Cobourg Police Annual Report – 2022

Each year, Cobourg Police produce an annual report on their activities.  The report on 2022 was released at the Police Board meeting on 18 July and will be presented to Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting on 14 August. The format this year is different to previous years – Statistics are not tabulated but instead integrated into the text of the report.  However, I will try to make clear the information that we want to know – e.g. is Crime getting better or worse and are Police catching the bad guys?  And did it exceed the budget which cost the taxpayer 2.8% more than in 2021?  Short answer No! You can download the full report from the link in Resources below.


No specific breakdown of numbers is provided for staff except that the total is 118 and of these 35% are sworn with the rest civilian.  For comparison, in 2021, there were 35 in uniform, 26 special constables and 11 Auxiliary (volunteers).

Calls for Service

  • Response time: On average Police took 7.4 minutes to arrive at a call for service.
  • Number of Calls: There were 11,287 calls for service in 2022 compared with 10,782 in 2021, 10,994 in 2020 and 11,391 in 2019.  This would indicate how busy Police are – at least in reactive mode.
  • Break and Enter: 38 Residential and 6 Business. Unlike the 2021 report, there is no report on how many of these were solved (26% were solved in 2021).
  • Drug usage: There were 89 suspected drug poisonings – 8  fatal. There were 59 calls where Naloxone or CPR were administered.

Highlights of Report

For details see full report

  • Responding to Calls: Five interesting examples of Police responsiveness provided.
  • Property Theft: An example of recovery of stolen property – in this case $38,000.
  • Joint Operation: Working with Port Hope police
  • Forensic work: Including 13 DNA hits identifying individuals involved in Major Crime.
  • Cost of Policing: $9.4M.  $6.7M comes from taxes, the rest is covered by recoveries, grants and transfers. The $6.7M is 26% of total Council taxes which were $26M in 2022.  84% of the $9.4M is for compensation (Salaries and benefits etc). 
  • Complaints: 7 complaints received compared to 11 in 2021
  • Use of Force:  17 applications of force in 2022 compared to 19 in 2021.
  • Body Worn Cameras:  Program now fully implemented and all constables fully trained.
  • Community Engagement: Cram a Cruiser, presentations to community groups, education, lock it or lose it, downtown foot patrols and more.
  • Traffic Offences: 921 tickets
  • Crime rates.  Note that “Violent Crime” includes offences such as homicide, assault, robbery, sexual assault, and uttering threats.
  2021 2022
Violent Crime
   Crime Rate
   Reported Crime
   Clearance Rate
Non-Violent Crime
   Crime Rate
   Reported Crime
   Clearance Rate

We can only guess what the difference is between “Crime Rate” and “Reported Crime” since the Police report does not tell us.  I’d guess that “Crime Rate” is the number of calls and “Reported” is the number of actual crimes.  In any case, compared to 2021, violent crime seems better and non-violent seems worse.

  • Drugs.  44 investigations, 13 arrests, seizure of 139 grams of fentanyl as well as 153 grams of crystal meth, 434 grams of cocaine and 89 grams of crack cocaine.  Total estimated street value of over $131,000, plus over $12,000 in Canadian currency, and a loaded firearm.  Value of seizure in 2021 was $108,295, fentanyl amount was similar.
  • HARP (Homelessness, Addiction Response Program) – October to December: HARP established a consistent presence in the downtown core and resulted in 54 individuals connected with services, 4 housed or relocated, 161 interactions, 4 arrests.
  • Mental Health: 387 wellness checks, 298 Mental Health calls.
  • Venture 13 – assistance to entrepreneurs developing technologies useful to Police

This is a short summary of the 40 page report – please see the full report if my summary does not provide enough detail. If you want more detail on crimes and their solve rate, the 2021 report has better statistics – see Resources.



We are still waiting for the long overdue Strategic Plan and the separate Governance report. These are not currently on the Agenda for the next CoW meeting on August 14.


As of 3:23 pm August 12, comments on this post were stopped since a more appropriate article for comments on homelessness is now available – go here.

