Pickleball Club asking Town to Fund Dedicated Courts

Pickleball is getting to be very popular worldwide and now in Cobourg. The Cobourg Pickleball club had 67 members in 2021 and now has 227 members.  Currently they share 19 facilities (courts): 6 indoors at the CCC, 10 at Sinclair Park and 3 at Peter Delanty Park.  But shared courts are not optimum and the club wants dedicated courts – and they’ve chosen Sinclair Park.  They believe they can do the conversion (to dedicated) for $250,000 for 10 courts but Town staff report that the cost will be more like $733K for 6 courts and $1,070K for 12 courts.  Although it does not have to be done all at once, that’s a big difference.  Further, staff do not seem convinced that Sinclair Park is the best location and cite pickleball’s known noise issue and the proximity to residences.

Sinclair Park not suitable

Director Brian Geerts says that in its current state, Sinclair Park does not meet several of the design guidelines for the Athletic Park Type (location, pedestrian circulation, vehicular circulation, landscaping).  An athletic park should be located in commercial or industrial areas with buffers away from residential areas. The park should be well organized with defined/ clustered recreation/ athletic facilities. A centrally located building should house public washrooms, concessions, storage, change rooms, etc.  An internal pedestrian network should link all facilities within the park and connect to the town-wide pedestrian system. (Parks Master Plan, 2013).  Brian notes that “the notation regarding Athletic parks’ industrial and commercial placement is driven by the need to mitigate nuisance factors such as lighting, noise, and parking.”

Club request

The club wants a lease (not an MOU) that specifies exclusive use – this means that the three tennis courts and two of the baseball diamonds would be decommissioned plus only Pickleball club players could use storage rooms or washrooms.  However, the two staff designs show the Tennis courts staying. See Resources below. They want agreement to lease the facilities at Sinclair park for $1 per year for 20 years, a grant of $125K and an interest-free loan of $125K. They are hopeful that the loan would not be needed if they can get a grant from Trillium although that cannot be guaranteed.

Campus plan
Campus plan

The club does concede that Tennis players would have exclusive use of the existing Peter Delanty Park tennis courts.

Ideal Location

Director Geerts points out that the designs for Sinclair Park are from a “preliminary feasibility analysis and this is not a project plan; it is a way to evaluate whether or not a project could be successful”.  A better location would be the CCC (per the campus plan – see image) although outdoor courts would need to be built from scratch. (See Staff report for more details). However, new outdoor courts at the CCC would fit with existing plans and would not have the same problems.

Quick Approval Requested

But the Pickleball club is in a hurry – they would like approval at the upcoming CoW Council meeting on August 14 so work can start in October 2023 and mostly be complete in Spring 2024.

The club expects 250 members in 2024 paying a membership fee of $50 rising to 350 members in 2026 paying a membership fee of $60.

Both the Town and club agree that more public consultation would be needed for the Sinclair Park option.

Staff have offered two options for Council to consider:

  1. Ask the Club to “develop pickleball court site selection criteria based on industry best practices to demonstrate due diligence to the community, a noise mitigation plan, a detailed business case, and financing plan for further consideration”.


  1. Go ahead with a lease agreement and funding as requested (per the 2023 budget) that would “transition Sinclair Park racquet courts from a public service to a privatized not-for-profit operating model for the purposes of offering the sport of Pickleball in leagues, formats, and schedules that are accessible to all citizens of Cobourg and the surrounding area” while recognising that Sinclair Park is not optimum and that three baseball diamonds would be decommissioned.  Also designate the existing courts at Peter Delanty Park as dedicated tennis courts.

If you are like me, you might wonder where Sinclair Park is – it’s accessed off William street on the corner of Harden and Sinclair Streets.

Expect a debate at the CoW. It’s clear that Town Staff would prefer Option 1 but they have provided another option and Council can direct them against their preference.


Addendum – 14 August 2023

At the Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, Miriam Mutton moved that Council work with the Pickleball club to create outdoor Pickleball courts at the Cobourg Community Centre (CCC) (Option 1). Nicole Beatty amended the motion to specify an MOU instead of a Lease. The motion passed. Although not specifically discussed, it’s likely that a preliminary plan and the cost will be included in 2024 budget deliberations. The motion will need to be ratified in next week’s regular Council meeting

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1 year ago

Ok, we have a housing crisis, a lot of people are hurting right now. Why doesn’t the club start a fund raising campaign if they so choose.

