County Acts to Evict Campers at 600 William

At a special meeting on September 5, County Council heard detailed reports from Staff on the illegal encampment on the County property at 600 William street. The location is not a public park and houses several County departments, notably the paramedics and their ambulances.  Council heard reports from Staff that emphasized the negative impact on their staff and the work that was being done to offer services to the campers. One key point was made that the campers have a hierarchy – that is, one unnamed individual wants all communication to go through him and therefore makes it difficult to have direct communication with individuals needing help. In some cases, individuals have agreed to accept help but have then been persuaded to decline help. The number of campers varies but is estimated at 15 to 20.

Problems with campers

Highlights of reports by CAO Jennifer Moore, Lisa Horne, Director Community & Social Services and Susan Brown, Chief of Northumberland Paramedics.

  • The move from the West Beach to County Property at 600 William was their choice
  • From the beginning, they were advised that their stay was not authorized and they would have to move.
  • Some campers accepted services offered but others didn’t – acceptance is voluntary
  • Initially there were 10 tents but this has changed with time.
  • To ensure the safety of nearby County employees, there is security 24/7.
  • At all hours, there are pedestrians, people on bicycles and cars dropping off people. This is a problem for ambulances who have 2 minutes to leave when on a 911 call.
  • Campers often ask for food, washroom use and EpiPens.  Despite provision of a Porta Potty, there is public urination and defecation
  • They also try to enter the large waste containers which is a liability issue.
  • There are sometimes fights between campers and confrontations with the security people.
  • It’s a “growing challenge to get services out there”.


Given that the campers have been given plenty of warning that they will need to move and given that all have been offered help to find alternatives, Council decided to move the campers off County Property.  “First steps” have now been taken and 24 hours notice provided – the site must be clear by noon September 6.

Where will they go?

Some individuals accepting help will go to Transition House (yes there is room there for some) or to a motel or back to their family.

No doubt some will continue to refuse help and it’s not known where they will go.

Separately, there is work being done to address the need for more housing that’s affordable.

Lucas Cleveland, Cobourg Mayor and County Councillor, wanted to make it clear that there is no silver bullet – this is a long ongoing process.

At the end of the meeting, a motion was passed to “remove the unauthorized encampment”.

County Motion to act on encampment at 600 William St.

That County Council receive the verbal update on the unauthorized encampment at 600 William Street, Cobourg for information; and

Further That County Council, having considered the update from County staff, and being satisfied that all practically possible and locally available options for alternative shelter and access to social services offered by the County and its community partner have been offered or made available to the persons encamped at 600 William Street, Cobourg, and having considered the actual and potential operational impacts to County services, including ambulance and community paramedicine services, as well as impacts to the property itself and other nearby properties, and considering the County’s obligations to the public and County staff including under the Occupiers Liability Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Ambulance Act, support and endorse the operational steps taken by County staff to date, and authorize and direct staff to exercise the County’s remedies pursuant to Trespass to Property Act to remove the unauthorized encampment in general accordance with the plan described in the staff update; and

Further That County Council hereby designate Integrity Investigative Solutions Limited (IISL) and Cobourg Police Services as agents of the County for the purposes of exercising any authorities under the Trespass to Property Act.


I saw only two Media representatives at the meeting, myself and Cecilia Nasmith of Today’s Northumberland.  Go here for her report. It includes a photo of the eviction notice.

Update – 8 September

The County has issued a statement outlining what they have done on the above issue.  I note that they have significantly improved shelter capacity .

Download their statement here – pdf

Update #2
Also, see a statement by Mayor Lucas Cleveland about the Brookside encampment.  Go here.

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1 year ago

After watching the Global video and reading Pete Fisher’s article my opinion is that the residents of Cobourg have been left behind and what is happening is a political game where Town Leadership and enforcement have their own agendas and egos to stroke.

The Global video didn’t show the real picture i.e. the seniors harassment/use of buildings and drug clean up after the West Beach, the clearly laid out reasons of what led to the eviction notice at 600 William Street, the drug addicts at the sites, the Provincial eviction notice at Brookside, the close proximity of schools to Brookside, that the enablers won’t let the drug addicts be interviewed, etc. Manipulation 101is taking place.

Also, now the Mayor is using the last five weeks of the encampment issue as the reason seven drawers of Taxpayer issues/files haven’t been dealt with. And why does the Mayor show up when other factors such as Global show up, or the Arcade gets cleared the just days before 600 William Street gets evicted?

Trust. It’s tough to get back once you lose it.

1 year ago

On Chex News Sept. 11 – a woman is demanding the right for this group to own property at Brookside stating her husband is dying of cancer and deserves a place to rest his head as everyone she says has the right to own property! Didn’t show how many tents are there. Report by Pete Fisher??

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

I watched the video, now I have questions. The current waiting time is up to 10 years for RGI housing in Cobourg but less is some Northumberland communities. The couple claim to be homeless for 6 years. If they got on the list 6 years ago, and picked a town with a shorter list, they might have a place to live now. What went wrong? Seriously, find out what went wrong so others do not end up in the same situation. I know a woman, with 2 dogs, who was evicted for not paying rent, who was living in her car. She thought we, tax payers, should provide a place for her, with her dogs. People need to take responsibility. Which can mean accepting help.
How bad was the great Ribfest storm of 2023? My power was out for about 2 hours Friday evening. Was the west beach encampment really washed out? How long would it take to set up the tents again? Probably much less time than moving the ‘campers’ to motels for a couple of days. It really seems like a publicity stunt to get public support for more community housing. Or maybe tiny homes.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

Publicity stunt and manipulation

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

Just wondered if anyone has noticed the property where the encampment is now when it rains. Tents will be floating away. Bad choice to set a tent up there. Best to leave now before rainy season.

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

So the county designated CPS and IISL as their agents for the purposes of exercising any authorities under the Trespass to Property Act on county property but no one has any authority on provincial property? Once again CPS is not doing their job, it is their jurisdiction. The chief uses the court case in Waterloo as his excuse but there the homeless won as there was no shelter space available. Northumberland county says there is shelter space available. The residents here don’t like the shelter or wrap around services offered so it’s a stalemate. Too bad no one cares about the hundreds of school kids that walk past a couple times a day. I see more “everyone is welcome “ signs at the encampment and to be very clear you are NOT welcome where you are, you’re trespassing. And neither are the enablers behind this.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Of course CPS have jurisdiction to enforce the criminal code and by-laws at the Brookside property – if an individual breaks into a school, sets up a tent or vandalizes a school property (Provincial property), who would be responsible for enforcing the law, including b&e and trespass?

The difficulty in much of what is going on in Cobourg is the gratuitous lack of presence and communication from the CPS, the CAO and/or the Mayor. They represent the taxpayers of Cobourg and they are incredibly absent.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Northumberland Today, has an excellent interview with the Mayor.

