Police Make Arrest in West Beach Shooting

With help from Durham, Port Hope and Peterborough Police, Cobourg Police have arrested one “suspect” in connection with the shooting on August 16 at the West Beach encampment and have identified two other suspects.  The male arrested is 19-year-old Kersi Buakasa and he is charged with six offences including attempted murder and possession of drugs for the purpose of trafficking.  Two other suspects have been identified: 21 year old Elijah Kerridge-Lall,  and 18 year-old Alearen Stewart, (details below). Both are known to Police, known to frequent the GTA and the Northumberland County area and they live in Durham region. Both should be considered armed. At 10:00 am today (Friday 25 August) police issued a Press release with details of this action. See Resources below to download a copy.

Here are photos of the two suspects at large.  Both have been slightly photoshopped to improve them.

Alearen Stewart
Alearen Stewart

Meanwhile, the encampment at the West Beach has been “vacated” and the entire West Headland (Waterfront Nature Park) has now been closed by the Town for “Maintenance” – that is, to clean it up. See the two announcements by the Town.

County Action

Also on Friday, Northumberland County released a Press Release with multiple points:

  • There are 10 to 15 individuals camped on County property at 600 William street and these have been advised “that camping and loitering are not permitted at this location”.
  • County CAO Jennifer Moore has not accepted any authority delegated within the recently passed Town of Cobourg Bylaw (details here), and the County has taken no action with respect to the by-law.
  • It is vital that  services at 600 William street continue uninterrupted for our community, and that our team members feel safe in performing their duties. These services include: Northumberland Paramedics’ Cobourg base, Land Use Planning and Inspections permitting, Corporate Communications, and the Business and Entrepreneurship Centre for small business supports.
  • County CAO Jennifer Moore states: “We have taken steps with our security partners and facilities staff to ensure business continuity, staff, and visitor safety. As work continues to support those tenting to transition to community services, I want to assure the public that essential municipal services will also continue.”

See full Press Release in Resources


Update: Second Suspect Arrested – Shooting at West Beach – 29 August 2023

Cobourg Police today announced that a second suspect was arrested as a result of an ongoing investigation. One suspect is still at large.

On Tuesday, August 29th, 2023, at approximately 9:00am, 18-year-old Alearen STEWART, of Ajax, was arrested and charged with the following offences:

1) Point firearm contrary to section 87 of the Criminal Code
2) Discharge firearm with intent, contrary to section 244(1) of the Criminal Code (JOINT)
3) Attempted murder using firearm, contrary to section 239(1)(a) of the Criminal Code (JOINT)
4) Knowledge of unauthorized possession of firearm, contrary to section 92(1) of the Criminal Code (JOINT)
5) Possession of loaded firearm, contrary to section 95(1) of the Criminal code (JOINT)
6) Possession of prohibited firearm, contrary to section 91(2) of the Criminal Code (JOINT)
7) Occupant of motor vehicle knowing there was a firearm, contrary to section 94(1) of the Criminal Code (JOINT)

STEWART was held for a bail hearing later today.

Investigation into the location of a third suspect continues. A 21-year-old man, Elijah KERRIDGE-LALL is still outstanding, described as 5’8” tall and 130lbs. (See above photo) KERRIDGE-LALL is on a current court release for attempted murder charges involving a firearm and was supposed to be on a house arrest condition but was not at his residence when police executed the search warrant.

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1 year ago

For the record:
It’s Henley Arcade
No apostrophe and no “s”

“John Henley was very well-regarded in the Cobourg community. It is fitting that John Henley’s name is immortalized across the top of this thoroughfare.”

1 year ago

I just heard that st. Peters church is going to shelter the homeless in the winter again. I know they are well paid for doing this and they have security guard for the church. The residents that live in that area are asking the church to pay for security for them also. Walking the streets. I think the church should be made to do this.
Port hope gets a huge amount of funding for the homeless yet all the homeless come to Cobourg. why does port hope not have a homeless shelter with the amount of homeless now? Why should Cobourg have all the expense when port hope gets funding too?