1 year ago

I just don’t know what the problem is. We have a specific group requesting funding to do a specific thing. The right thing to do is have the specific group justify (i.e. a business case) why it is they are deserving of ANY funding or relief of costs from the Town. Option 1 is the only way to go.

Reply to  Gerinator
1 year ago

I don’t know how the Pickleball Club can even ask for money from the Town/Taxpayers when the Town can’t afford Lifeguards at Victoria Beach which is Cobourg’s largest tourism asset. On top of that the Pickleballers already have 19 locations they can play at. See article below that was on Global news.


Keith Oliver
1 year ago

In general, and after reading through all previous comments, pickle ball should be played indoors not out doors and Council should not be rushed into making anything like an expensive decision involving any kind of permanent facilities.

The club needs to establish metrics by which need can be verified, not just a best quess at future growth in player numbers.

Considering year round weather; increasingly health threatening air quality and rising temperatures; the advantages of playing on wood as apposed to asphalt surfaces; indoors beats outdoors by a long shot.

At 4 players a 15 minute game and each participant playing 2 hours a week between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM on weekdays, the 6 indoor CCC courts can accommodate 300 players. This leaves the weekend for practices and additional games.

Then there’s the issue of accessibility for those who don’t own cars.

Has anyone concidered renting basket ball courts at Cobourg Collegiate East or the Williams Academy?

In short, we need more informed discussion!

1 year ago

They should build the courts in an industrial area , or on Ontario street by the dog park

1 year ago

I love Pickleball, but my comment is way off topic:

Way off topic. Apologies. But I just heard tonite on 89.7 that 12 tents and growing in numbers are at the beach. One of the broadcasters asked if they need anything, like food or water. The woman calling in said more tents.

Pete Fisher was heading there after 6pm to meet caller at beach. They are in need for more tents, so they can pile into, states Virginia (caller). Not sure of exact location, East and West beaches (one was near Fern statue. I believe what is happening is as Pete M states below:

“ What your seeing is the Homeless-Industrial Complex setting up in Cobourg.”

As well, all news sites on Facebook are shutdown.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Thanks Newbie – If this is indeed true, where is Council, by-law, the Cobourg Police Service and other wrap-around support services on this? Council needs emergency meetings (as many as it takes) and determine a strategy on how to address it immediately and permanently. They need to stop 30 minute debates over parking passes and self serving OMERS eligibility. I don’t want to hear about flower pots downtown or wasteful trips to India. Where is the sense of urgency and where is the action?

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Hi there Rob. 100% agree. I put more details under Cobourg Police Annual Report article. Please take a look there. Emergency Council mtg. Today

Julie greer
1 year ago

I live directly across from the tennis courts on Sinclair st. There are 7 houses on this street. Each and every family on this street is sick and tired of our nice quiet little street being turned into a race track by these people coming to play pickle ball. The noise coming from them playing as caused me to close my windows and the conversation on the road after the came is also very annoying They block our driveways turn around in our driveways and trying to park in front of our own home at times is impossible. I do feel this is a residential area and it should not be located here. The increase in traffic could cause problems for pedestrians. Please consider a different area for the place for the pickle ball courts

Reply to  Julie greer
1 year ago

You NEED to get your street together and form a Delegation to Council.

Reply to  Julie greer
1 year ago

How on earth do you live with the constant noise of the train?

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

The trains are less annoying than the constant noise from pickle ball

Reply to  Julie
1 year ago

Pickleball isn’t played all day and all night, but the trains run 24 hrs. The club only has designated times set by the town.

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

Why do you assume that members of the club are the only ones allowed to use the courts and play pickle ball? There are public times open for both tennis and pickle ball. So in reality, PB could be played from 7 am – 11 pm.

Reply to  Julie
1 year ago

Funny, when the trains go by, the people playing pickleball can’t hear the people beside them or in the opposite court.

You bought a house across the street from a park. Do you go outside and yell at the kids playing baseball? What about the people with their dogs off the leash running around Sinclair Park. Do you yell at them too?

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

They bought a house knowing of baseball diamonds and tennis courts, not pickleball. Pickleball is universally known for being a noise nuisance.

