply to  Sandpiper
10 months ago


Small Town Lover
10 months ago

Since when does the town tell our Chief of Police how it’s going to be?
Cobourg will be inundated with drug addicts from all over because they will see Cobourg as an enabling playground. Our home values will plummet because who wants to buy a house in a town with high taxes, drug addicts, violence and frightened seniors afraid to go downtown . We need to organize and show this town we are not happy and we are not going to let drug addicts take over our town. We need to show up at the meetings and let them know once and for all we are not putting up with this!

Reply to  Small Town Lover
10 months ago

This is “Enabling” on a whole new level. My God.

Reply to  Small Town Lover
10 months ago

Small town lover- your two statements need to be in the past tense- Cobourg is a magnet for homeless from away & house prices and sales in proximity of Brookside have plummeted.

Reply to  Small Town Lover
10 months ago

Then we better be giving a Tax reductions and reassess all the neighbouring Residents and property owners in the area

Reply to  Sandpiper
10 months ago

Our Leadership are already proposing a 5% tax increase for 2024 – so no tax relief for the taxpayer.

I believe it is incumbent on Council to determine how much taxpayer money is being required to fund the drug induced mess that they have allowed to escalate in Cobourg regarding the Fire Department, Ambulance Services and Brookside for emergency calls/ recovering stolen property / safety checks re unauthorized heating equipment and Police Services. And they need to establish a budget line for this in 2024 so taxpayers know. They can’t just bury this data.

Concerned Taxpayer
10 months ago

How about reutilizing Brookside “proper” to house the drug offenders in one half and create a treatment centre on the other half? If people want to be on the Brookside encampment land they have to go inside.

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
10 months ago

Is this April 1st and a joke!!!! You’ve got to be kidding me. This is no answer to any problem. What a position to put any “security” person in. It looks like to me, just another “hand off” from the Police and Bylaw for something they can’t seem to control and “let someone else do it”. These people had a home at one point, they have “id” which shows where they came from and where the Police should be escorting them back to. If they come back to “this feel good town” do it again and again until they decide we really don’t want them.

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
10 months ago

Because that will bring more of them. They won’t be locked in like the young offenders were, they’ll be roaming around and committing crime. This is prime real estate near 3 school. There are already addicts roaming around the high school on a regular basis. Bad bad idea. This king of this needs to be in a rural area away from kids and vulnerable people.

Reply to  Catherine
10 months ago

… about some where north of Red Lake, Ontario?

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
10 months ago

Great idea!!

10 months ago

This is a somewhat scary proposition. Last Wednesday, November 8, a homeless person was occupying and blocking entry of a single doorway into a business on Division Street close to King Street. He refused the Owner’s request to move. It required three Police Officers and three Police vehicles to make this happen.

Reply to  marya
10 months ago

Do Cobourg Police have “Stun Guns”??? If so, they should use them on these individuals.

10 months ago

This is a joke, right?!! I CAN’T believe that anyone would even consider this. If this liaison person is to be employed by the “Town”, then the “town” will be responsible if anything happens to this poor misguided person, won’t they? Better “up” the Town’s liability insurance and outfit the “outreach person” with a bodycam so that when they’re beaten up or worse, by one of the people they’re trying to liaise with, there will be a record for the courts! Absolute nonsense…

Dave Chomitz
10 months ago

The town is clearly creating an environment in which the police and bylaw can say “not our job, call someone else”.

If this goes forward, as a taxpayer I would expect equal consideration.

It’s only reasonable they be as tolerant of parking and public drinking violations.

Or we all obey the law.