Reply to  Sandy
1 year ago

As I have been saying, services asked for, services offered, services denied. Political games by we know who, for what THEY want — at the expense of addicts and mentally ill. Draining our resources, emotional wellbeing and valuable time. SHAME! Let the professional Social Workers do their job!

1 year ago

Obviously the Trespass Act is not working. How how about charging miscreants with Mischief. Of course if CPS says their hands are tied….

Wally Keeler
1 year ago  

“Toronto Public Health (TPH) says 11 people died of suspected opioid-related overdoes between Aug. 31 and Sept. 6, which the health agency says is double the weekly average for the city. The alert comes in the midst of what the city has previously referred to as a “drug toxicity crisis,” with “alarming death rates and devastating community impacts.” Data from the city suggests a 100 per cent increase in opioid-related deaths between 2019 and 2021, the most recent year for which statistics are available.”

This tsunami has begun to arrive in Cobourg. We are obviously unprepared for it. How many of our children and grandchildren have to die before we implement a massive rehab program? It is always the question we ask at railway crossings. How many casualties before we put in lights? or before we build a bridge. How many have to die before action is taken?

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Wally please see my reply to Kevin. Something I learned based on living experience. Good luck on massive rehabs with desire they won’t work. Just more tax payer money expended.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Spare me your mini scold. If you look at my recent postings, I called for coercive laws that will bring addicts into rehab centres. This requires a massive investment in regional rehab centres across the country. I never claimed that it would cure all, but it would mitigate some. Getting addicts out of our parks, back alleys, streets and into rehab will mitigate squalor, a health hazard for all of us. The recidivism rate is challenging, but that shouldn’t be the sole reason for pessimism.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Correction – massive rehabs without desire to actually want help

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Why do you care if they want help. The idea is to have coercive law so that help will be jammed down their throats until they are cured, if ever. And the recidivism rate is lower in a coercive rehab environment than in a permissive environment where 2.5 grams of goodness can be consumed continually.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Under the current political regime who made these laws and created a permissive environment over a long period of time we may as well wish for the moon. Each election voters keep reinstating them. When speaking with some citizens I hear they have great fears of Poilievre who is opposing all this nonsense in Parliament. (See Youtube for political debates)
Any insights Wally on why voters wish to perpetuate the making of these ridiculous laws?

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Well downvoter I can only assume you are visiting from an advocate group or willing addict. Hopefully. Otherwise concerned ciizens you can vote in another Federal party that is currently questioning Trudeau who has no satisfactory answers on the current drug laws, evictions from these encampments and overall weakened judicial system. Hope it was not one of you with the down vote but then it is only one – hopefully there are citizens able to see what these laws put in place by the Federal Liberals have done right across the country. May we not end up like Toronto locking our doors like a fort during the day, clearing human feces off properties, afraid to walk down their streets and certainly fear for their children.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

The pot is already boiling my froggy friends…unwanted and unknown people entering homes of unexpectant homeowners. Human feces, urine and drug paraphernalia on public beaches and on County own property. Concerned/Anxious/Afraid children, students and parents passing the illegal Brookside encampers.

This isn’t paranoia, these are facts.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Yes Rob, but nothing like the extent and number in Toronto. Dozens and dozens in a park – other parks occupied, under bridges. I note there has been no release of information on the number of these campers that are recent arrivals. Action is needed and quickly before more descend here. One video was about a guy who had very distinct features stating he had been here since 2021. Hard to miss, I have never seen him except a couple of times this summer, last sighting he was walking through Henley Gardens to the back parking. Hard to miss that guy, very distinct appearance.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Wally – see my reply to Kevin 7 days ago when where I first suggested forced rehab. You are not the only one who realizes forced rehab is necessary. My prior experience managing a house for first release of male inmates from all levels of Correctional Services brought me to that conclusion as in amongst the throng were those with addiction problems.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

If there is currently vacancy and there is no incentive to get clean why would you need to invest in more rehabilitation centres?

Reply to  Mervin
1 year ago

…”no incentive to get clean”… ? Drug use has a big negative effect in following rules. Rules like do not commit crimes, get help finding a place to live and arranging for an income, often in the form of a job. Private rehab is an option for some with funding. Public, OHIP, rehab is available. There is about a 30 day waiting period locally. How many crimes or overdoses will happen in 30 days? If we do not try to get people off drugs then what are we to do? Let them run around committing crimes and doing harm to themselves? Build them houses to destroy? Move them to a remote island and let them fend for themselves? Today, I walked past a guy sleeping beside the sidewalk near Transition house. He stole a bicycle this summer and may not have been charged. Months have passed and it appears he is not getting help. There is incentive to get addicts help as it will reduce crimes and emergency response costs. If the individual does not want help, or does not see the incentive to get off drugs, I would consider this a mental health problem. We try to get children to eat vegetables because vegetables are good. Should we not try to help addicts get off drugs? Not all children will eat healthy food, not all addicts will get clean, but we can keep trying!

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

Incentive may have been a poor word choice but the point is the same. If we allow addicts to keep breaking the law without consequences very few will seek the treatment they need. Addicts are burning bridges everywhere they go and rather than reforming their behaviour we are expected to change social norms of common decency to accommodate them. I was informed cobourg has vacancies. Maybe you should be advocating for funding in areas with no vacancies rather than suggesting we keep sending everyone to Cobourg. I’m not quite sure what we disagree on, I just feel rehabilitation centres need to built where there is no vacancies. We’re not here to accept people from all over the province. They need rehabilitation where they are. I’ve said the same thing over and over… if you keep allocating more resources to this town more people will come. This is not sustainable. When will it stop?

Reply to  Mervin
1 year ago

Mervin, I think we agree on the main idea, addicts need to get off drugs. Are the vacancies you mention in Cobourg for drug rehab? Transition house is not a rehab facility as far as I know. Resources are likely available to direct people to rehab centres as well as finding more suitable housing and employment. I was told a local addict will be getting treatment in a month. When I called and asked I was told the waiting list is 31 days. By no means do I think we should move addicts to Cobourg. We should be moving them to rehab facilities. With our current laws we cannot force them but we can use coercive means, as Wally suggests.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

Something not being addressed fully is family concerns/ ties.
Surely with the daily publicity of spreading homelessness/drug use ,one would think that would be mentioned.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Mervin
1 year ago

Good question Mervin. Will that “current vacancy” be able to handle the growing number of addicts in the immediate coming years? Will there be enough trained personnel to handle this increase? Your concern about there being “no incentive to get clean” only applies in a permissive environment. I am suggesting coercive laws that force addicts into treatment centres which will require a considerable expansion of rehab facilities to deal with the numbers. If there are no coercive laws then the rehab centres will continue to have vacancies, and we will continue to have a junkie problem.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

So many are not from Cobourg or even Northumberland County. It does not make sense to add more resources to this area as to accommodate more not from here. We have too many people who have created ties to Cobourg that never would have if not for the continued allocation of resources to this area.