Old Sailor
Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Hi Sonya

Thanks for your update on St. Peter’s Church offering yet again to house our growing Zombie population over the winter months – with yet again ZERO CONSULTATION BY THE CHURCH OR OUR COUNCIL WITH NEARBY COBOURG RESIDENTS. Obviously, none of our Council members live near St. Peter’s Church. And St. Peter’s Church desparately needs the money for more restoration of their Church so it is A okay to continue with centralizing the Zombie population in the downtown core for the whole year. God knows Port Hope, Brighton and Campbellford do not want any of them.

This provides the County with a time deferral before they must come up with a solution to accomodate all the drug addicts pouring into Cobourg’s downtown area. This is a wet dream for the Henley Arcade crowd and their “suppliers.” What a sad state we are in. And our Council and County and Province and Federal Government could care less.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Sonya – Does Trinity United on Division also provide services to homeless? I have often seen what appears to be drug addicted people sitting on their steps

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

I don’t know Dave. I think the church helps in some capacity but Ive also seen large groups of homeless on the church property and always on the chapel street side guys smoking crack on the church steps. Of course this is all allowed now if you refer to Wally keeler’s post. Again, people were unaware of the federal governments decision, through health Canada, to grant an exemption to the controlled drugsand substance act to remove criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of drugs. BUT don’t open a bottle of beer on the main street or at the beach. No weed either. Drugs are excellent right? Is that what it says on missys t shirt? Trying to decriminalize drugs people!
Wake up people! Turn off the Netflix and pay attention!

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Hi Sonya – No I was aware of B.C.’s decision – I have posted about it before. Now enacted Vancouver is particularly aware that it is a mistake now. Olivia Chow of new mayor of Toronto has proposed to do exactly the same thing despite the disasterous result in Vancouver. Apparently in Vancouver now the street dealers to addicts only carry the new possession amounts topping up as they sell making it impossible to arrest for traffickng. Only in Canada you say!

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Oh great. More zombies in Toronto that will be shipped to Cobourg. How can this harm reduction crap be stopped? What do we have to do? I’m just an ordinary small town girl with no knowledge of these things. I just know that Cobourg looks like something out of a horror movie now.
Let’s start with the injection site. Get rid of that first.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Best to be very careful who you vote for Sonya first. Then do as Cobourg is doing and continue to let the political people and police know just how dissatisfied you are. The fabric of society has been changing since the 80s. I’ll leave it each to decide why. I have decided why noting the changes that have created much irresponsibility and slackening of values – go to work support oneself! Too much time on people’s hands to imagine all their problems.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

I agree Dave. We have a society of perpetual victims who, in most cases, will tell you that their current situation/crisis is not their fault – pick a reason why there are more than enough to go around. They struggle to differentiate between fault and responsibility. For example, while the trauma they may have experienced is not their fault, it is their responsibility to take the action required to pull themselves up, seeking treatment, get a job, find support, change friends/locations/habits/lifestyle and be the most active participant in their wellbeing journey. Nothing about this life gives a man or woman the right to slough off their responsibilities and expect someone else to pickup the pieces.

No one owes them anything.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Several Cobourg churches, including Trinity, provide meals. I think the different churches provide meals on different days of the week. I did not find a schedule. This ‘soup kitchen’ service is not only for homeless, anybody is welcome. Trinity attracts certain people due to its location across from Transition House, within blocks of several rooming houses, the shelter provided by its entrances, etc.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

Thanks Kevin – also the church on King West were providing sandwiches on Tuesday, they used to post on their board out front but lately I have not seen that posting perhaps they have discontinued the practice. Also the Library provides a fridge in the lobby with various offerings open to anyone that needs it. Saw 2 addicts accessing it yesterday. People have complained who take their children there as sometimes also the addicts have availed themselves of the bench there for a snooze or nod out?

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Some people are not taking their kids to the library anymore. Too much tweaking going on and it scares the kids.

Pete M
Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Our current government says guns are bad for Canadians. They have banned the sale of handguns and storage and transport rules for legally owned rifles are so onerous only the most resolute will own one.
Yet more more Canadians will die from drug overdoes/ poisonings than from firearms whether at the hands of someone else or their own hand.
And yet was does the Govt do about opioids and other drugs- makes it easier to get and condones their use thru decriminalization efforts and loosely regulated “safe injection” sites.

Wally Keeler
1 year ago

The Epoch Times, August 27, 2023, Headline: “B.C. Residents not in favour of hard drug decriminalization: federal government research.”

