Council Reviews Governance Committee

In 2021, consultant KPMG conducted an organization review and one of their recommendations was that the Town “could discontinue the Council Coordinator role of governance for a committee structure”.  Instead of coordinators and a Committee of the Whole meeting, it would have four Standing committees with perhaps three councillors on each of them. This was discussed and a new structure proposed at a special Council meeting on 28 November 2022. (See Cobourg News Blog report in resources below).  Pending this change, Councillors were not assigned to coordinator roles and most advisory committees were suspended.  Earlier this year, an Ad Hoc committee was formed to make a recommendation and since then there have been some community consultations (12 individuals went to the open house!) and three meetings of the committee.  They have produced a report but it’s not a consensus.

The Governance committee members are:
Municipal Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Chief Administrative Officer, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and a rotating Member of Council: Randy Barber and Miriam Mutton.

Mayor Lucas Cleveland
File Photo: Mayor Lucas Cleveland

On Tuesday, October 10, Mayor Lucas Cleveland convened a Special Council meeting to deal with allegations of a toxic environment in this committee.  Lucas wanted to deal with this in an open, transparent and collaborative manner.

It seems that Councillor Miriam Mutton felt that there was no real debate or review of options but instead the Staff report was presented as a “done deal”.  Although there were no explicit accusations, there was talk of bullying and not allowing alternative points of view.  Miriam believed that the Governance committee should have reviewed the options but that this had not been done.

Miriam was not happy with the process although Randy Barber disagreed that it was a “done deal”. Lucas was concerned that Miriam seemed to be questioning the integrity of staff and other committee members but Miriam said that this was not the case – she was questioning their interpretation of Council’s directive.  She felt that the Committee was not working as a team.

Lucas said that he would be “working with staff to schedule” training for Councillors to review their role.  He then called for a vote on a motion by Nicole Beatty which established next steps:

  • A draft by-law to be presented to Council at their Committee of the Whole meeting on October 16 – it would seem that this will call for a change to Standing Committees although we will have to wait to see the draft.
  • The Draft would then be put online at Engage Cobourg for public Review.
  • The Final Draft would come to Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting on November 6
  • Implementation of the change would start in January 2024

This motion passed 6-0 with Miriam abstaining. See Resources for full transcript.


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11 months ago

Dan – 123. I can just imagine DP Ms. Seguin laying on a beach in the sun, smiling, drinking a margarita, and
Shaking her head about the chaos in Cobourg. So much for voting for a new, unknown face.

11 months ago

Reply to Dam-123

11 months ago

The current Mayor is available for one one discussions in person or on-line.
Unlike the old mayor who said he would drop by in a couple of weeks to welcome us to the neighbourhood and never did.

I dare say the Old Mayor did not half half the challenges the new Mayor has had to deal with.

I’m personally cutting him some slack.

concerned taxpayer
11 months ago

I take my hat off to Counsellor Mutton for having the courage to speak out when process is not being conducted in a democratic fashion. I really wanted this Mayor to succeed, however, after watching council meetings the last few months, he clearly lacks the ability to listen and learn from others. If it’s not his idea, it’s not a good idea. You can’t lead by steam rolling through democratic processes to achieve your end goals. Remember Mr Mayor, you have much to learn and you are sitting in that seat to serve the taxpayers of this town, not to push through your own personal agenda. You’re not selling vegetables now…put your big boy pants on, talk less, listen more.

11 months ago

This was my fear from the beginning when Lucas was running. His confidence in his own ability without real world experience in the position or in a similar position. He has his opinions and does not like to stray from them, the smartest guy in the room syndrome. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to have him in a leadership position. Ego is a dangerous thing.

Reply to  Dam_213
11 months ago

My comments always get deleted when I bring up the subject of his past experience, but I always wonder about fact checking his claimed real world experience” in the business/oil sector. He claimed to have run huge projects, but did he really?
Remember we had a defense minister (Harjit Sajjan) who claimed to have been the architect of Operation Medusa, one of the bloodiest and most pivotal battles of the Afghan war.
Until we found out he didn’t.
If it can happen in that big a theater, why not in a small town election race?

Just a thought
Reply to  Frenchy
11 months ago

He has bravado, which can translate into believability for some people.
It doesn’t take much research to figure out that the timeline doesn’t leave much room for this “10+ years of team-building and management experience” – from the campaign website. He became a “Driller” in Alberta at the end of 2013 (as stated in a public blog), then travelled for a whole year (not working). A driller can certainly be responsible for the supervision of others and have essential mechanical responsibilities, but that’s not really the story we were told. That takes us to the end of 2015. He was running for the NDP party in Alberta in the late summer of 2015. He moved to Cobourg about 7.5 years ago (2016). Where do the 10+ years of team-building and management in the oil industry fit??

I’m wondering how he feels the task of ‘getting everyone on the bus’ is going. I suppose those who voted for him really can’t complain. They felt it was ok that he never told us where he would drive that bus.

It’s hard to claim surprise when you’re already capable of rational thought, which would have led you to see what was coming. I will hold on to frustration because not enough people are willing (or able) to handle some cognitive dissonance…and people tell you who they are but it’s up to you to pay attention.

Reply to  Just a thought
11 months ago

The sad thing about politics, is that to succeed you have to do well in a popularity contest. He did well unfortunately.

Reply to  Just a thought
11 months ago

According to the old saying, ‘You get what you pay for’. In our case, you get who you vote for. Less the 50% of eligible voters cast a ballet, Too much apathy!