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1 year ago

The dilemma is that these people living in these tent encampments along the west beach and a just north of the rail lines have chosen this mode of existence and are happy. Most would not willingly go to any other offered type of lifestyle sheltering. Unlike Cobourg, Kitchener is a City within an even larger Waterloo-Kitchener region that does have a variety of resources.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Such a beautiful evening yesterday, I decided to go for a walk. Starting from my house I made my way to Bay St. and then the East Beach. No tents, just some people walking, playing volleyball, etc. I continued past the harbour, the yacht club, all the way to the start of the board walk. Still no tents. I walked along the board walk for a ways and found a path to the water edge. As the vegetation ended I first saw it. A camp fire. By this time it was getting quite dark but with the fire light I could make out tents! Not sure how many as they were difficult to see in the fading evening light and I did not want to get too close because I knew our town council had a meeting to solve the problem. I simply found a path and continued on my way.

I, as was suggested in the comments, Googled Homeless-Industrial Complex. There was some interesting information. 10 years ago a US president declared he would end homelessness in 10 years. Buildings were built, people were moved in, support programs were available for anybody that was interested, some people were not interested. Drugs use, fights, etc. are common in these building. If people are happy, as Marya suggests, living in tents on the beach they are not likely to get help unless forced to.

And why not be happy living on the beach? Great view, close to downtown, away from the noise of Pickleball, fresh air. However, for those familiar with Cobourg from long ago, there is something that may have been overlooked. If you are able to remember way back to the beginning of 2023 you just might remember a thing called winter. Even with the climate emergency we have in Cobourg there is a reasonable chance we are going to have another one. It might not happen this month or next. Maybe it will barely get started this year. But if it does happen, those tents could end up under 20 feet of ice blown in from that big wet thing to the south, lake Ontario. The planners of this Homeless encampment might want to fire their consultant.

This is exciting times, what will happen first? Will our town be able to come up with a plan, will more tents be added, or will this homeless encampment be abandoned as the weather changes? All I know for sure is I have an extra tent I could donate. Maybe to the Boy Scouts/Girl Guides.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

I watched a video interview at and read an article at which both highlighted Virginia Lee Bailey and learned that she is one of the people who was displaced, along with her partner, from 413 Division Street and is now living at the West Beach. They were given some financial assistance for only 72 hours and contrary to what I wrote above, these two people at least would welcome help with another form of shelter.

1 year ago

Emergency Council mtg tomorrow on Cobourg’s growing Tent City.
It will come down to the Waterloo decision: “The Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision released Friday says the Region of Waterloo isn’t allowed to evict people living in tents on one if its vacant lots, at 100 Victoria St., because its shelter system didn’t have enough beds for people experiencing homelessness.” The women on 89.7 said the Legal Centre (whom Ms. McLean works for) informed them there is only 4 beds available.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Yes I viewed Mayor Cleveland being interviewed by Pete Fisher. They are plan to consult a lawyer. Pete Fisher advised these people have a lawyer, presumably courtesy of the Legal Centre. There are 4 beds available currently, if rejected by all they should be able to clear them if their are no takers. Meanwhile the challenges in parliament to the Liberals who have appointed these judges are continuing strongly and Trudeau’s popularity has dropped 10 per centage points behind the Conservatives now.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

I believe there is more than 4 people. There is a lot now since TweakEasy. I am concerned the Waterloo precedent will prevail in this case. If not enough beds at Transition House, if adhering to Waterloo decision that means they cannot be evicted from the tents they are living in.

3 parties. 2 are for all kinds of absurdities.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

I would clear the encampment immediately and fight the fight. While you fight the legal battle, develop a strategy to address the issue with the Country and the Province. Shelters aren’t a Town issue but managing the safety of the Town and its taxpayers certainly is.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Rob – who wouldn’t want the encampment cleared. But the question is under today’s weird and arbitrary laws will it be.
Never would I have expected our society would come to this. Too much B.S. all the way around.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Newbie I guess we’ll know soon enough. In interviewing these people it should be permitted to verify they are from Cobourg. If not be able to verify length of residence here. I have read social services issues a minimum needs cheque even if there is no fixed address monthly. Seems reasonable to then send them to where they hailed from. Can’t be that many from the Division Street boarding house. If a few over 4 emergency shelter could be arranged to provide accommodation at the shelter. Whatever happed to the Red Cross who said they have this in hand and will arrange for places? Hope they examine it from head to foot.