“Most research participants said they were unaware of the federal government’s recent decision, through Health Canada, to grant an exemption to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to remove criminal penalties for the possession of up to 2.5 grams of certain illegal drugsan for personal use in B.C.

“Under this exemption, effective from Jan. 31, 2023, to Jan. 31, 2026, adults 18 years and older in B.C. are not arrested or charged for possessing up to 2.5 grams combined of opioids (including heroin, morphine, and fentanyl), crack and powder cocaine, methamphetamine,; and MDMA (ecstasy).

Only a “small number” knew about this experimental decriminalization of hard drugs, said the report. According to Blacklock’s Reporter, this was the first cabinet order of its kind since Parliament criminalized cocaine and opium in 1911.”

Did our MP know about this experimental decriminalization? If not, why not? If he knew, did he support it? Was this debated in the House? The results of this experiment are more and more visible daily. When they planned this experiment on a community, what did they think would happen? Since when are communities subject to secret federal experiments, especially experiments that often engage violence and criminality within a community?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

This experiment was done by “cabinet order”. No public discussions, town halls, committees. Certainly no debate in the House of Commons. It was an edict, a decree, more accurately it was diktat; it was done without public support, let alone consent. It was a diktat by our righteous ruling class. Perhaps it would be better to spend our taxes on regime in Ottawa, rather than squandering it on delusional regime change in foreign countries.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

That was provincial, BC only tight?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Sandy
1 year ago

yes, but the idea spread; unforeseen by our ruling class.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

CBC, June 1, 2022: “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has adopted 72 secret orders-in-council — hidden from Parliament and Canadians — since coming to office, CBC News has learned.”

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

What the govt of B.C. says: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022MMHA0029-000850

“The shocking number of lives lost to the overdose crisis requires bold actions and significant policy change. I have thoroughly reviewed and carefully considered both the public health and public safety impacts of this request,” said Carolyn Bennett, federal Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health. “Eliminating criminal penalties for those carrying small amounts of illicit drugs for personal use will reduce stigma and harm and provide another tool for British Columbia to end the overdose crisis.”

“Substance use is a public health issue, not a criminal one,” said Sheila Malcolmson, B.C.’s Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “By decriminalizing people who use drugs, we will break down the stigma that stops people from accessing life-saving support and services.”

“This exemption is a vital step to keeping people alive and help connect them with the health and social support they need,” said Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer. “By removing the fear and shame of drug use, we will be able to remove barriers that prevent people from accessing harm reduction services and treatment programs.”

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

What a bunch of crap. It’s working so well too isn’t it? Addiction and overdoses have tripled. It’s the wild west out there now. Everyday I see guys sitting on the step of trinity united smoking crack. A girl across the street sitting there with no top on talking away to herself all afternoon. It just goes on and on. It’s only going to get worse unless the citizens of Cobourg stand up to this ridiculous decriminalization of drugs just so we don’t hurt them drug addicts feelings. And people walking around with t shirts saying drugs are excellent and getting paid to do it.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

It is not illegal for a woman to go topless in Canada after the SCOC changed the law in 1991. Now if anyone was bare below the belt there would be reason to complain.

Reply to  Gerry
1 year ago

It is legal for women to go topless in Canada wherever men are allowed to do so, under provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms…section 28 guarantees all rights covered in the Charter apply equally to men and women.
Just to clarify.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

“… will reduce stigma and harm and provide another tool for British Columbia to end the overdose crisis.”

“… will break down the stigma that stops people from accessing life-saving support and services.”

“By removing the fear and shame of drug use, we will be able to remove barriers that prevent people from accessing harm reduction services and treatment programs.”

This is the argument put forth by three ruling class health officials. They are delusional. They all make similar assertions without providing any supporting documentation for such a policy. They claim that stigma and shame “stops people” and “prevent[s] people” from accessing health care. How does this work exactly? And get this; the Federal Health Minister claims that such a policy will “end the overdose crisis.” Ludicrous hubris. This is a 3 year experiment to determine if their circular theory can fit in the square hole of facts. They want to remove the fear of drug abuse. Don’t be afraid of drug use children, because we will always be there to ensure you don’t die from your lethal behavior. What kind of health policy is this? A drug policy gone bad.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Here’s the facts so far:

“The coroners service said the 1,455 deaths from January to July are the most ever reported in the first seven months of the year since a public health emergency over drug poisoning deaths in the province was declared in 2016.

