Merry Christmas from Cobourg News Blog – 2023

It seems that every year, Christmas comes upon us quicker than ever.  It’s also the end of another year and time for a review. The big international news is about two wars, National news is dominated by what people think of Trudeau and the local news is about the encampment by individuals who refuse the help provided by our generous social services.  But let’s not start ranting on about negative things – I do get tired of the seemingly endless criticisms by people commenting on this blog.  How do these people find anything to be happy about?  But Cobourg still has a thriving entertainment scene and life is good in Cobourg.  And Christmas is generally a happy season – especially if you can participate in family gatherings.

But let me list the notable events in 2023 as reported on this blog:

  • Once again, there was no noticeable action on Sidbrook, Brookside or the Tannery district
  • We did have a Sandcastle Festival although it was spoiled by the weather.
  • Council approved major structural changes in Governance – notably meetings now on one Wednesday per month, Standing committees instead of a Committee of the Whole meeting, no meetings in the summer and fewer advisory committees.
  • Michaels is still planned for the Mall – but it’s very slow coming. 
  • Repairs to the Harbour wall proved to be too expensive – there’s no word if that will ever get done.  That also means upgrading the East pier is on hold.
  • After a long wait, Council finally produced a Strategic plan but with no specific actions.
  • Council rejected the idea of sleeping cabins for the homeless but did get the encampment off the West Beach.
  • The funds needed for Stormwater infrastructure were moved from the tax levy to a fee collected via the Electricity/Water bill.  This created a major inequity for some property owners.
  • Two Cobourg properties were found to be unsafe for human habitation.  The occupants then joined the group of homeless individuals in encampments.

But enough of these mostly negative events!

First, I must thank my subscribers (almost 1500) and those who read the posts without subscribing. Without this community, the Cobourg News Blog would be pointless. Thank you.

And I’ll repeat what I said in previous years:

“May your Christmas and New Year be the best you’ve ever had”
– although it’s a cliché, that’s my wish for everyone.

Merry Christmas

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Jean Crowley
8 months ago

Thank you, John, for keeping us so well informed throughout the year. I’m in Hamilton Township, but still like to keep up with what’s happening in Cobourg and read all your postings. Wishing you and Alma, a happy and healthy 2024.

Heidi Buchegger
8 months ago

THANK YOU for your creating and maintaining this blog! It is a valuable information exchange tool bringing current “Town” info to the general public and it provides opportunity for public input and the exchange of constructive suggestions, ideas, comments, questions…in time, solutions. “lN A MULTITUDE OF COUNSELORS, THERE IS WISDOM.” so, BRAVO!! HAPPY NEW YEARS, ALL🎉🎊

Alma Beston
9 months ago

Thank you for you dedication to keeping us informed on important happenings in our community John. We think that your post is pretty important in the absence of newspapers. You are appreciated! Best wishes for your health and happiness in 2024.

9 months ago

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year John …Many Thanks for a great 2023, From Cornbread…Tastes Good! but also, Has Great Taste!

Herman van der Veen
9 months ago


Herman van der Veen
9 months ago

Have a great Christmas with your entire family John and also a prosperous 2024 and beyond.
You should be commended for your great news bloc which seems to be lacking in todays society.
Herman an der Veen

George Taylor
9 months ago

i put my comment in here, before I scrolled down. WE HAVE A GRINCH! with ALL the THUMBS DOWN?

George Taylor
9 months ago

Thanks John, for YET another year of News. The Very Best to You, Family & Friends over this Holiday Season. Geo.

9 months ago

Wishing you a very merry Christmas John. And thank you for your work producing this informative Blog. A chance to provide an opinion, find verification in others and or a chance to consider other view points. A great Blog providing a good source of the happenings in this community.

9 months ago

Merry Christmas John, and all the best for the new year. Thank you for your continued hard work on the blog.

9 months ago

Merry Christmas John to you and your family! The hard work and effort you put in with this Blog is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Pat Stanley
9 months ago

Same to you, John!

9 months ago

You are the GEM of this community!

9 months ago

THANK YOU JOHN for the all-year GIFT of your blog.

Best wishes for an excellent 2024 to you and yours.

9 months ago

Merry Christmas John to you and your family you do an excellent job on keeping us informed about Cobourg. Without you we would have no idea of some of the council activities. Thank you Kay

9 months ago

Thank you Mr. Draper.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for keeping us informed and all of the work you put into this blog. I am grateful for the information and contributions of others.

Merry Christmas to all of the bloggers on this board and your families. 🎄 🙏

Small town lover
9 months ago

Merry Christmas to you and your family John. Thank you for informing us about what’s happening in our lovely town!

Laura Roberge
9 months ago

Merry Christmas John & thanks for all you do

9 months ago

Dear John and Alma,
Wishing you a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season and throughput 2024.
Your blog is very important to the community. It’s the first thing that I open when I receive emails. Thank you for all your excellent work.

Constance Mealing
9 months ago

Merry Christmas John to you and Alma. I appreciate the work you do to keep us informed. Without you we would not be so informed as to the happenings in Cobourg. All the best to you and your family in the New Year.

9 months ago

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours, John and to all the Commentors as well. I started reading this Blog to become familiar with the issues in the new town we found ourselves in. And I’m glad I did. Forget Engage Cobourg! Town Council and Staff should just read your Blog to see how people feel. (Oh, and they should pay you too 😉). 🎄

New to Cobourg
9 months ago

Merry Christmas John. Thank you for your blog as it is very informative. I too tire of the constant criticisms. But I appreciate that we live in a country where we have freedom of speech and a country free of war. Happy New Year Cobourg!

Lemon Cake
9 months ago

Merry Christmas to John – and to the wider Cobourg Blog community. Thanks for a year of debate and discussion (sometimes heated) on important issues affecting our town. I believe this blog is a valuable forum and I thank you, John, for hosting it and for encouraging all our contributions via the comment section.

Jennifer Darrell
9 months ago

A major positive is John’s blog for which I am extremely grateful – it’s essentially the only way I find I can keep informed on local events, esp municipal government. (I couldn’t agree more about the preponderance of negative comments from readers – usually from a committed few who I assume have nothing else to do but complain and offer little in the way of constructive criticism.) All the very best to John and Alma for the holiday season – may you be blessed with good health and happiness in 2024 (and continued ability to keep us informed). Thank you for your dedication from which we all benefit.

9 months ago

Thank you John for this format. As a more recent contributor, I have found a release for some of my pent up frustration and from the comments l read, good opinions and thoughts that give me the whole picture on many of the events happening in our community.
The bonus of joining in the conversations is that often unexpected support is offered and appreciated as well as an awakening and consideration of an opposing opinion, not discovered keeps the mind active.
Happy Holidays

9 months ago

Well said John and all the best to you and the family

Old Sailor
9 months ago


Wishing a Merry Christmas to you, your family and to all of your bloggers. You know how much those who make the decisions in our Town and County follow the opinions of your bloggers. You set the GPS destination course for us and we choose which sails to raise to express our views. Fair winds in 2024.

Reply to  Old Sailor
9 months ago

Thank you for your excellent reporting, John. You are keeping us extremely well informed about issues that affect Cobourg. I hope you and Alma have a wonderful Christmas!