Pete M
Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

This is very concerning as it appears the call has been made for one and all homeless to come to Cobourg. I understand one occupier when asked what they’re needs were; responded more tents
A litteral beachhead has been established.

1 year ago

Just heard on 89.7. 12 tents and growing in numbers at the beach. One of the broadcasters asked if they need anything, like food or water. The woman calling in said more tents.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Pete Fisher heading there now. They are in need for more tents, so they can pile into, states Virginia (caller). Not sure of exact location, but I believe what is happening is as Pete M states below:

“ What your seeing is the Homeless-Industrial Complex setting up in Cobourg.”

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

A question – there has been a poster with the tag “Newbie”, lately I have been seeing a poster using “Newbi”. Are you one and the same? Usually the Blog won’t let alterations on a posters selected name. Are you the original Newbie??
Comment – in attending a meeting with police present one officer commented on the homeless/addicted “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.”

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Hi there Dave. Yup I am the one and only Newb. I do not know why it switches from Newbie to Newbi?

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

My name is always pre populated when I post, I just noticed this today. Yes…I agree with that officer; why do anything for yourself…if it is all given to you. I live near the East beach and feel very concerned how this situation will evolve.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

I just added the ‘e’ back to the end. I may have accidentally deleted it?? I do not know? Thank you for pointing out. Email address still same (Mr. Draper can verify that)

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Does anyone know why a Cobourger and Cobourger-1 are allowed, as seen in the latest post by John?

Reply to  Gerald
1 year ago

No…I would think John would know? He can verify the email addresses that go with.

Reply to  John Draper
1 year ago

Thank you for clarifying Mr. Draper.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Just meanness to give thumbs down…when trying to help.

Reply to  Gerald
1 year ago

Gerry—it may be the same issue I had? I do not know what caused it? I think it just started happening in this article?

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Nasty. No need, when grown adults. Especially when lending a hand to help. Just meanness.

Pete M
1 year ago

Reading the comments about people coming from other areas, other comments about local NGO’s and their efforts to sustain the homeless and addicted.
What your seeing is the Homeless-Industrial Complex setting up in Cobourg.
I recommend a google search for Homeless-Industrial Complex and see what it has done to U.S. cities

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

Yes Pete the tip of the iceberg. Under the U.S.’s current administration illegal immigrants are streaming in from southern borders from many countries, unchecked many of them making their way to Canada along with the plane loads that arrive at Pearson daily encouraged by this countries’s policies for which the current Federal system encourages. The leadership of both countries two peas in a pod. They are filling shelters here, special hotel arrangements are being made for them, church’s are offering up accommodation many I note are of recent citizenship themselves. Each country needs to return to legal immigration policy But under these leaders that will never happen. Watch who you vote for!!

Pete M
1 year ago

Section 15 Ontario Mental Health Act
15 (1) Where a physician examines a person and has reasonable cause to believe that the person,

(a) has threatened or attempted or is threatening or attempting to cause bodily harm to himself or herself;

(b) has behaved or is behaving violently towards another person or has caused or is causing another person to fear bodily harm from him or her; or

(c) has shown or is showing a lack of competence to care for himself or herself,

and if in addition the physician is of the opinion that the person is apparently suffering from mental disorder of a nature or quality that likely will result in,

(d) serious bodily harm to the person;

(e) serious bodily harm to another person; or

(f) serious physical impairment of the person,

the physician may make application in the prescribed form for a psychiatric assessment of the person. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.7, s. 15 (1); 2000, c. 9, s. 3 (1)

I believe the Government and medical community need to take a liberal interpretation of Section 15 (1)(a) for these opioid addicts who are repeatedly overdosing. The addict knows that the next fix could kill them, but still continues in a behaviour and course of actions that could kill them- thereby attempting to cause bodily harm as per 15(1)(a).
These actions will result in serious physical impairment under 15(1)(f) or serious bodily harm to themself under 15(1) (d)
They need to be confined for psychiatric treatment and detoxification with the end goal being sobriety

1 year ago

I see Adam Bureau is trying to control the current narrative on Cobourg Police by posting a ‘feel good’ piece on his FB page. Maybe he read all these comments?