1 year ago

Good morning to all, it is another beautiful morning in Cobourg. I have reason to believe there is lots being done that we don’t entirely hear about. Some of the homeless/addicts have mental illness making them very difficult to work with. Yesterday I spoke to a woman who had a conversation with a 35 year old addict. Not long ago this addict had a job but is now using drugs. Once was beautiful, now she looks horrible. She was with a ‘friend’ trying to find a piece of crack one of them dropped. Having sold everything to buy drugs she now has nothing. Somehow she thinks she spent $250,000 on drugs. She is on a list and will be sent to a rehab facility soon. Maybe some of these details are not accurate but you likely get the idea. The addict and her friend were given food by the woman who told me this story.

One woman and her partner have been interviewed a few times. The biggest reason they do not want to accept help is facilities will not allow them to share a room. Maybe somebody should tell them lots of families have one parent working away from home for extended periods of time. Reasonable people make sacrifices so they can work and support their family. This couple seems to want people to believe they are looking out for others by allowing them into their home, when they had a home on Division St. Did they ever mention the cost paid by the people they were supposedly helping? Word on the street is the homeless had to pay for the privilege of a warm place to sleep. The warming room at St. Peter’s doesn’t charge the homeless. This couple, if they were responsible, would have taken steps not to destroy their home on Division St, and rumour has it the one before that. They have assistance from the Help Centre now. Where was the Help Centre when the Division property needed repairs so the tenants would still have a place to live?

My main point is there are many people actually trying to help the ‘campers’ by finding them places to sleep, food and programs to help get off drugs, find work and housing. The people actually trying to help deserve more recognition. The continuing evictions of the encampment should be sending the message an encampment is not a long-term solution. If everybody, including GWC, the Help Centre, etc. worked toward finding real solutions perhaps it would make the difficult work being done behind the scenes a little easier. These ‘campers’ are being given help but some don’t seem to know it.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

Kevin – Yet the core problems remains. Do these people want help or do they just wish to continue on as they are? The cabins idea they wanted to self govern with little real oversight. Some years past now I was asked to run a halfway house – the house of first release for male inmates of all levels of Correctional Services on a live in basis which I did for two years. Among them were the deeply addicted to various substances. Time up they were released back to society. They received support by parole officers, John Howard Society, drug programs for those that still had them family. Given every opportunity to seek help what If found with them that the opposite was true. Of course there was a no drug use rule of the house. I dealt with one guy who had been snuffing glue in a bag in the yard. With glue all over his face he denied he was using. He was with the house on a couple of occasions. First arrival a prospective looking guy with very promising team soccer. His father was beside himself. As time when on his brain cells died – he sought me out after I gave up the position arriving at my private residence in a very sad state still not wanting to accept help. There were others using different substances going down the tubes but still not wanting help just a way to continue using.
The only solution I see is forced rehab or incarceration or a lock down ward in a pyschiatric facility to save them from themselves, maybe one or two will wake up and seek a clean life. Frankly I knew only one or two that did after repeat incarceration.
I don’t doubt they are receiving every effort of help Kevin but there needs to be a recognition by law makers and politicians that many don’t want help and steps to protect society from their criminal acts and destruction of public spaces. Hats off to the helpers reminds me though of throwing feathers into the wind.

1 year ago

The Town needs to let them get all the tents up at each location and have them moved ASAP once they are set up. Once word spreads that this Town doesn’t put up with this BS then there is the possibility many will move on. The soft approach is what brought many here to begin with. This is has been a sneak preview of what the sleeping cabins would have brought us!

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Informed
1 year ago

There appear to be reasonably severe penalties under the Trespass to Property Act. Why is nothing being done to deter repeat offenses by the culprits?

…does not leave the premises immediately after he or she is directed to do so by the occupier of the premises or a person authorized by the occupier, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $10,000A police officer to whom the custody of a person is given under subsection (2) shall be deemed to have arrested the person for the purposes of the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act applying to his or her release or continued detention and bail.

See for more details.

1 year ago

If you listen to the Consider this Washburn interview with Missy, you will hear that they do have a lawyer and the moves are deliberate.
She did mention Horgan as a main coordinator.

Agree about holding landlords to account, but why where they allowed to run what appears to have been an illegal rooming house which obviously didn’t have the plumbing capacity needed? Did the tenants ask for this to be repaired and the sewage removed, if not, why not. Raw sewage is a health hazard not just to the tenants but could affect the neighbours. The city could be liable if not addressed.

Ken Strauss
1 year ago

Washburn has posted an interview with Missy McLean who is the agitator behind much of the drug related disruption in Cobourg. See

Reply to  Ken Strauss
1 year ago

She and Poop Man, wonder if he’ll threaten the County people again with poop. hey have to be the ones manipulating, this could be a movie.

Reply to  Sandy
1 year ago

His “fame” in Bowmanville, Durham Region makes it difficult for him to return there.

1 year ago

Northwest section of Victoria Park was cleared by 1 PM.

Reply to  Jeffy
1 year ago

Looks like the have gone back to Brookside. Right now 3:45pm today about 9 tents are up and the welcome all signs.

It’s disheartening that enforcement are so ineffective and the political leaders just say words with backup.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

This eviction notice was posted today by Cobourg relating to Victoria Park. But why would the encampment go back to Brookside where they were evicted two days prior? How could they even get back in?

1 year ago

I believe any frustration/ anger (which I share) should be directed towards the enabling groups. Not the Mayor, bylaw or police. These 2 groups are clever and have lawyered up “tenters”. Read Fisher’s articles on Today’s Northumberland. They are objective, but also insightful. Picinni worked all afternoon and last night on this issue. He responded to me immediately, as did the mayor.

This all comes down to Trudeau’s bills, tying the hands of police, who are frustrated themselves — catch and release (would be exact same for OPP). An activist Judge in Waterloo decision and 2 shameful “advocacy” groups…one member working at The Help/ Legal centre. Hence, the need for police and government to strategize carefully. What these “advocacy” groups are doing, is deplorable “inhumane” as the Mayor says. He stated long ago on video by Fisher, he was against this. Others on council, Nicbea, for example, and on the other hand is a bleeding heart who worked closely with GWC. (My opinion, if need to be stated.)

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Missy McLean and Green Wood Coalition’s David Sheffield are there, front and centre daily. However, I am also concerned with those who promised them Brookside in the first place. When Council was asked a few days ago what happened to the promise of Brookside there was no denial from our leaders. This community deserves honest leadership so that the democratic process can take place. Residents of Cobourg need to know where their support is coming from.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Maybe the next location for them to try to inhabit is Ottawa and see what the government response is there. Another use of the same Emergency Act that Trudeau ordered during the Trucker’s legal protest to meet with him that went unanswered ?
Nothing else seems to be working….