Reply to  Ahewson
1 year ago

Exactly. There are numerous articles and court judgements on pickelball noise, but I have never seen one on baseball and tennis. Also, cobourg has offered up 19 locations for the pickelball people to play on – that should be enough, and their is no reason for the town to give them money for their personal use.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

There isn’t 1 proper dedicated pickleball gourmet in Cobourg yet. These so called 19 locations are tennis courts that are even closer to houses than Sinclair. Do you research before you quote incorrect information.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Sounds like the trains are a problem for you so why do you want to play at Sinclair?

Reply to  Lafs
1 year ago

Because there isn’t anywhere else that has been made available.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

The CPC has 27 hours of dedicated playing time at Sinclair and people are playing. There are 3 courts at Delanty and people are playing. There are courts at the CCC and people are playing. It may not be as ideal as you like, but people are playing picklebal all year round. You cannot assume the town will cough up thousands of dollars NOW to create what you want, in a place that could become a problem just because you want it NOW. For example, from what I’ve read in this blog the trains are an issue for you. The town is willing to work with you, so I suggest you work with them.

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

The courts at Coverdale have Pickleball lines why not play there as well?

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

The CPC does not have any time at Coverdale and do not use it. The neighbors complained about the noise and therefore the CPC does not have any times there.

Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in North America and forward thinking communities are building dedicated courts all over the place. Cobourg is behind the times, as usual.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

The CPC may not use Delacruz for club time, but others do play pickle ball at this court.

Reply to  Cobourger-1
1 year ago

Those aren’t dedicated pickleball courts with proper nets, lines and paint colours. You clearly don’t know the subject so why are you even commenting?

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Terry: perhaps you can speak to those who play pickle ball at Delanty to let them know. And you cannot restrict anyone from commenting on this blog…it’s an often forum for all stakeholders.

Reply to  Cobourger-1
1 year ago

Why would I? Delanty is a public park. People can do whatever they want except when it’s a time blocked by the tennis club. Are you suggesting that the tennis club not be allowed to block off times for just themselves? Why should they be allowed to deny people access?

I never said you couldn’t comment. I suggested that you shouldn’t comment if you don’t know the facts. But go ahead, you can’t seem to understand English and that hasn’t stopped you. LOL

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Sinclair is also a public park and that sir, is the whole point. Thank you for proving my point.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Terry: I am judging by this comment that the CPC should not be setting aside club time at Sinclair since you feel the Coverdale tennis Club should not set aside time for tennis. OK…I am good with that.

Julie greer
Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

The kids playing baseball last tops an hour and I love dogs

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

Marilyn: how can you enjoy Pickleball at Sinclair if you can’t stand the noise of the train?

Reply to  Julie greer
1 year ago

Public drug consumption and crime in areas that are filled with children and you’re worried about Pickleballers. I have no words

Bob LeDrew
1 year ago

I admire the chutzpah of the Pickleball folk. After all, if you don’t ask, they can’t say yes, right? However… a $1/year lease PLUS a grant of $125K PLUS an interest-free loan of $125K? I think not.

1 year ago

While shopping downtown I met a woman from Toronto who was in town for a pickle ball practice session. So, pickle ball is definitely in demand.
A dedicated facility, suitable for competition would be an awesome anchor in the industrial buildings within the Tannery District. This would be ambitious and involve funding, it would put Cobourg on the pickle ball circuit and that would lift a few boats.

1 year ago

Re: “The Pickleballers”. A club wants my share of tax dollars (They want agreement to lease the facilities at Sinclair park for $1 per year for 20 years, a grant of $125K and an interest-free loan of $125K), for their enjoyment and entertainment? Self-interested, unrealistic and narcissistic are the “nice” words that come to mind. What happens when pickle ball is no longer in vogue? The Town would best say absolutely NO to this preposterous
and ludicrous plan. Build your own courts on your own dime!
We have no lifeguards at our beach, no patrons using the washroom and bus stop facility south of town hall, empty bus shelters, and now this infrastructure that could possible sit idle and not be used. Contact Council now and say NO.

Reply to  Eastender
1 year ago

Interesting as so many towns and cities have built pickleball courts. The tennis clubs have courts paid for by the town. I can assure you Pickleball is here to stay.

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

Marilyn – while pickleballs popularity has grown exponentially, there is a level of entitlement in your comment that is likely not appreciated by most on this blog. The CPC isn’t entitled to anything and decommissioning neighbourhood facilities that are currently being utilized by other taxpayers should require more than a small interest groups demand for action.