1 year ago

I Fail to understand why Public intoxication is not all handled the same .
and why Loitering is not just that any more .
The Police suggest its the Crowns office that may not want to have such a heavy case load
there for release , release , release . This person / persons should have been charged with something , and or off to a Treatment center of some sort .
And the Cost we the Taxpayers are covering for these Public officers– Police , Fire , Ambulance and Emergency services to all show up at the same time to save a person with repeat occurrences / infractions is absurd Surely they would be better off helping these people by taking them off the streets and getting them into a Rehab center its Probably cheaper .

Reply to  Sandpiper
1 year ago

I guess my reply to your comment is: Why do we need such duplication of services to respond to these situations…High priced help in many instances just standing around. These overdosing druggies should be put in an institution. Perhaps some of the non used federal schools should be brought back to useful service.

Reply to  Sandpiper
1 year ago

Forced treatment is rarely successful. I do agree rehab would probably be cheaper, but where are the local Rehab centres for those who do want treatment?

1 year ago

Interesting comments below from different members of the community. Nobody is suggesting there is no problem. Drug use and the related crimes to support addictions are big problems. Lots of frustration, understandably, but not any long-term ideas. Do the addicts get high only once per week? How is having a supervised place once a week helping them? What is the plan to get people off drugs? From some of the information I have read there is no such thing as a long-term fentanyl user. They all die, if they do not quit. The users are not employable while on drugs. Employers are bringing people in from Brampton to work in local factories. The people with the strongest work ethics seem to be recent immigrants. They are satisfied to work long hours for little pay because they are living a comfortable life.

Some of the crimes include stealing copper ground wires from hydro poles. The insulation is burned off in backyard fires releasing toxic smoke but the criminals get more for the copper this way. Other crimes are stealing from unlocked vehicles, stealing bicycles, etc. Obviously the criminals need help but we seem to be overwhelmed with overdoses and crimes to really do anything about the problem.

Unless we can get the users off drugs we will continue to have crime problems. If we support the use of drugs without a method of getting users clean the problems will keep growing. Except the users, they will die.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

The will to change and quit has to be there – that is a big problem. Otherwise rehab will simply be a swinging door. Death is a natural conclusion but today we send out teams with Naxolone kits again, and again and again.
Perhaps we need another George Chuvalo to address students especially in high risk school areas with abundance of addicts to help educate before the drugs are picked up.

1 year ago

Last Saturday I sent this email to every member on council:

“What is going on with our town?

So far I have had a response only from Miriam Mutton.

 Responding to your email from my perspective.
 Along with rights comes responsibilities. Says so in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and in the Ontario Human Rights Code.
 Someone called the addiction matter when a person is not interested in accepting help, or even doing their part in helping themselves, as a form of a game of Russian roulette.

My response to her:

I’m not sure what that means Miriam, almost sounds like a politicians answer.
If you’re suggesting that some might deserve what they get, I’m OK with that, except… why do we let them do it on our sidewalks and parks? Who feels safe in our little town anymore? 
If the druggies want to kill themselves and their friends, have at it, but get them out of Henley Arcade and our parks and roads. Charge them with loitering or anything, but move them on.
Cobourg citizens are afraid to go downtown for a meal or for a stroll after 6:00 pm.
Cobourg is going to hell and no one is doing anything about it. Not our cops or our politicians.