“Unregulated drug toxicity is the leading cause of death in British Columbia for persons aged 10 to 59, accounting for more deaths than homicides, suicides, accidents and natural diseases combined, according to the B.C. Coroner’s Service.”

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago


Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago
Reply to  Gerry
1 year ago

That’s old news, but just because you can, doesn’t mean you should….

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Depends on the woman!

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

That is not the point. The mention by the OP was not germane to the conversation; I pointed out that the implication that being topless was also illegal was misleading.

Reply to  Gerry
1 year ago

Gerald I think what the OP was doing was painting a disturbing image that she was subject to seeing…not something we are nor do we want to become accustom to witnessing. You put too fine a point on a single item in the story that was never suggested to be illegal…simply socially unaccepted (outside of at the beach)

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

This is all coming from big pharma. Harm reduction is ridiculous! Who would come up with such a stupid idea. Big pharma is going to make a fortune out of safe supply drugs.

1 year ago

On a positive note it was so nice to see the west pier and beach being used again today by seniors and children without fear of drug users and gangster’s assaulting them. All the people in this town need to keep fighting hard to make sure we keep taking this town back. If our municipal, county, provincial and federal governments are not on the same page with this we need to vote them out along with kicking the other enablers out of our town.

1 year ago

This town has gotten so bad. A few nights ago cycling with my kids past transition house we all witnessed a fight. One of the men pulled out a six inch blade. Although it was sheathed he pushed it into the other man’s face. He then lost control of it and dropped it, they continued to brawl. It really scared my seven year old. There are an answers to this but the leaders of this country have no back bone. We have gotten too soft as a people. We reap what we sow.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Dam_213
1 year ago

It is scary to contemplate what Canadians would do if the events leading to our response on September 10, 1939 were to be repeated today.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
1 year ago

I certainly agree with you Ken. Weenie, Weedy, Weakie!

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Ken Strauss
1 year ago

In the past, only Canadian Citizens could serve in the CAF but, in a news release put out in December, 2022, The Honourable Minister of National Defence, Anita Anand, announced that “permanent residents are welcome to apply to enroll in the Canadian Armed Forces”.
There aren’t enough Canadians willing to join the armed forces in this country…
Speaks volumes.!

Reply to  Dam_213
1 year ago

This is horrible to hear. Did anyone call 911 to report this as attempted murder so both perps involved could be immediately arrested ?

Reply to  Dam_213
1 year ago

According to the advocates for legalized drugs and injection sites at Henleys your child should not be afraid of that. It’s a good time to educate your child and tell them ” that man needs help.” Your child should understand and not be afraid. Lol

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Poor Mr. Henley, now having his name associated with this type of thing.

1 year ago

This was posted on the Town of Cobourg facebook page 2 hours ago. Thank you Town Leadership, CPS and ByLaw for nothing.

You know what is going on down there – why are you sitting on the sideline with blinkers on?


Reply to  Rational
1 year ago


Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

If you look at missys go fund me page you will see why the injection site is being allowed. What happens when an innocent citizen gets hurt walking through Henleys arcade. Or worse yet shot by some dealer who didn’t get his money again. Can the town be sued?

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Is it because the Town Clerk advised them if they called it a protest they could have their Friday night drug party?

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Yes. That is why. No consideration for the safety of the Cobourg residents. So what are they protesting? They get everything they want.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

My Lawyer just told me that the organizers of such sites are responsible for maintaining security within a 15 metre perimeter, which is not being done.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Why are they sitting in the sidelines all across the country? This is not coincidental but part of a much bigger evil plan. People better wake up and fast.

Cobourg Taxpayer
1 year ago

My apologies everyone the booth at the farmers market with Missy McLean (same person who runs Friday night pizza party at Henley Arcade 7-10pm, part of Tweakeasy and Greenwood Coalition) was Moms Stop the Harm, wrong acronym. The purpose is to promote safe injection sites and harm reduction. I didn’t make it to the market today but rumour has it there were no pamphlets on counselling, detoxification, rehabilitation just providing safe drug supply. I’ll be there next Saturday. Again not MAiD wrong acronym.

Reply to  Cobourg Taxpayer
1 year ago

Wrong acronym for sure, Cobourg Taxpayer! “Moms Stop The Harm” is a perversion of the same rhetoric and just another way to seek donations on the website of this title.