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

There are pickleball courts at the CCC paid for by the town. Indoor, climate controlled, all year long. Should the tennis clubs request indoor courts? Better yet, how about they request to swipe the pickleball courts away! Would you be welcoming of that idea?

Reply to  Ahewson
1 year ago

Playing pickleball on a gym floor with a multitude of lines all over the place isn’t ideal. There’s less than 30 people in the 2 tennis clubs in town. If they had more people then they should get dedicated indoor courts. The Pickleball Club has over 220 members and growing. If they built a proper indoor facility with dedicated courts then that number would double or triple in no time and be a source of income for the town but then that would make sense so let’s not do anything.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago


Several people have suggested that a PB facility could be housed in the Memorial Arena.
There has been little info on the status of the Firefighter’s Museum project.

Perhaps the MA should be rented to the PB club similar to the arrangement with the curling club.

Reply to  Bryan
1 year ago

My understanding, and I could be wrong because I haven’t researched it fully, is that that building needs a LOT of upgrades in order to be used for anything.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

The PBers want up to $1M for their PB courts. Use some or all of that to refurb the arena. Charge the PB club proper rent.

Reply to  Bryan
1 year ago

The CPC has not asked for $1M.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Are you choosing to ignore the point of not needing to join the tennis club to play tennis? The # of members they have means absolutely nothing. The courts are free access for anyone, and that’s how most people choose to play.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Why can your community not understand that the world does not revolve around pickle ball and belonging to a ‘’club’ does not entitle you to anything, Your numbers mean nothing. There are many people who play tennis, especially young people who want something to do and tennis is readily available and accessible to them. Nobody needs to join a club to play tennis or pickle ball for that matter.. The courts are for everyone. On top of that, the baseball diamonds are in jeopardy too again used by kids. We need to save our park!!

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

But the pickleball people want to take away the tennis courts and the kids baseball diamonds. That’s a problem.

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

Nobody has a problem with Pickleball, You’ve missed the point. The CPC needs to find their own location and not take away from other users.

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

I’ve heard spike ball is gaining in popularity. Perhaps one day they can use the pickleball courts to play on.

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

Fundraising money and a donation from the rotary club paid for the tennis courts and building at Sinclair over 50 years ago.

Mrs. J.
1 year ago

If the Pickleball club projects a membership by 2024 of 250, and the club feels they need $250,000 for these improvements that THEY want, but rather obviously, others chiming in on this post feel that there are certainly MORE important, pressing needs in our town, then by simple math., have each of those members donate $1,000. They could even give those donating members a life membership in the club. Job done!

Reply to  Mrs. J.
1 year ago

Also a Tax deductible receipt for Tax purposes helps with the investment an membership fees for 2 yrs But no one plays for free .and other teams can rent space / time as well , and I am sure there are a few Sport manufactures may chip in a few $$$ and get a free Banner up some where . At one of my clubs we have a work weekend once a month everyone must contribute time or pay a fee of $50 for a no show on their scheduled time and someone else will step in This is simply to keep things like the Lines , nets & Courts in top shape insure garbage and parking lots are maintained etc etc again its a 12 month of the year sport
and that old Arena is looking very interesting and easily accessible.

Why Port Hope Fire Hobbyists take precedent to Cobourg Citizens is beyond me . I will bet its merely storage .

1 year ago

Council should sit on this decision – the tail is attempting to wag the dog. The suggestion to repurpose the Memorial Arena is a good one, which should be seriously considered. It aligns with the curling club location and also with the future residential/mixed use Tannery development project – the idea of putting the FF Museum there is an expert demonstration of poor, short-sighted decision making (not dissimilar to the suggestion of water front affordable housing on the West Highschool land). Sinclair Park is a less than idea location for all the reasons stated below and results in the decommissioning and relocation of other athletic facilities for other users…it doesn’t need to happen this way. This should require community input not be driven by one specific interest group.

1 year ago

If the Pickle Ballers are going to use public property, could they also do a fund raiser to pay a good portion of the cost ? That would be a great way to bond all there members together and a great way to show the town that they care about the municipal tax support that they will receive from the local tax payers who do not play Pickle Ball.

Heartbroken in Cobourg
1 year ago

Pickleball, while very quickly gaining popularity and growing, seemingly, exponentially is a great way for people to keep fit. I enjoy the game and I hope to enjoy it for years to come.