Last edited 10 months ago by Dave Chomitz
Reply to  Dave Chomitz
10 months ago

Agree Dave, there has already been way too much of “not my job” going on in our Town. Well past time for our staff, council members and forces to measure up
If there are funds laying around waiting to be wasted , as they would be on such an endeavour, might just as well purchase extra fire works for New Year’s celebration and blow it away… least some of us would be thrilled by the display as none of us are thrilled with constant confrontation of unpredictable behaviour in our downtown and picture of disrespect the camp affords us

Downtown Mama
10 months ago

It is not an issue of being friendly, it is an issue of offering a hand to those who don’t want to put in the hard work. Getting clean is the first step and I know that is no easy task. But given by the empty beds at Transition House, there are those who don’t want to live drug free and it all flows from there…shelter, food to nourish their bodies and a job with CPP that will support them in their retirement (there are many employers in Cobourg looking for help). No, we don’t have to offer them warm fuzzies but instead, the support of professionals who can work with them for solutions (if they want it).Those who are given fish will never learn to fish. And if you let them get away with criminal activity those activities will only escalate. Their current situation is a waste of human potential and it doesn’t have to be that way. The residents of Cobourg deserve better. I speak from experience of a very close relative who fought alcoholism and continues to face the temptation every single day. He put in the hard work and now is in a good place, alcohol free. Ask the homeless what they want from this life (big picture) and what they are willing to contribute.

10 months ago

No one can expect an open discussion on this mess when you are dealing with Bureau, Rickerby, Beatty and others who seem to be controlling the conversation that should be open and straightforward. If any DBIA members actually support this “joint” venture with the homeless druggies I would suggest an immediate boycott of any and all businesses that would support such an initiative. At some point those who support this hairbrain initiative will become known and I would suggest everyone boycott their businesses going forward. I will be supporting an all new Council, Police Chief as a way to begin the cleansing.

Reply to  RPB
10 months ago

 I will be supporting an all new Council, Police Chief as a way to begin the cleansing.”

And pray tell in specific terms exactly how these ‘new brooms’ will satisfy your demands?

Reply to  RPB
10 months ago

My sentiments, exactly! Well said!

Reply to  RPB
10 months ago

Start by boycotting SPARK, all creatures great and small and the buy and sell. Get the word out to FB groups – we need to get an actual boycott going. Money is the only thing that talks.

Reply to  Catherine
10 months ago

Well that will not work the demographic for this Board doesn’t frequent those places!

Reply to  ben
10 months ago

Most in Cobourg are against the drug enabling. They just don’t realize how deep this whole thing runs, and that all the enablers are tied together and running Cobourg (business owners, on council, all sitting on each others boards). I don’t know a single person in my neighborhood or at work that supports the drug enabling. If word spreads that this is a way to push back at the enablers, people will jump on board.

Reply to  ben
10 months ago


10 months ago

In a Country where freedom of movement is a guaranteed right, where the right from being locked up or driven out of Town is another fundamental freedom, where the right to refuse mandated medical treatment and where the right to express one’s opinions are a given.

Will the people on this Board please turn their anger from venting about the conditions as they see it and provide the “enablers” just how the problem will be solved.

As far as I can see there is only one person willing to put his real name to his opinion – one that I fundamentally disagree with but at least I know where Ken Strauss sits.

What would the rest of you provide in real terms of how to deal with the situation as you see it?

Ken Strauss
Reply to  ben
10 months ago

I suggest that the solution lies in more prison cells for the miscreants. Why should law abiding citizens tolerate thefts, intimidation and having to pay for lifestyles that contribute absolutely nothing to our prosperity?

Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

And I respect that Ken – disagree with it, but that’s democracy – civil debate!

John St resident
Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Do you know how much prison will cost? It’s astronomical? Yes repeat violent offenders should go there but the main issue is the complete lack of mental health treatment and rehabs. It’s a year long wait to get into most programs.

Also there are so many studies showing prison isn’t effective for drug users they just start using again when they are out.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Prison Cells at night and “Work Farms” during the day…Perhaps if these people learn to feed themselves, they might learn additional self respect to become part of society.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
10 months ago

Please be reminded that many of these miscreants are mentally ill. How long should they be incarcerated? That’s not going to solve the homeless problem for this cohort, just as building millions of houses won’t.