Reply to  Cobourg Taxpayer
1 year ago

There never is, all they do is enable drug use. They are reprehensible anarchists.

1 year ago

A direct quote from Today’s Northumberland:

“An arrest warrant is being sought for 21-year-old Elijah KERRIDGE-LALL, described as 5’8” tall and 130lbs. KERRIDGE-LALL is on a current court release for attempted murder charges involving a firearm and was supposed to be on a house arrest condition but was not at his residence when police executed the search warrant.”

The bail system is truly broken when an individuals “rights” trump community safety.

John Draper
Reply to  Malcom
1 year ago

That is a direct quote from the Police Press Release which is the first download in Resources at the foot of this post. I recommend reading all resources – many readers do.

1 year ago

I hope that my ears were deceiving me when I heard (on CHEX News Friday night) that one of the suspects still at large, was under house arrest for Attempted Murder???

Pete M
Reply to  Malcom
1 year ago

On bail waiting to go trial for the charge. So courts in their generosity decided it was better for him to be detained at his house rather than maplehurst or some other jail.
Courts belief “Innocence until proven guilty”. So detention has to be the least onerous thanks to Trudeau bill C 5

Reply to  Malcom
1 year ago

Yes. He was under house arrest and has possibly, possibly skipped the country “to visit grandma” elsewhere. Years ago, my Husband, working for the Toronto Police Force, routinely went to the Caribbean Countries to bring back individuals.

Pete M
1 year ago

The shooting exemplifies , two distinct groups who live outside social conventions and the law. These two groups engage in a symbiotic relationship that is parasitic.
For the most part it has happened in the shadows and back alleys, but has now been brought into public view, by groups who say they are to help these victims. But do they really help or do they thru their actions keep these people in the parasitic relationship, thereby being enablers of these gangs and poison distributors?

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

If anyone would like to meet Missy McLean of Henley Arcade fame she is at the Farmers Market at the MAID tent.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

MAID?? End of life drugs to be prescribed to those that wish to die. Is that her new solution for the drug addicts?

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Is Missy distributing pro-addiction material?

Pete M
Reply to  Ken Strauss
1 year ago

Nope. Beyond addiction. Now death for those who who dont wish to live.

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

6 in one…

Pete M
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Interesting…reinforces my view that she is an individualist anarchist

“Individualist anarchism is the branch of anarchism that emphasizes the individual and their will over external determinants such as groups, society, traditions and ideological systems”.

Old Sailor
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago


I wouldn’t want to be selling produce at the Farmers’ Market on either side of the MAID tent :):):):)

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

There was a small group of people at the farmers market this morning making people aware of the drug abuse in Cobourg and the enabling groups that promote it. It was a group called “no hard drugs.” They had lots of information about recovery. Where to go to for help. Phone numbers for methodone treatment and narcotic anonymous meetings. Similar to AA meetings.
They said they would be back next week. They were surprised how many Cobourg residents did not know about the injection site at Henleys arcade.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

That is Fantastic! I will be there next weekend! Thanks Sonya.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Pete fisher was also there to do an interview with the group leader. It was so good to hear that there is help out there for drug abusers and that we have to get back to prevention for the next generation.
Group is a Facebook group called ” no hard drugs.” I plan on joining.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago
Reply to  JimT
1 year ago

I love this, great job ladies! Awesome message.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Wow! Great job to whoever this was! Yes we need solutions! Nobody wants to see people living in tents but there is help out there! Promoting drugs is not the answer – and keeps people from seeking the help they need. Good job! We need more people like you in this town whoever you are!

1 year ago

I do not understand a so called safe house. Do these people have medical degrees to assist? Or do they just have to know how to dial 911?

Reply to  Core
1 year ago

The drug tent Missy says is to bring people together in friendship and connection/pizza party. Does she mean to connect to drug dealers? There have been two overdoses at Henley Arcade, there are no medically trained staff to assist.

Reply to  Cathy
1 year ago

Drug dealers always slime around the corners of a injection site. There’s lots of money to be made where drug addicts get together.
I wouldn’t advise anyone to go near Henleys arcade on a Friday night. Keep your teenage children close on a Friday night.