However, Cobourg has many project that need $250,000…or over $700,000, which ever numbers you believe. Does Cobourg need to spend that money right now when the Centennial Pool was in danger of closing because repairs were too costly?

No, I don’t agree in funding Pickleball courts at this time. Fix the Boardwalk first. More people use that than play Pickleball. More people use the pool than play Pickleball.

Pickleball players should perhaps raise the funds, get corporate sponsorships, etc.

Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Has anyone considered the effect of climate change with hotter days, more direct sun and less air movement, on the physical game of pickle ball? I’ve watched games being played at CCCs’ indoor basketball courts and sharing indoor facilities seems the best considering climate and the more extreme weather we are expecting.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Keith Oliver wrote, “…more direct sun…

What does that mean?
That there are fewer cloudy days year after year?
That the sun has gotten closer to the earth?

and then he wrote, “…less air movement…

Really? Fewer breezes today than 10 years ago?
Fewer typhoons, tornados, hurricanes all of which involved rigorous air movement?
Or is that typhoons, tornados, hurricanes have reduced their wind energy?

Why do you feel it necessary to make stuff up in order to promote climate concerns?

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago


To my knowledge we don’t have a monsoon season. Thanks for the opportunity to explain/elaborate on my earlier post.

Longer periods of direct sun diminishes the protective effect of sun screen, increaases likelihood of skin cancer and heat stroke and lessins the difference between water and land temperature. The latter reduces on-shore air movement/wind and is already happening here.

As air temperature approaches 95F, along with the inevitable increase in humidity in this part of Canada. the cooling effect of sweating on the body is reduced to zero.

My in-laws in Houston, TX, confirm this.

Any other questions? Hope this helps. Happy to inform you and others like your buddy Newbie.

PS: Re preferred lndoor location for pickle ball. in my experience there are many hours a week that basketball courts at the Community Centre are not in use. That could increase as population grows and CCC stays open longer.

Also location needs to be accessible by public transport which will go back to fixed routes as population increases.

Council being rushed into making a decision at this point is a mistake. Needs to be more informed discussion and there are other priorities.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

My God. Put some sunblock on and play if one wants to. Wear a hat as well if so desired. Exercise, fresh air and some social outweighs any climate change bs.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

What you are going in about, is what many people call:

climate hysteria. Is this topic not on Pickleball Courts?


Keith Oliver
Reply to  Newbi
1 year ago


Yes, the subject is pickle ball. courts and my comments are; considering the climate outside players will be exposed to both now and with climate change, the courts should be inside, not outside.

Traveling on the 401, on the way into Toronto, there is an inflatable structure on the north side that house’s several tennis courts. Is that an option for additional pickle ball courts in Cobourg when the need arises?

Joy Doncaster
1 year ago

I hope that Sinclair Park is not the site for Pickleball…I live across the road and the noise is not the nicest thing to listen to all day! Also, the parking is ridiculous on our street when they are there! Hope there’s never softball and pickleball on the same day!!
Please look into putting it somewhere else! I’m sure there’s room at the CCC!!

Reply to  Joy Doncaster
1 year ago

I don’t know how you live with the noise from the train that is constant.

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

Constant: occurring continuously over a period of time.
Intermittent: occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.

1 year ago

You Know what would be a Great Place ?

The Old Cobourg Arena Indoors all winter and Outdoors on one of the Parking Lots
Membership fees and Competitions from all over can be held and money could be raised
May be even bring back Shuffel Board & Basketball Plus there is a Canteen area , Wash rooms and lockers and change rooms in Place Anyone see a Fire Truck Lately ?? Bet they don’t pay any rent either

Reply to  Sandpiper
1 year ago

Great idea! Let’s get this ball rolling!

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Good idea but too close to residential again. If you haven’t heard the game being played, it is highly annoying. Most municipalities require up to 600 ft away from residential.

Reply to  Ahewson
1 year ago

There is a Facebook page (pickleball Sound mitigation ) with 1.3K members for sharing ideas on how to reduce the impact of pickleball noise in their neighborhoods. . Public planners are much more cognizant of the problem and most municipalities have strict guidelines now when it comes to placement. The town of whitby recently banned pickleball on a dual court this spring because of complaints.