Reply to  ben
10 months ago

The answer is not simple but I’ll try.
People who are under the influence are as responsible for their actions as everyone else. We need courts that will give longer sentences to repeat offenders and we should advocate for greater drug treatment funding within the prison system. If you are incapable of meeting the modest standards required in your provided housing you should be sent to jail. There should at no point be any indication that criminal activity will be tolerated! We will advocate for more affordable housing and greater capacity within short term housing. All occupants of government funded housing have to abide by a code of conduct requires them to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedoms of others. The same standards that apply to all members of a healthy community.

Do you believe in defunding the police and abolishing prison? Your positions seem to accept anarchy, except you want it paid for with government money. That’s not really how good governance works

Last edited 10 months ago by Mervin
Reply to  Mervin
10 months ago

You had me in the first para and the you blew it by attributing a speculative idea of what you think I believe in the second para. Wrong way to state your position

Last edited 10 months ago by Ben
Reply to  Ben
10 months ago

Educate me

Reply to  ben
10 months ago

In a Country ….. where the right to refuse mandated medical treatment and where the right to express one’s opinions are a given.”

Don’t know about you, but the past 3 years have proven that we do not have the right to refuse mandated medical treatment…..depending on what the desires of the government in power are.

That said, any suggestion will come with a resource bill and more importantly, a political impact assessment. Fold in the requirement to be in line with the current government’s view on the applicability of rights and freedoms, current legislation as well as inclusion and diversity and we are left back at square zero.

Casting the people in question in jail without a fair trial will not fly. Detaining someone all depends on what they are being detained for. The ‘Coutts 4’ remain detained but for what? The answer to that really is unknown, and varies from where you sit. Meanwhile you can sexually assault people multiple times and still be allowed to walk ‘free’. Great country for some I suppose.

I’m rambling – my point is this – any provincial or federal action needs to be one which will ensure:

  1. they don’t lose any future voter support
  2. does not open them up to national media frenzy
  3. does not marginalize segments of the population which have been seen as marginalized in the past.

I don’t envy being in politics or government at any level these days. Maybe, just maybe, if we stopped trying to please everyone and went back to just being just…..

Who am I kidding.

Time to find a deserted island.

10 months ago

Last I checked the DBIA does not own the sidewalks, the road,or any street appurtenances along the downtown corridor.
if they wish to become social workers, let them do so inside their stores, and take it off the streets.
please let me know how it works out for their business!!

10 months ago

One of the major concerns with the Welcoming Streets Project Proposal is that it has been initiated by the DBIA, outlined to be controlled with data reporting going back to the DBIA with arms reach reporting to Town of Cobourg Communications. When has any type of Downtown Business Development Association crossed the lines and taken on the responsibility of Health Departments and Social Services?

The project in Guelph was created in 2018 and has been run by the County of Wellington Social Services. Their project was halted in April 2023 due to lack of stats on the success of the program.
The program that the DBIA has referenced for comparison is the Belleville Welcoming Streets Program. It was introduced in January 2023, although proposed much earlier. The testimonial listed out on the website is by a Ms. Kerr, Scalliwag Toys. The current stats (2023) of the success of the program are unavailable, but 2022 are available on their webpage. Belleville police have reported that their calls for service, as of Oct 2023, have increased 40% and there has been an increase in businesses within the downtown core that have shuttered their doors since the inception of the program due to continued disruption to businesses because of the homeless and addicted individuals. This is one statistic that is commonly neglected to be reported in these Welcoming Streets Projects, the loss of business and its owners due to participation in programs where the community feels unsafe to conduct business.

The Durham Region Welcoming Streets Program is actually run by Durham Community Health Care which has intensive case management and specialized intervention. Their Welcoming Streets Program is run and monitored by professional health care specialists, not by a Downtown Business Association that has direct ties to Advocacy groups.

This proposed pilot project sounds like a recipe for the community to boycott shopping the local downtown area as the residents are fed up with having advocacy ideologies forced down their throats and again, being asked to become desensitized to street disorder.

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  CountryGal
10 months ago

Excellent points, council and dbia members and board must read this!

Reply to  CountryGal
10 months ago

CountryGal for Deputy Mayor!!!!