1 year ago

Thanks to all those water front residents & Businesses that helped the Police out by providing their security camera footage . I understand it was a great help in identifying the 3 individuals

1 year ago

One look and you know that Canada’s immigration policy is flawed. Sorry to have to say this about our inept government officials and it will only get worse in the future.

George Taylor
Reply to  cornbread
1 year ago

Bring thousands of refugee’s into the Country with NO JOB’S & NO LODGING? Mr. T

Leona Woods
Reply to  cornbread
1 year ago

Are these men immigrants or are they Canadian? How can you tell with “one look”?

Reply to  cornbread
1 year ago

If they had better Parenting no matter where they are from, and were not able to use the Discrimination factor to get them selves out of Scrapes like this when they were smaller
and just learned everyone is equal and equally responsible to provide for them selves here in Canada there would be less of this . I remember back in the 80s meeting a Immigration Lawyer Mendel Green from Toronto and he advised me that when new immigrants of any sort came to Can. they had to be self reliant and supported for a period of no less that 3 yrs as well as stabilized in 1 housing location for the same period I also believe that they had to prove they had adequate funds or family support here to survive those 3 yrs while building a career with out reaching into Canadian Tax payers Pockets for support .
Lets get back to Basics .
Trudeau Can.t support the whole world or solve the Worlds supposed Climate crisis by Taxing Canadians
any longer .

Reply to  cornbread
1 year ago

Just another piece of their evil puzzle….God help us when that puzzle is complete.

1 year ago

Given the County press release that they have not accepted Cleveland’s proposal makes one wonder why the rush to release details by Cleveland. Why wouldn’t he present to Northumberland County the proposal and then work out the detail followed by a joint announcement once agreed to? Was it to deflect responsibility?

Look at the problem now tossed on to 600 William Street and the County staff that work there. They now have to have security guards.

Cobourg ford not need Mr. Cleveland making decisions any more and then putting his personal spin on matters. It’s too frightening.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

But no security guards for the kids and seniors at the beach? Our most vulnerable citizens?
What is happening to society? What is happening to cobourg?
Henleys arcade is totally blocked off by drug addicts tonight. Not safe for anyone to walk through there. Not safe anywhere in cobourg anymore.,
How can we have people right in the middle of Henleys arcade doing drugs and the whole town of cobourg let’s it happen?
Where is bi law? Where are we? At home watching Netflix?

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Sonya. I thought bylaw would for sure be enforcing at Henley’s tonight.

You are right about security guards at County, but not beach.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

I just called bylaw. She took my info. Said no one available till Monday. They will get back to me, when they open back Monday.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

If anyone else wants to call # is 905-372-8380. Officers # was 414. I always get their numbers, called months ago and was a gong show.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

WOW !!!

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

This is a travesty to all of Cobourg and in particular to the immortalized John Henley!

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

I just phoned and after 20 rings a dispatcher answered and took my information for a reply on Monday. She had to leave me twice to answer other calls and I could faintly hear in the background that there were obviously other incoming complaints about the lack of enforcement. The number I used from Cobourg Internet was 905-372-4301.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

I always called 905-372-4301 ext. 4304 The one and only time I got a real person, he gave me another number to call. It was just the actual officer on duty, he then told me not to call that number because it was his work phone and when he went off duty, no one would answer. He then gave me 905-372-8380 and said that it would be answered 24 hrs. a day. I’ve had good service from that # and I urge all of you to keep calling. Complaints are the only way the law abiding citizens of Cobourg are going to prevail.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Hi there Marya. Did you get a response from bylaw yesterday? I did not. I will be calling tomorrow. What is going on??

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

No response as yet, Newbie, and I doubt if there will be one after I left an earful, although polite, to his dispatcher. I was told by one Councillor that the legal language has be further clarified and that action will soon be taken… I shall keep nagging.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Keep all this legal language requiring clarity in mind when the Town attempts to enforce a by-law that prevents you from opening a bottle of wine on the beach…maybe even have a BBQ in Victoria Park. It would appear as though they have no authority to do so.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

True. There are the grounds/reasons for doing what You suggested (since it is already happening). More Town enforcement officers are needed with less Town employees elsewhere.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

I just called and got a response,

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Strategy in place. They are addressing it. Ongoing investigation. Could not say much more. I expressed the majority of people’s frustrations, the perception, the lack of transparency. I also mentioned that now we have to deal with this shit at our Farmers Market. They are Fully aware of town’s frustrations.