1 year ago

The Cobourg Pickleball Club (CPC) is a relatively new group starting up over the last two years or so. Pickleball can be played year round (indoor at the CCC) and outdoors in warmer months. They have indicated their objective is to continue growing the sport and make Cobourg, “the place to play pickleball”. They have chosen Sinclair Park as their new home for expansion because the members “like playing there”. Tennis courts in Cobourg (including the newly surfaced courts at Delanty) were all painted with new Pickleball lines to allow dual play on 6 outdoor courts. Last year, the club decided they wanted more than 6 courts so all the old pickleball lines were painted over at Sinclair and new lines were added to make 10 courts with the CPC opting to use their portable nets. Less than one year later, the CPC said they don’t want to use the portable nets and now want dedicated permanent courts (no tennis). In addition they want a sun shelter, parking lot and paths to the court. They pointed out a baseball diamond could become their parking lot, without any consideration for the community members who use it. Do you see a pattern here? Enough is enough! The CPC needs to work with the town to create a permanent home that is in the best interest of the community and ideally suited for everyone. In the meantime, they can continue to share the courts.

Reply to  Cobourger-1
1 year ago

Curious to know why and how you and I have the same online moniker.

Reply to  Cobourger-1
1 year ago

Delanty (Coverdale) has only 3 courts not 6.

Reply to  Marilyn
1 year ago

Marilyn: in 2022 there were 3 pc courts at Delanty and 3 at Sinclair, so 6

Reply to  Cobourger-1
1 year ago

The CPC has been working with the town for a very long time. The lines painted on Sinclair last fall was meant as a temporary solution to a growing problem. The courts at Sinclair need to be resurfaced anyway so why not put the space to better use? The tennis clubs in coubourg have less than. 40 members between them. They don’t use or need them.

The CCC would be a great solution but those probably won’t be built until 2030.

Port Hope, Bowmanville, Newcastle and Courtice will all have new PB courts in place by this fall. Cobourg is way behind the times because they spend more time doing studies and talking than they do actually doing something.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Then use the facilities in Port Hope!

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Not sure why the tennis club member #’s even matter. You don’t need a be a member to use the courts.

Reply to  Ahewson
1 year ago

Do you know how to tell the difference between a tennis court and a pickleball court?

The tennis court is the one with nobody using it

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

If you played tennis you would know the courts are busy. During the month of May and June it is difficult to get on because the high schools have booked them for practice and tournaments and the CPC has their dedicated time. We have people from the east end come to Sinclair because the courts over there were full.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Terry: If you don’t the difference between a pc court and a tennis court perhaps you can watch the National Bank Open happening in Montreal and Toronto with packed stadiums.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Terry: you don’t need to be part of a tennis club to play tennis in Cobourg. Same applies for people who want to play pickleball that are not a part of the CPC..

Reply to  Cobourger-1
1 year ago

Exactly. So why not spend the money and build proper pickleball courts with proper height nets and painted lines. The people playing tennis couldn’t do so if the town didn’t supply courts with permanent nets and properly painted courts. That’s all that is being asked for – enough dedicated pickleball courts to meet the demand now and in the future.

1 year ago

Fix East pier first. Learn how to prioritize
No new projects until old projects complete

Reply to  Jones
1 year ago

Fixing the East Pier at a cost of 30 Million is a waste…Let the pickle ball club pay for their own Club…Just like the members at Dalewood Golf Course pay for their club.

1 year ago

May be we can get the Town to Buy all the fellows at my Club a New set of Golf Clubs
and add a new Driving Range somewhere as it always busy seems there are more golfers
of all ages than there are Pickle Ballers . Common Volunteer raise the money in these Economic Tight Times
and Municipal Taxes shooting through the roof and all those in need of Senior housing surely you can’t expect a Handout from the rest of us for Your Personal interests and Pass Time .

Reply to  Sandpiper
1 year ago

Yaaaaasssss!!! It would be great to have a driving range! You’re right – there are way more golfers than Pickleballers. Plus, we golfers don’t appear to get the amount of ankle, knee and hip injuries like the Pickleballers do.
Wonder how much the owner of the Skeet Shooting place makes? Maybe he’d like to turn that spot into a Pickleball Court or a Driving Range?
Just spitballing here….

1 year ago

“…A better location would be the CCC (per the campus plan – see image) although outdoor courts would need to be built from scratch. (See Staff report for more details). However, new outdoor courts at the CCC would fit with existing plans and would not have the same problems”….

Pickleball is here to stay. It’s growing with the aging demographic that can afford to play. And it makes money.