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Cars parking at the tents at the illegal encampment at Brookside at 8pm tonight. The signs “homes for all” moved to Victoria Park also with tents. The animals are running the zoo here folks our CPS claims they’re powerless and apparently voluntary resolution is the way to go according to the mayor. However in order to protect County staff at the previous encampment all bylaws are enforced. The hundreds of school kids walking around Brookside are irrelevant.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Cobourg will become the Feel Bad Town after the way the homeless are moving around. The people of Cobourg should hold a protest at the Town Hall over this issue.

1 year ago

People Who Create Barriers for the Homeless Do So “Irresponsibly and Inhumanely” Says Cobourg Mayor
Today’s Northumberland

Name them!

1 year ago

David piccini hits the nail on the head…most vulnerable being manipulated

Reply to  Sandy
1 year ago

Can we please stop calling the encampers the most vulnerable. Children are the most vulnerable. Elderly are the most vulnerable. Drug addicts are not the most vulnerable. People who choose not to accept help are not the most vulnerable.

Reply to  Sandy
1 year ago

Agree with him there. They are being manipulated. TweakEasy and GWC. Sad. They have asked, they have been offered, they refused the help. No compassion. I am more concerned about my children…the towns children, the elderly. Do you know how many parents pulled their kids from school? The mayor has had over 300 emails. TweakEasy says we should teach our children to approach strangers in need with compassion. No. Naloxone kits, for kids to carry?No. Paramedics have courses on how to properly administer Naloxone—assess the environment, any danger? Once revived can become hostile. Kids should not be trained on this. When “nodding off” from a high, dangerous needles, fentanyl granules that could kill. Dealer nearby? These “advocates” have some serious issues.

Yes. Now evicted from Brookside and moving to Victoria park, according to Pete Fisher on Twitter. Last night we had guy on bike dumpster diving and checking unlocked cars — East end. Never had issues before, ever.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago


Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Hi Newbie – Wonder what’s behind the shell game? Is there a method behind their madness? The ones that aren’t mad should accept the help they have been offered and start on their road to recovery.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Hi Dave, I just posted above, above. They have all asked for help. The help was offered. The help was declined. This has been going on since March, I do not think most people realized the radicalism of these 2 “advocacy” groups. It is abhorrent. And I believe, if any, the blame is at their feet. As of right now (10:30pm) Friday nite, there are 4 tents setup, they are screaming and yelling.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Just got your post. Saw Horgan at Victoria Park blocking interviews with addicts.

Pete M
Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

I wonder how committed these individuals will be to their cause when the flakes start to drop. Will they melt away to some warmer destination to challenge the housing there?

1 year ago

The well-known and familiarized advocacy faces stage another of their “events” under the masquerade of their “peaceful protests” in an attempt to shame Cobourg for the rejection of the sleeping cabins project.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Cobourg owed these vagrants absolutely nothing!

Pete M
Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Ironic if these tent sites are a protest for the rejection of the small cabins. The reasons the community opposed them-unbridled drug use, violence, squalor, crime- have come to fruition.

Tent residents shooting up in plain view on the beach, shooting on the beach, disputes and conflict within the tent community; staff at County having to be moved for fear of violence, security guard put on site, complaints of thefts from nearby residences, large quantity of food and waste being left behind when they moved to Brookside.

If they really want cabins, then demonstrate they’re capable of respecting the buildings, respect the neighborhood they’re in and respect of their fellow citizens. And willing to take help and treatment when offered.

For respect to be given it must be earned.And that applies to the organizing groups, Tweak Easy, GWC, and possibly those associated with the Northumberland Legal Help Cen

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

Incredibly ironic! It is a “Take 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…” of a pathetic theatrical production of what was an obvious prediction. We wish that we could understand the logic of why these self-proclaimed agitators, coordinators and organizers need lawyers from the Help Centre-Legal Centre, or elsewhere, to defend known addicts and thieves? No doubt, we can all ask for the same legal assistance.

1 year ago

Funny how the forum for what the residents of Cobourg would like to see happen to Brookside closed today. Is it because people have finally woken up to just how things could get? What are the odds of today being the day that it is no longer open to public opinion on this webpage.

Why today after being open for over a year? Most of the people I have spoken to didn’t know it existed.

Reply to  Mervin
1 year ago

Page 404 not found. You were right; the page is no longer available.

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Lots of tents, big sign “housing for all”, no cops to be seen.

1 year ago

I just found out they started setting up tents at 130pm this afternoon at Brookside. All parents of children at these 3 schools need to be made aware. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!!!!!!!

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

I couldn’t take any pics, but I counted maybe 10 or 12 tents.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Agreed – remember these aren’t quiet, respectful campers who are enjoying the outdoors by choice. They are homeless for a reason. They are unable or unwilling to work. They are unwilling or unable to get clean. They will attempt to climb the fence/dig under it to get into the Brookside facility later tonight or tomorrow night. They will attempt to break-in to the white administrative building. They will go across the street and break into the abandoned Sid Brook building within days. They will leave needles in public spaces. They will urinate and defecate in public places. They will have illegal fires. The will fight among each other and cause bodily harm. They will harass innocent taxpayers who pay very significant taxes for the privilege to live here.

I’m not say this because I’m intolerant – I am NOT intolerant. These things happened within days of setting up on William Street – while under the watchful eye of 24×7 security and County employees.

Where is the Mayor? Where is the DM? Where is the CAO?

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Agree. And what about the schools. They will find a way to break in. CCI has a cafeteria with vending machine housing food and money. Don’t think for one minute these encampment druggies don’t realize that. Also kids walk directly by Brookside every day to get to the high school and elementary school. Where is the protection?

Cobourg Leadership snd CPS didn’t provide any for the West Beach so what will they do now? They basically have 12 hours before the bell rings in the morning…. But not a peep from them.

Seriously, Cobourg needs a Leadership change at the top as the top leadership right now is way in over its head to handle what’s going on. We need on hands direction and effective action not postings and pictures about trips to India and conferences AMO and in Ottawa.

Enough is Enough Mr Mayor!

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

The attached is what Mayor Cleveland has to say – basically nothing about the immediate problem and proactive enforcing of By Laws or laws by CPS. We know already that the drug issue and homeless issues are long term solves. What residents need is an up holding of the law which is a basic right of residents – and yet Mayor Cleveland ignores this and simply says call the By – Law Office if you have any concerns. And how proud he is as Mayor to watch others do the work.

I say this in simple honesty – Mayor Cleveland is not right for Cobourg and in my opinion he needs to step resign.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Ok Mayor Cleveland – who are you going to pass the buck to now? Back on Victoria Park which is Cobourg property. Should skip the fun activities/photo ops lined up i.e. dunk the Mayor and get down to work.
(Editor: Link included is dead)

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago


I agree with your anger and frustration, but I believe you are venting at the wrong people.
As Clr Bureau noted at the Council meeting and has been stated on this blog numerous times….. the COUNTY and the PROVINCE are responsible.