Nice guy, quite open. I believe every move made by police and bylaw has to be measured, because the “advocates” have too much time on their hands and are using it to make enforcement Very difficult in this town. These are Nasty groups promoting and protesting the “rights” of criminal behaviour…as though they are somehow less responsible than the rest of the Townspeople.

This Horgan actor and others have threatened legal action, lawsuits etc on the Mayor, some Council, Today’s Northumberland, our police Chief, many others and now claiming security at County because County staff assaulted a “camper”. He tried the same in Durham Region.

I expect Henleys shutdown this Friday, or at least action taken of some kind.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Thanks, Newbie, for this update. Let Horgan and the others carry out the threat of legal action. There are plenty of people in Cobourg who are prepared to proceed with a class-action suit against them.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Pleased to share info Marya. Just want this nonsense to stop. Especially, for our small ones, teens and elderly. Such dangerous ideas.

BTW, Green Wood Coalition setup now on King…was the old Cobourg Beach Art centre for a short while. I saw Sheffield in there, when I walked by. Had to skirt around, as had little ones with me and some shady people huddled in doorway.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Newbie, what sort of “setup”? Where was the “Cobourg Beach Art Centre”?

Reply to  ken
1 year ago

Looks similar to the one in Port Hope (that I see on website). The same GWC Missy McLean worked for. She, I believe she works at Northumberland Community Help Centre..(at Sir Sanford bldg). Defund police on office wall. She has very radical websites, you can google her name…right out there. She is fighting for Socialism (also on her personal website) same as GWC and Horgan is pals with them all. The Cobourg Beach Art Centre, I assume GWC now is across from Let’s Talk Books, a little south of there.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Yes, it used to be used as a ,other and daughter art shop. Now greenwood coalition.
Will missy put her big posters in there too? The big fist in the air and it says abolish the police? What the hell?? Who pays this woman? How can she be allowed to post something like that right on the wall in her office?

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Your mention of The Help Centre struck a nerve in that we have observed a sad decline since the involvement of Missy McLean. The Centre used to do fabulous work.

Reply to  ken
1 year ago

20 King Street East, north side of King Street.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

What “tossed”? It is/was Counties responsibility and they (with some foot dragging from Council) assumed that Cobourg would take care of this issue, now County rightly has the hot potato. Also, thanks to Brent Larmer for putting the time/effort to come up with an amended By-Law that clarifies responsibilities and actions. Now lets hope the County, I’m sure with some help from Prov, gets to dealing with this social/health problem.

Reply to  Gerinator
1 year ago

Gerinator – Tossed in my view is the correct adjective. Mr. Cleveland had no agreement with the County and the County has not agreed at this point. It’s up for negotiation. Just smoke and mirrors.

Mr. Larmer’s work is for not – just look at the mess at Henley Arcade last night – and despite Cleveland’s grandstanding int the Pete Fisher interview – the By Laws are going to be enforced – nothing has changed.

Missy McLean continues with her drug tents but just without the tent. And just laughs at Cobourg authority. The By Law Office is closed until Monday when people call in.

Town Leadership says nothing. Police say it’s a By Law issue not policing issue.

A month from now Cobourg. will be in the same position they are on today with no progress made. Unless of course new Leadership comes on.

1 year ago

Great job by Cobourg Poilce Services in tracking down these alleged thugs.
Hopefully, our Provincial Justice System will not bail them and send them straight to jail while awaiting trial.

Reply to  Eastender
1 year ago

Eastender – think attempt murder is a Federal charge but then what’s the diff? Our Provincial courts have been filled by the prior very long standing Liberal provincial government by judges that are more worried about the offender.

Reply to  Eastender
1 year ago

Wish the edit button worked. The Provincial Court is bound Eastender to follow the law as laid out by the Federal Liberal Goverment – Bill C5.

Reply to  Eastender
1 year ago

It says CPS had the help of Durham, Port Hope and Peterborough police’s services and that the suspects were from Durham. So they deserves credit. The charged individual would be delivered to CPS as the shooting took place here.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Agree all polices Services involved deserve credit. Thanks for your note.

beach lover
Reply to  Eastender
1 year ago

According to an Oct 2022 news report by CP24, Elijah Kerridge-Lall was arrested in connection with four separate shootings in the Peel Region between August and October last year. How is he out and about a year later?