Reply to  Bill
11 months ago

Regarding voting for Mayor Cleveland had 50.2% vs 49.8% for his opponent. Of eligible voters Cleveland captured only 20.5% or 1 out of 5 voters in Cobourg. He has a very weak mandate to say he is so boisterous.

Rounded voter turnout was 41% 2022, 44% 2018, 52% 2014, 47% 2010 and45% 2006.

I would say if a new vote was called now voter turnout would be very high and given the number of issues surfacing since mayor Cleveland took office, his lack of effective engagement and lack of accomplishments he would register very vote votes.

Reply to  Rational
11 months ago

Register very low votes. Just correcting a typo.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Rational
11 months ago

Rational, if a vote were held today Justin would also be resoundingly defeated. What is your point?

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Frenchy
11 months ago

I see the false claim made at the Federal level of government by Minister Sanjan however hasn’t had much effect on his career not to mention the PM guilty of two ethic violations & charged with a still outstanding third which appears to be forgotten and in the dead file.after a few years.
Strange there’s no mention of that by anyone and that’s Federal level !

Reply to  Dam_213
11 months ago

Napoleon complexnoun
pluralNapoleon complexes
a domineering or aggressive attitude perceived as a form of overcompensation for being physically small or short —not used technically
… short-fused assistant principals with Napoleon complexes.
—Robert Wilder
Call it a Napoleon complex or call it confidence, but the tiniest of dogs are usually the ones who take no crap.
—Heather Barnett
He has a Napoleon complex, by virtue of being small and young in a job meant for the mighty and wise.
—Spencer Kornhaber

11 months ago

In watching the video of the Oct. 10th meeting I found Lucas Cleveland demeanor as unprofessional. He clearly was not interested in listening to others as demonstrated by his continual paper shuffling and distracting himself while others spoke.

To berate Councilor Mutton for speaking out her opinion is unacceptable.

Cleveland is the one who needs training, but he is attempting to bring all Councilors in to cover for his shortcomings. Definitely not a leader in my view.

Also, in my view, I believe Cobourg will be in a shambles (greater than it has become over the past year) if the Mayor remains for the next 3 years.

Reply to  Rational
11 months ago

I agree Rational. When running Lucas Cleveland mentioned his lack of experience then went on to say he was confident the staff would train him.
When attending a couple of gatherings Lucas did not interact with the citizens when approached but put them off crossing the room on his way to speak to who I later found out through a video was a supporter of his. At that time I had attempted to speak to him myself and was brushed aside in his hurry to greet his supporter who was seated at a table. I looked at the others who had been brushed off in a similar manner to see looks of confusion on their faces.
I was surprised to see him at the Levy David Piccini held. Perhaps I am wrong but it seemed odd as the levy was held by Piccini and noted this time he was holding forth with two citizens as if the levy were his. His interviews with Pete Fisher were also less than impressive and todate I have never seen him at any of the encampments famarlizing himself with exactly what the situation is and additionally failing to invite Philip Lawrence to discussions of what Cobourg planned to do.

11 months ago

How can they run a town, if they can’t seem to run themselves…Makes you wonder. Perhaps we need a better Team Leader…

11 months ago

Training Sessions
He Means Obedience Training
I wish more of our Councilors would speak what they think and Believe
After all they are our Representatives and if what you hear on the Street
from any of our councilors
on a one to one basis — they all think we have a Lame Duck Council with out
Coordinator rolls They will also suggest that this is why nothing is getting done

But what can we expect if The Mayor is going to call you out in an open meeting
There should be Meaningful open Debate . Not closed door arrangements

Reply to  Sandpiper
11 months ago

one of the few times I can agree with you Sandpiper – well said

Reply to  Sandpiper
11 months ago

I wonder, is council exempt from workplace policies on harassment and toxic work environments?

If councilors are unable to express dissent or concerns with out being “called out” then there is obviously an issue with someone’s behaviour that needs addressing in a formal manner.

Debate should be allowed and encouraged.

11 months ago

Good for Miriam Mutton to question the process and to abstain from voting; as always, there should have been ongoing or prior notifications and input.

Reply to  marya
11 months ago

I agree. I’ve been disappointed recently with Bureau and Burchat. They are both positive community members who graciously attend grand openings and local events however they don’t appear to have an opinion on any issues of importance and don’t seem to present perspectives or ideas that represent the majority of taxpayers (i.e. suggesting affordable housing on waterfront property or poppy crosswalks isn’t representing taxpayers). As Council veterans, I hope we see more leadership and critical thought from them going forward.

Just a thought
Reply to  Rob
11 months ago

I admire the hope and optimism but my skeptical nature finds it very difficult to find any foundation from which to build expectations on.

11 months ago

Cleveland does struggle to play with others, let alone lead others. He likely views his behaviour as positive through challenging individuals; it isn’t. He is correct, training is necessary; I’m just not sure we would agree on the nature of the training required or who needs it.

This group is rather dysfunctional and the meeting was an example of its rudderless nature. They are a 1/4 through their term and I struggle to see any meaningful progress, change or substantive improvement for taxpayers. I have seen cost increases, tax increases, staff increases, Council pension, Council raises, increases in crime, increases in parking fees, and an increase the number of people camping illegally. You have more than enough resources – financial and human.

We are all cheering you. We need you to be successful. We want results that benefit taxpayers. Stop making excuses and start making progress.

11 months ago

Lucas said that he would be “working with staff to schedule” training for Councillors to review their role.”

An interesting quote – perhaps the Staff will now try to do what his style of leadership has failed to achieve – a compliant Council.

“I am an expert in leading teams” – election quote – how’s that working for you Mr Mayor?