600 William is County owned. Brookside is provincial owned. Sidbrook is privately owned. NONE are Cobourg’s responsibility.

That said, each of these properties are in Cobourg and the owners are ENTITLED to Cobourg municipal services such as Police. If they make a trespass complaint the Cops should promptly act on it and remove the offenders.

A better question could be:
Where is Cobourg’s County Councilor (mayor)?
Where is the County Warden?
Where is the County CAO?
Where is the County Director of Social Services?
Where is MPP Paccini?

Reply to  Bryan
1 year ago

Interesting Bryan. Toronto bears responsibility as does Peterborough and Oshawa. However the encampment is within the Town of Cobourg. If the encampment was set up on any private property the by-laws would still be able to enact eviction. Nevertheless services have been offered that should meet the ridiculous Federal law requirement. By the by – latest poll Trudeau has dropped to a mere 17%. I’m surprised he can still fool some of the people but at least it is not all of the people.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago


Lower tier municipalities such as Cobourg are not responsible for housing, health and social services.

You wrote
Toronto bears responsibility as does Peterborough and Oshawa.”

Oshawa and Peterborough are lower tier municipalities and are NOT responsible for these services. Durham Region and Peterborough County are the upper tier jurisdictions and ARE responsible for these services.

Toronto is a single tier jurisdiction and is responsible for these services as you indicated

Pete M
Reply to  Bryan
1 year ago

Bryan one quick correction. City of Peterborough is separate from the County. In some instances they share services like health dept., Ambulance service
But as for social services the county has a dept responsible for area outside city limit. Ptbo city has own social services
Go to

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

Pete M


Peterborough is lower tier and yet has some(?) upper tier responsibilities.

Peterborough Social Services helps people with housing needs, including people who are experiencing homelessness.

The City of Peterborough is responsible for housing and homelessness in the City and County of Peterborough.

The Housing and Homelessness Plan establishes new targets to end chronic homelessness by the end of 2025 and to build more affordable housing.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Facts are facts Rob, does not have anything to do with being intolerant — you are right. Many children cut through Brookside at lunch, after school, before. I sincerely worry for our children.

The people living in the tents Asked for help. They were offered help by Social Services. They denied the help (accept a couple people).

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago


1 year ago

How about a job fair at the next tent city? Apple picking, farm labour, service jobs that are left vacant, factory jobs that are vacant, We all see the signs for help at factories Lets see how many want to work.

Reply to  Informed
1 year ago

Free drug testing supplied by each employer as a condition of employment.

Pete M
Reply to  Informed
1 year ago

Given that jobs and work are their kryptonite , maybe that’s what we need to set up a job fair at each tent site. Like waving a silver cross at a blood sucking vampire

Reply to  Informed
1 year ago

Except no farmer would hire them Informed. Their crops are valuable. Perhaps worm picking. It is obvious in their drug addled state they wouldn’t make too many employers happy.

1 year ago

Bailey and her beau were seen riding north on Division on their bicyles. As leader of the campers perhaps they felt they should take the offer of a motel while the others camp out. Riding north that way. Better if they were heading out of town but it is unlikely.

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Lock up your belongings east Cobourg the encampment has arrived. Obviously the instigators don’t care that there are 3 schools in the vicinity. The time/effort and money being wasted by the CPS and other services is beyond infuriating.

1 year ago

Sept 7, 2023 and they are still there mid morning. The by-law teeth are dull?

Reply to  cornbread
1 year ago

5 tents have moved to Brookside just outside the fence

Reply to  Sandy
1 year ago

Brookside? Interesting choice. My guess is the “masters” of the encampment are playing games with locations to further their political agendas. They’ve illegally occupied town and county property and now provincial. I still think there should be a public outing of those pulling the strings and let them and their organizations take the heat from a disgruntled citizenry.

Reply to  Sandy
1 year ago

That’s interesting – first the beach (Town of Cobourg), then 600 William Street (County of Northumberland) and now Brookside (Province of Ontario). Where is the nearest Federal Government property – maybe the Via Rail Station or along the train tracks.

I wonder how much time, energy and resources the encampers have spent looking for work this week? How many have attended detox or meeting or received treatment in any way? I see vans with migrant farmer workers shopping each week; perhaps the encampers could arrange a ride to try going to work … it is neither glamorous or easy but its amazing the positive, indirect benefits that come from having a job and showing up everyday.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Federal…..Canada Post…puts them back at the beachfront where it all began.

Who is really homeless?
1 year ago

Those who have made the encampments their “home” appear to be drug addicts who want what they want with no conditions. I saw Pete Fisher’s interview where Virginia said directly that no help had been offered by the county. I don’t believe her. My guess is she/they want a free home with no rules, a never ending supply of free ‘safer’ drug supplies and paraphernalia without having to commit to recovery or take any financial responsibility.

Maybe start with making them pay for their own naloxone kits. What would happen if they know there’s no majic bullet to save them — would the problem take care of itself?

Regardless of the reason they have gotten to this horrible situation, they have a choice between their current living environment and the road to stability.

The resources being spent on this small population of drug addicted ‘victims’ could better be spent on those who are truly homeless due to circumstances beyond their control.

1 year ago

Some of the comments here are not overly helpful. For example, moving the tents to a certain yard on James St and ____. Why that yard? I think it is to make a point but there are more practical locations. James and John has a vacant lot, it is close to drug dealers, Transition house and there is a surveillance camera. But just moving them around is not solving anything. I have heard they are now moving to the court house. If true, they may get noticed by some judges. Perhaps that is the best thing that could happen.

The ‘unfortunate incident’ last Thursday with a couple of drug users, a bank employee and a councillor got noticed. Did this have anything to do with not allowing the Friday evening pizza party ‘demonstration’ to continue? Did that particular councillor have a change of opinion?

From the comments it is clear many citizens are not happy about the situation. But what to do? It seems some people are using the homeless to further their own cause. The less fortunate are being used which makes it even more difficult to help. Wally referred to one guy as a ‘bully’. He is controlling the information. We don’t even know how many people are in need and where they are from. How hard is it to count to about 20?

We know some of the individuals are not interested in help, do not want to follow rules including laws, and yet some people think we should be providing them with housing. The housing will most likely be damaged or destroyed like the place on Division St which is currently condemned. Perhaps, as was suggested in comments below, a mandatory military program for youth will help in the long term. Lots of boys and girls go through our current school system without being forced to follow rules. Some do not even know if they are a boy or girl. Is anybody really surprised people end up not following rules?