Town Staff should be forward thinking and encouraging Everybody to do it right the first time. Install outdoor courts at the CCC and provide an indoor court at the CCC.

Personally, I believe this would be a more prudent investment. And I don’t even play Pickleball.

Reply to  Kathleen
1 year ago

Kathleen you are so right and the CCC would be a much better location.

1 year ago

The noise issue is a common problem for Pickleball. The under noted article relates to municipalities in BC, with other articles referenced – all the same problem. In some cases Noise Abatement procedures were required at 350 and 500 feet distances to residential housing. A park is involved just like that proposed by the Pickleball supporters.

Hopefully Council will not rush to judgement, apply common sense and think this matter through, as legal issues are certain to arise at a later date.

1 year ago

The lease time is too lengthy and the requests for restrictions are too one-sided in favour of the Pickleball Club Members.

1 year ago

Cobourg is a growing town, I have no doubt the need for Pickleball courts is there, but let’s take our time and do it properly. Tennis may not be as popular as it once was but I see people playing tennis at Sinclair Park all the time. The pickleball request would cut tennis court availability of a growing town in half. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what’s going to happen. There will be a need to build more tennis courts. How about we just keep the ones we’ve had for decades and find a different place to build pickleball. The Sinclair site would be a noise concern anyway.

From reading the comments and John’s original post, it is obvious the pickleball club lacks patience and wants the town to rush into a dumb decision at the expense of everyone else.

Reply to  Ahewson
1 year ago

It’s been discussed with the town for over 2 years now. This request wasn’t submitted yesterday.

Reply to  Terry
1 year ago

Terry: over the last 2 years there have been pickleball lines added to Delanty and Sinclair. There has been club times at Delanty and Sinclair and in 2023 at the request of the club, dedicated times at Sinclair adding up to 27 hours per week. The CPC painted the lines at Sinclair, which does show good collaboration with the the town. However, the most recent request by the CPC requires a lot of money and impacts other stakeholders that should have a say in the matter. Some groups wait up to 10 years or more for funding (ie disability boat launch at the marina) and Centennial Pool is on the verge of closing. The town needs to be prudent with tax revenue and all factors need to be considered before committing to a substantial monetary request.

Mrs. Anonymous
1 year ago

They want to lease Sinclair park for $1.00 a year.

How does this compare to the exclusive lease agreements with:

the Curling Club at the old pad 2. ?
the lawn bowling club ?
the yacht club. ?

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Some facts here the Cobourg Pickleball Club had fewer members in the past because they limited membership. The only reason they allowed increased membership was to raise more money to get their own courts. The neighborhood complaints at Coverdale are beyond galling, this is a park and neighbors can expect noise. It’s been silent too long and now they expect it to remain the same. How about live beside the neighbors we have on all sides, blaring music, barking dogs yet those on a park expect silence, no sympathy here. If they want their own courts start fundraising because apparently no one bordering on a park wants them. They’re forcing the issue on location so they can get more government grants aka taxpayer money.

L Spaddy
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Pickleball is a well known noise nuisance, not just in Cobourg but everywhere. To my knowledge the residents at Coverdale have not complained about tennis or baseball, so that tells you all you need to know. Niagara-on-the-Lake was fined for breaking their own noise by-laws and had to shut down their pickleball courts.

Imagine a scenario where the town allows all this work to happen and/or spends taxpayer money, and the noise complains start rolling in and the courts get shutdown. It’s not inconceivable but inevitable. Town staff already acknowledged Sinclair is too close to residential areas. I’m surprised they’re wasting anytime mocking up plans for something destined for failure that they’d be liable for.

Pickleball is going to have to find some land far far away from residential areas rather that trying to steal tennis courts and overthrow parks that have been functioning issue free for decades.

Annie G.
1 year ago

The pickleball club seems to be trying to strong-arm the town into making a quick decision that benefits them and only them. The request to takeover tennis courts at Sinclair Park sounds highly dubious. Did anyone ask the tennis community if they would like the courts to be snatched up right from under them? I’m sure it would be a resounding NO.

Also, as someone who was around back then, I remember the courts at Sinclair were built by fundraising. Seems a little fishy to push aside the group that fundraised the courts in the first place (admittedly many many years ago), as the pickleball group would like to do.

1 year ago

IF that moneys needs to be spent I would prefer that it go towards mixed use facilities that can be used by multiple users at various times. No single group or interest should be able to monopolize public lands.