Reply to  CountryGal
10 months ago

Well said countryGal. We need people like you on town council. I will be sharing the heck out of your comment. Thank you for doing your research.

Cobourg taxpayer
10 months ago

Another feel good plan for the left wing do gooders. The homeless that I see in Cobourg are drug addicts. The behaviour I see is irrational, abnormal, criminal and antisocial. Now business owners and residents are asked to learn how to work around the drug addicts so the addicts feelings don’t get hurt. You must be kidding me, I have NO interest in this and can easily think of some business owners such Theresa Rickerby who would think this is wonderful. Here’s a suggestion: the downtown business owners that support this initiative can hang a big purple flag on the storefront meaning that’s the doorway to sleep in, where to use the washroom, where to use your drugs and get snacks but all this should occur inside the store ( to be more welcoming). The drug addicts need to be cleared out of town, no open drug use, no fighting, no screaming, no dumpster diving (except Theresa’s) get help, get clean, get a job and contribute to society in a meaningful way instead of expecting everyone to tiptoe around the vulnerable. If this plan is accepted by DBIA members and council I want a clear recorded vote who is for this plan.

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
10 months ago

Well there’s the answer all of the DBIA board support this including Nicole Beatty.

10 months ago

Given what is going on in Cobourg right now in “real time”, this proposal is irresponsible and what’s more irresponsible is it is being put forward with I guess the support of the DM and a Council member. Also, while I can’t find a current DBIA Board list and older list shows the Police Chief as one – is this true? Does the PC support this?

This link is to the Port Hope Politics Facebook page. They got wind of this proposal and some are concerned it might come to Port Hope. I think they think we are nuts.

Leadership changes have to be considered/made. The current Mayor/Council did not receive a strong enough mandate from the 16,520 eligible votes to be making decisions like this.

Last edited 10 months ago by Rational
10 months ago

Adam Bureau, what a joke he is, playing both sides of the fence.
He wouldn’t give an actual answer to a question if you begged him.
But I guess, the crackheads are probably his biggest clients, bringing in stolen goods.

10 months ago

Sounds like an excellent way to control the paper trail of criminal activity, control the narrative and continue the gaslighting of the public into believing there are no problems in town. And on the taxpayer, it’s genius💡

This gets more absurd everyday. Unbelievable!

Old Sailor
10 months ago

Who are the mental midgets that came up with this idea? Nicole and Brent should be banned from entering town of Cobourg. Have them welcome the Homeless to their homes and backyards and see how that works out. Can you believe a Councilor would promote this new path for integrating all the encampment drug addicts into our downtown businesses. With the purpose of:

  • Preventing unnecessary police and by-law involvement;
  • Facilitating positive relationships between business owners and vulnerable individuals,

Cobourg residents are already afraid to walk down King Street. Just another example of Councilors pandering to the delusionary GWC crowd instead of caring for the overwhelming majority of Cobourg taxpayers. May God have mercy on us.

10 months ago

Sure let’s have more drug addicts and shoplifters visit the downtown core . We can all hold hands and sing Christmas Carols. Get them out of the downtown core or we will soon have a ghost town. Lets get the resources to the people that need and want it. The seniors on fixed incomes that can’t afford their rent. The seniors that are now housed on a friends couch if they are lucky. Make Transition house a place for these people and ship the rest out of the Downtown area. County responsibility or not, the location of Transition House and the encampment is driving shoppers and tourists away. I wouldn’t do that job for 100k.

Mrs Bigley
Reply to  Informed
10 months ago

more jargon – lets try tough love – “do or go” its my town , my taxes – if help is not accepted then a short trip to the jail might be the option and time for thought – as for the homeless seniors – use some of the excess money as stated above and provide temporary accomodation-

Reply to  Mrs Bigley
10 months ago

Seniors that are displaced because or renovictions, increased rents beyond seniors pensions, Divorce,spousal abuse etc. the “squeaky wheel gets the grease”. The squeaky wheel are the addicts and thieves that roam the night.