Maybe if some judges see what actually happens near the tent encampments there will be change. Perhaps forcing people into a rehab program for their own safety, and the safety of the community, will be part of a solutions. Moving them from one location to another is not going to solve anything unless the right people see the real behaviour.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

The couple front and center in this campaign were directly responsible for the ruination of the Division st residence and previous to that, an apt on James W and George.
Their “open door” comes with a price…cash or equivalent at the door. Easy to say you have compassion when those you shelter to have a place to sooth themselves is at your profit.
20-plus folks in a one bedroom unit can only spell disaster and has. They are seeking a landlord that they are able to manipulate for their profit…that is not Government regulated housing, hence why they keep rejecting that offers being put forth. Their choice to make, but good luck finding any such landlord in the private sector, especially when you announce you will be inviting others in.
Like the wizard of OZ…..don’t look behind the curtain…nothing to be seen here. Careful being in the spotlight, the warts are becoming more obvious

Reply to  downtowner
1 year ago

The number on that notorious James Street West residence is known and the occupants were part of the repeat theft offenders under “the catch and release system.”

1 year ago

A woman spoke at the council, asking what happened to the promise of Brookside. I believe this is what it’s all about: bringing in people from all over, erecting empty tents, and just using manipulative tactics to draw attention. I want to know who promised these groups Brookside.

1 year ago

To lay this dismal, and continuing, situation at the feet of the protection services and municipalities is just not right. The ‘best’ answer and implementation needs to come from the top – i.e. Feds, Prov and Counties. There will never be a perfect answer/implementation given the variety of health, wealth and mental problems that are out there.

1 year ago

Anyone who thinks these were harmless, quiet campers who were just minding there own business and trying to simply survive while making vigorous efforts to improve their situation and their lives, should read the accountant of those County staffers who work at 600 Williams Street. The behaviour of some and likely most was deplorable, inexcusable, disgusting, dangerous and in all cases criminal – it potentially put the lives of others at risk through delaying necessary and urgent emergency care. There is no other circumstance that anyone would tolerate this behaviour in their workplace.

If they aren’t open to accepting and participating in the help they need (it might be different than what they want). If they continue to portray themselves as victims. If they do not hold themselves accountable for their responsibilities. If they actively dissuade others from seeking treatment/support. If they are violent in any way. There is no place for them here. Enough bleeding hearts.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

The sad irony is our hard working paramedics, who have repeatedly saved people’s lives from overdosing are now being attacked by those that work so hard to save their lives.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Apologies, cannot edit. Our paramedics who have saved lives, sometimes the same person’s life, over and over are now the target of the same people they have saved. Disgusting.

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

So Rob, if as you state, there is “no place for them here”, where is the place for them? … and how and who answers that basic question?

Feel like we’re back at the beginning? I’ve got a surprise for you … we never left!

Shame on us!

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Kieth Oliver, are you the person that said in public that you didn’t want them living on your street?

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago


Have no idea who you are talking about. It wasn’t me. Someone suggested that I could allow the encampment on my property. My response was that many others on this blog including Ken Strauss could be challenged in the same way.

The temporary encampment location is a small but important part of a path to a comprehensive solution which still evades us. The primary problem before us at this moment is how we percist in vilifying its occupants.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

So in other words no you don’t want them on your street or property.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

I believe there is a plot of land on the southwest corner of James Street East and Walton Street.
what do you think Keith, with a bit of a clean up to the lot, all tents would fit quite nicely

Reply to  Leweez
1 year ago

My thoughts exactly! And the close proximity to John Street would make it even more convenient!

Reply to  Scottie
1 year ago

Scottie, l know you are attempting humour, and believe me, as a resident of John street, all we have left is laughter.
We have approached all levels of Government for assistance in the continuing decimation of our neighbourhood and yet it prevails as our daily existence is to observe open drug use, people wandering in an altered state due to their dependence and constant vigilance to prevent thefts and exposure of these situations to our children and our visitors.
With winter approaching the assignment of a warming space may again be in our neighbourhood completing the “troubled triangle” of Transition House, Warming room, and known drug supply.
This gives us little to look forward to except constant foot traffic all night long as it takes many trips to accommodate the demand when the legal amount of carry needs to be met to avoid arrest.
After 5 years the rest of Cobourg is now seeing what we have dealt with for this whole time…..maybe this is our year of relief and a permanent solution will be revealed…fingers crossed.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Kieth, are you satisfied with people being brought here from all corners to manipulate the town/county into giving them Brookside? This is a small town, people should stay where they are and these advocates should advocate for them there. It is unsustainable to keep allocating resources to this small town, with large populations all around us it will never end. Creating a large group of drug addicted in one small town is not the answer.

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Mervin
1 year ago


How do you know that “people are being brought here from all quarters”, or is this belief just part of the general hysteria your concerns represent .

The facts are that they are Canadian, need help and that historically Cobourg is the urban centre of a rural community. Being so is the reason behind our prosperity.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

I’ve spoken to people from GWC and Transition House, they are proud of it. I’ve even heard of people coming from Ottawa never mind Toronto and Peterborough. They want to help everyone, we don’t agree on how we’re going about it. This is definitely not practical or sustainable. Groups are creating a hub in this small community and the leaders don’t even live here. Imagine, me living in Cobourg, deciding that all resources should be moved to Port Hope so we can build homeless shelters and drug treatment facilities there. Then I send people from literally anywhere there. I wonder how their residents would respond

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Perhaps you should speak to some of the encampment people and ask them where they came from and how they got here. Notice the interview with one who said he was brought and actually driven here by peterborough mental health.
These people do not bring prosperity to Cobourg. They bring crime, dirty needles and drain our resources. They do not have jobs and most are on social assistance because they can’t work when addicted to drugs.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Most of the people who share your views believe this to be an affordable housing issue. If these people are from Northumberland County why on earth would you send them to the most expensive town?

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Shame on the enablers that offer false hope and allow the addiction cycle to continue. Death will follow all opioid addicted users eventually unless they truly want help.

1 year ago

Best of Wishes 💕 to a few of the campers who “worked with the system(s)” and now have their permanent residences! 👍

1 year ago

“Further That County Council hereby designate Integrity Investigative Solutions Limited (IISL) and Cobourg Police Services as agents of the County for the purposes of exercising any authorities under the Trespass to Property Act.”

Isn’t the County a property owner in Cobourg? Is it not entitled to the services provided by Cobourg, police protection for example. Just like any other Cobourg property owner, shouldn’t the County simply make a trespass complaint to the Cobourg cops?

It would then seem that all of the “action” is just for show.

Dynamic inaction: appearing to do something when in fact doing nothing. (James Boren)
“When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder.” (James Boren)

Doug Weldon
1 year ago

It is clear that the municipality does not want to deal with the HOMELESS issue. The County, I don’t think has even looked at this issue. This is a Canadian wide slide into greater poverty and higher levels of drug addiction. All of these issues are a Provincial responsibility. So far we have seen little or NO responsibility on any of these issues from Doug Ford.

He obviously has an interest in filling his and his friends pockets with lots of loot.
Justin, well he has certainly sat completely back on the issue of homelessness. But just as the Feds have always overseen Health Care – a provincial responsibility – and generally maintained a country wide equality in health services through various grants …. WELL, the Feds also need to jump in on the Homeless issue.