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Well once again we hear “a voluntary resolution to this encampment” this time Jennifer Moore’s words. Meaning once again municipal bylaws against illegal encampments are meaningless and if this one ever gets vacated the taxpayer can cover the cost of cleanup again. Is Greenwood Coalition regularly providing support? Guaranteed Dave and Megan Sheffield are somewhere behind this as is Tweakeasy’s Missy McLean. Now she can move her Friday night pizza party to this location instead of Henley Arcade.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

I was thinking…what would happen if people started politely contacting the businesses or charities (ie: United Way) that support the “grassroots” organizations who are contributing to the current situation either financially or via services and letting them know you object to this.

IIRC correctly you can direct United Way to not send any of your contributions to certain “charities”.

Making a polite call to a business you frequent that is supporting these groups to let them know that you object to them supporting causes that are detrimental to the common good and letting them know you will be withholding your business may make a difference. T

If businesses and charitable organizations take enough of a financial hit they may reevaluate their support for these causes.

Wally Keeler
1 year ago

For this reason, there are now dozens of supervised consumption sites scattered across the country. Though they have some benefits, people living close to many of these sites have complained about significant increases in public disorder and violent crime. Such complaints have frequently been made on online forums, in community meetings and, on occasion, tp the media — but, until recently, they were often dismissed as callous NIMBYism. However, a nationwide crime wave seems to be changing things.”

1 year ago

Regarding the Northumberland County announcement, if this encampment is illegal and that they haven’t assumed any responsibility, why are the By-Law and CPS continuing to do nothing?

The Mayor proclaimed in his interview with Pete Fisher that Council approved the By-Law Amendment to tighten up the By-Law to give broader authority – and NOW we can can take action and enforce the By-Laws of Cobourg. (They could have enforced the previous BY-Law too in my view by didn’t.)

I am certain the drug addicts aren’t abstaining at 600 William Street. They have taken over the area that the staff of the various agencies probably went to on breaks or lunch. The County CAO comments on the vital need that agency staff at 600 William Street staff safe – so I take their is concern by staff.

Messrs. Cleveland and VanDeGraff you need to act.

1 year ago

Great police work! The court system though. Sentence reduction for pre-trial custody – shouldn’t happen, these offenders would not be at that time held in a Federal prison where they belong. If not from Canada deport after sentence served – Start spreading the news back home Canada woke up.
Certainly don’t want to read about tough child hoods or he is a good boy or he is now turning his life around.
Especially disheartening for police officers to see them get off lightly and read the phony excuses and boo hoo stories. Lock ’em up!

1 year ago

Interesting announcement from the County CAO about the feeling of SAFETY of their “team members”, regarding the illegal encampment. Yes Ms. Moore, we should ALL feel safe in our community.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Yes, I thought the same thing. Didn’t seem to bother the county when they were at the harbour terrorizing the seniors and kids. I don’t like to say this but I find people really don’t care as long as it’s not in their neighborhood. Let’s all think about the people that have to live beside a drug house. The people living in the vicinity of transition house run by the county.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

My point precisely Sonya. I think be useful to remember this and these #s. 10-15, as I mentioned before. Robert Horgan says 40 on Town page. Why would Anyone want drug induced behaviours in their neighbourhood? Horgan now saying County staff assaulted someone on Cobourg Politics site. Something else.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

That sounds bizarre.

1 year ago

Thank you John for sharing this very important news. Congratulations to our police force…keep working at getting the other two dangerous SOB’s! I hope the heavy charges will turn into convictions!

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Is Mr. Buakasa out on bail yet?

Reply to  Ken Strauss
1 year ago

Is that a funny? Because it did make me laugh.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Not so funny, in all seriousness. Looks like this guy arrested was charged with attempted murder a year ago.


Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Correction, one of the 2 other suspects was charged with attempted murder a year ago, was supposed to be under house arrest. Elijah-KERRIDGE-LALL.

Thanks Trudeau for keeping us safe with Bill C-5.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

This is the Liberal bill C-5 at work.

1 year ago

Fabulous work! 👏 👏 👏 👏
KTP trio!
(Perhaps a connection to the Jamaican Patty House tragedy would not surprise me)!?