Start with a country wide conference, open to all opinions. Try to arrive at a standard of care that at least tries to address the homeless issue.That will be a tremendous burden. Then provide mental health care and set up programs to deal with drug addiction.
A recent study in BC showed that such care actually led to a lower cost in dealing with the homeless. Less policing and less health care costs were required. Drinking and drug consumption declined greatly. After all that, we need to bring back the laws that create and establish behaviour standards through out our society. Squatting is against the law and so are the purchasing of drugs.

When every opportunity has been offered then it is time to bring in the law.
I hope some politician out there get’s started. Justin ?

I hope the above meets publishing standards.

Reply to  Doug Weldon
1 year ago

B.C. certainly needs a new plan. Thanks to Trudeau’s policies Vancouver looks like Zombie land. The Federal laws have enabled what is today. As it has health care for the nation is appropriately a Federal responsibilty I don’t see how it is Provincial or should be. It would cause great disruption to have differing Provincial policies. Trudeau with his immigration policies has created a housing crisis and infrastructure crisis – come one, come all but we have no housing or services. Until the last month until his feet were put to the fire Trudeau said housing was not his responsibility.
As for Ford Ontario is running a very big deficit dealing with all the over flow here. Anyway this is about Cobourg’s current situation. Drug addled growing due to Federal weakening of the laws. Thank goodness By-law is now being used to counter act it here in Cobourg. Under Tory and now Chow Toronto’s parks can not be used by the public that pays for them.

Doug Weldon
Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Hello Dave.

It would be good if Health Care was a federal responsibility. It is not. That’s why we call it OHIP : “Ontario Health Insurance Program”
So, it is a good thing that the fed’s stepped in to try to even out the services between all provinces. I recall reading a few years back that Ontario gets the lowest per capita subsidy while the North West Territories gets the biggest. Of course Ontario’s has the best per capita income. I think sharing more equally like that is a good thing for a country to do with social issues. Build everyone up !
Immigration is a hard issue to handle right now. Our society has aged so much and our birth rate has dropped significantly. Canada is eager/ desperate for young people to fill all the current job vacancies. Some accounts of the immigration issue state that we will be in desperate straights if we don’t keep immigration levels high. We already do not have enough people to work in the house building field to meet the required housing needs. Do you notice all the help wanted signs that pop out in front of so many businesses today?
There are two sides to the immigration issue: Good & Bad. Immigrants are always one of the groups with the lowest unemployment rates. An old expression is : “Lazy people don’t immigrate.” Of course you can always find a few lazy people in any grouping.
Like myself, I’ll bet that you are the result of an immigrant coming to Canada over the last 200 years or so. I’m rather proud of my ancestors from Ireland who became the first caucasian couple to settle in Saskatchewan in 1888. They helped to build and run the Dominion Telegraph Line out of Humboldt Sask. Humboldt is Sask’s oldest town and my Gr. Grandie’s telegraph ‘shack’ was the 1st house. So I guess I am also an immigrant. Ha !

Cheers Doug There is a better future up ahead if we all pull together.

Reply to  Doug Weldon
1 year ago

The Feds transfers of cash to Provinces to fund provincial heath care. Apparently their funding transfers have not kept up in amount as they flood certain provinces with immigration both legal and illegal Doug. As far as there not being enough people here to work in industries there are vast amounts unemployed sitting on the public purse of largess. Look around you.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

A few facts on unemployment rates for Ontario: Average long-term rate: 7.39%; Present rate: 5.6%. This is the third lowest rate since 1978 (It was lower in 1988 & 1989). Source: Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey, Table 14-10-0327-01

Reply to  Beth
1 year ago

Stats Canada does not count many categories of income as part of the eligible work force from which they draw their stats Beth. The actual rate if you counted the new ways to earn your income would be much higher. “Never had no welfare state, gee our old LaSalle ran great – among other categories of exempted income Beth. For some it will come back to bite them as the source of their income will age out leaving an older person now crying for job training or new source of funded income.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

If Doug Ford ever had an audit done on the monies transferred for “health- care” and then the amount actually used for Health-care, one would find that more came in that went out. Where did your 7Billion Dollar ‘contingency’ fund come from? How about unspent Covid funds and underspent funds previously used for health-care!

Reply to  ben
1 year ago

Surely you know Ben all governments have contingency funds. For detailed information I suggest you contact the ministry formulating the budget for ontario as with the other questions you have raised on budgeted funds. If you truly are a past member of council here you would know about these things. Why more reason why I doubt the identify you have claimed.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

 Why more reason why I doubt the identify you have claimed.” what does this mysterious statement mean?

Contingency funds are used for many purposed, but when the cons amass such an amount it begs to be spent on pressing issues, perhaps you don’t think the problem of the day is not pressing?

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Remember this when you vote.

Reply to  Jeffy
1 year ago

Well aware of it Jeffy, hope you have read my prior posts on this subject. Hopefully others on the Blog will think about it before they vote, and others most likely not on the Blog the recipients of all the bribes to special interest groups.

1 year ago

AH ! a negative impacts on the County staff that work 8 Hr. shifts
Its amazing how fast they get Action and Security when the Public and home owners have to live with them 24 X7 in neighbourhoods close by . When we called the Police or By Law or the County They did NOTHING Yes they were in our Garbage , Cars , Back Yards , Tool sheds taking what ever they wanted Yes people were threatened and felt threatened
Yes its a Problem that needs some hard Decisions to be made Quickly by our so called Public officials Enough of the Compassion
What we have probably spent on this think Tank and Policing we could have taken one of out precious parks like the Dog park on Ontario st and set up some Military type Barracks for the same money that’s been spent on doing Nothing .

Merle Gingrich
Reply to  Sandpiper
1 year ago

Give them the Cobourg Arena with all the facilities.

Reply to  Merle Gingrich
1 year ago

You mean the Old Arena

1 year ago

As long as Canadian businesses have to bring in foreign workers, seasonal or otherwise, I have no sympathy for most of these lazy, do nothing, live off other people bunch of semi-organized freeloaders. Get them out of the town and into some crown land.

Pete M
1 year ago

Very interesting statement in the report:

“One key point was made that the campers have a hierarchy – that is, one unnamed individual wants all communication to go through him and therefore makes it difficult to have direct
communication with individuals needing help. In some cases, individuals have agreed to accept help but have then been persuaded to decline help. ”

I wonder who that organizer that would be?
And why would anyone dissuade someone from getting the help they so desperately need?

Because as I have said and believe, these homeless are being used by these organizers to advance their own agenda. An agenda that ensures these organizers have a steady stream of public and private funding, thereby a a steady personal income- the business of homelessness.

These “organizers” of these tent cities have no desire to see the tent city residents numbers reduced. It means the area Governments and associated community agencies are doing their job.

These “organizers” sole purpose is to be a disruptive force against government and society as a whole.

Think of the 60’s counter cultural revolution, but more organised and politically savvy, a group who has learned from the mistakes of previous protest groups

Carole S.
Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

I think we know who that unnamed individual is, i believe it is the very disturbed person who was thrown out of Cobourg council meeting. He’s an agitator who seems to be involved in everything they do. Maybe they should chart their own path.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

“…one unnamed individual wants all communication to go through him…”

In street parlance, that unnamed individual is commonly called a bully.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Someone with an over inflated sense of self importance

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago


We only have a superficial report on this individual and his/her role.

Having a representative or spokesperson who sorts out and expresses the thoughts/desires of a community is part of our political system… why should it not be part of theirs?

This could be a step in the right direction which I believe includes those in need being organized so that they can speak for themselves.

Keith Oliver
1 year ago

To date our Town Council and County Council have been unable to find anything close to a solution to the problem represented by the encampment and its’ enablers. What is clear is that a majority of citizens fear those involved. Instead of caring there is richous condemnation.

The result is that while you will receive immediate care of you fracture a limb, collapse from a heart condition or show symptoms of a serious infection … if you show symptoms of a mental or psychological breakdown you are vilified, abandoned and literally driven out of town.

Sounds like the modern equivalent of the Inquisition. All that’s missing is burning them at the stake.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

There is only the “richous(sic) condemnation” of “a majority of citizens.”

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

There is only the “richous(sic) condemnation” of “a majority of citizens.”

How is your comment helpful to anything? You self-richously condemn the richousness of others, and fail to offer any solution.

Two billion dollars would be a good start in building regional rehab facilities across the country, but Canadians decided it would be better to squander their taxes on destroying a foreign country.

Two billion dollars would be a good start in building regional facilities for the mentally ill.

Two billion dollars would be a good start in providing educational programs for health care professionals to deal with this growing population of dysfunctional human beings.

Two billion dollars would be a good start in providing increased anti-drug education in our elementary and secondary schools.

Two billion dollars would provide for a summer militia program for youths, build personal character, build a patriotic bond to the community, and service to the community.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Well said Wally.

How can anyone protest and gripe that services and help are not being offered or made available? Social Services is the governing body to provide assistance to individuals with addiction, mental health, and homelessness needs — from what I read in this motion, they have done just that. Nothing more can be done, if services and help are not gratefully accepted?

Help was asked for. Help was offered. Help was denied.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

“Nothing more can be done.”

Yes, much more can be done by using coercion. Some countries require their young people to join the military for one or two years, or otherwise provide service to the nation. This is for character building, and a bond to the national community.

Coercion would benefit the drug-addled. Enforce the drug possession laws with health officials rather than police. Go to health court, and on conviction, 6 months in rehab, or 12 months, or …

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Compassion Care Act — Alberta

“The legislation was first pitched by the UCP during the spring election campaign. As presented, it would allow a family member, doctor, or police officer to petition the court for a treatment order when someone is determined to be a danger to themselves or others.“

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Correction: Compassion Act

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

That’s the coercion that is needed.

George Taylor
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Wally, as know Quite Well at Your Age We had regional facilities for the mentally ill.all over the Province? Some where shut down, EVEN before reginal schools.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  George Taylor
1 year ago

Yes, I was involved in Community Communications in 1972 via Loyalist College of Applied Arts, and I was invited by a shrink to set up a video camera at that facility, so the shrink could interview patients and play it back to them as part of therapy. I have no idea if it had any merit. But I was aware of all the women in that facility. My mother worked there. It was bedlam at times a la Warrendale. But it provided shelter and caring to women who were unable to care for themselves. These places were shut down and the mentally ill were given freedom. It appears that that policy didn’t work out for the mentally ill nor for the community at large.

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago


Thanks for catching my spelling mistake. You understood that by “richous” I meant “righteous”. I have cataracts and a wet macular and miss some spelling mistakes.

As far as the value you seem to put on condemnation being expressed by a majority of citizens … there are many examples of conclusions reached by a majority that turned out to be wrong or impinged on the rights of a minority.

There is also something called “the tyranny of the majority” and its’ disruptive consequences for a true democracy. This may be too controversial and too subtle in meaning to be included here

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

If that’s the case Keith, they should be “in care”. This is affecting everyone in the community. Unfortunately, these few are unwilling to compromise and follow some basic rules. I wonder how the repairs if any, are coming along with Division street? So any thought at this point to build their own tiny home cabins for winter continues to lose support. Their leader isn’t helping matters. The majority of these folks aren’t from the area, nor do we have the ability to offer services like Peterborough. I look forward to see what the town and county’s next steps are.

Keith Oliver
1 year ago


In your report and in the paragraph entitled “Where will they go?”, you state “Separately there is work being done to address the need for more housing that’s affordable.” Can you elaborate?

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

There are a few advocates in the area that are pushing the agenda of “ I have a right to shelter with no conditions attached “ Missy McLean TweakEasy, Greenwood Coalition ( David/ Megan Sheffield and Robert Horgan among others that state “these are our neighbours and due to human rights can live wherever and however they want”. Meanwhile the rest of us have no rights at all and have to adapt. Guaranteed the encampment of illegal drug users will relocate to another location in town and another rewritten bylaw will be needed to relocate them and the story goes on.

Fed Up
1 year ago

This article clearing states the encampment addicts have been offered solutions and or places to stay and although some have accepted, others are not interested or refused help. I am certain there has been much effort to help these people, but it’s not enough apparently. There was gunfire on our beach, shooting up drugs on our downtown streets and now they are defecating/urinating in public, fighting, stealing, making demands and terrorizing employees just trying to do their jobs and feel safe in their workplaces. I am glad to see authorities are finally getting it. This is not a “homeless” issue, but rather a bunch of drug addicts demanding this town allow them to do whatever the hell they want. Enough is enough Cobourg, don’t let them destroy this town. Send a message loud & clear, you are NOT WELCOME HERE!!

Give me a break
Reply to  Fed Up
1 year ago

No easy solution here ….. given that the home on Division was literally destroyed as well as the washrooms at the “frink” …. Which landlord would be willing to provide them with shelter given that the landlord loses rights to enter to inspect, doesn’t receive payment or the ability to evict. Wonder if some of the folks mentioned above helping them out have realistic suggestions or willing to take some of the folks into their own backyard or home. Given that we are part of County ….. can Port Hope, Brighton and Campbellford can accept some of these folks …… why only Cobourg.

Mark Mills
1 year ago

Prediction……will be a short period of time before Northumberland County will take the Town of Cobourg up on there option/permit to use the Town of Cobourg land to allow an emergency encampment. I wonder what park that will be????

I’ll take the under ( 30 days)

Reply to  Mark Mills
1 year ago

I’m not betting you.