Old Sailor
Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago


I think our Council is populated with folks who only take orders from the 1% save the world minority groups in our Town. The well-being of the other 99% is not their concern. Too bad our Council cannot be impeached on that basis alone. After reading postings on bill C-5, that law appears to be written by Drug Cartel Leaders and the soon to be formed Canadian Drug Dealers Marketing Association – to be headquartered in Cobourg. Perhaps if the Federal Liberals finally dump their leader, the direction of that party and our lives might improve.

Just a thought
Reply to  Old Sailor
1 year ago

If you had the opportunity of a do-over for town council. What would you change?

Old Sailor
Reply to  Just a thought
1 year ago

Just a thought

I don’t want to make this personal, re choosing which members of Council should be impeached. Only Miriam Mutton responded to Frenchy’s letter to all of them – even though it was a cookie cutter zero action plan response. My biggest disappointment in councilors would have to be with the three who were re-elected. They know the ropes and should be leaders in guiding the County and MPP in a public plan for the homeless crisis. Haven’t heard a word from them.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

“… but move them on.”

In 1972, after some controversy, the Town passed what was then called the Move On Bylaw. It gave local police discretion to move any group of people (3 or more) blocking sidewalks or otherwise accosting or impeding citizen’s free access. I left Town later that year, so I have no idea if it was ever enforced, or even if it still stands today. As I recall there was an issue of unsavory youths hanging outside the pool hall downtown and being generally obnoxious and this bylaw was intended to deal with that..

Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Hopefully it worked then and if it is still on the books, USE IT!
Move ’em on.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

But that is a huge part of the problem. The police just simply say; “ Move on”. No action taken. No safety felt from store owners or the community at large…that is all we hear: “ Move On”. Where to? To cause issues, threatening behaviour down the road??
“Move On” does not work….and that is all they can/do?? Crazy.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

Newbie, I didn’t say “move on” I said move ’em on”. Of course they aren’t going to listen to the cops just telling them to “move on”, I meant load ’em up on a bus or in the back seat of a cop car and “move ’em on” outta town, to the next town or so far out they can’t walk back. Keep doing it if they do make it back.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

While some are moving on another carload of people arrives to move into Cobourg from Whitby, Oshawa and Peterborough.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Move them on too.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

marya – Oshawa is opening a homeless shelter. A place they could be moved to by police and social workers. Oshawa has a bigger problem. It would be good if they can absorb ours. Larger centres have larger budgets, they should be moved to where the services are.

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

Actually I understand that in Durham Region if a drug user, thief, bad guy, vagrant gets picked up by the police they see where the person is from, put them in the squad car and take them to the police there. That should deal with those just coming into Cobourg because the word is out that the CPS and Mayor/Council will let them do whatever they want.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Yeah, give them a ride in that electric Mustang the CPS bought to get ’em outta town. It’s only used as a (expensive) billboard now.

Pete M
Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

I wonder if The Service or Board has info they can share with public on its use:
Is it being used as an every day patrol car?
If not why?
How many hours on patrol?
How many km in a year?
Maintenance cost?
Electricity cost?
Range in winter vs Range in Summer?
Officer Feed back.
Annual cost of this EV cruiser vs Annual cost of ICE cruiser?

John Draper
Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

Recently, Chief VandeGraaf gave a comprehensive talk on the subject of EVs and Cobourg Police. It was given to a public meeting of the Northumberland EV society. They may be able to provide info from that meeting. Their web site is here:

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Ahh! I understand…move em outta here!

Reply to  Newbi
1 year ago

Ms. McLean (Tweak Easy organizer) states in the Northumberland News video: “Our policy is at the end of our time together, if the person doesn’t have a person to stay with or a safe place to go and are not able to be left alone – we call for help.”

What does she mean by that? Call WHO for help? At whose cost? After when? After they intentionally consume lethal drugs? What gives this group the right to organize and block our public space to potentially kill themselves?? AND THEN use taxpayer dollars to call for help, have our 1st responders repeatedly traumatized and the cycle continues. So unbelievably irresponsible and arrogant.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Ms. McLean (Tweak Easy organizer states in the Northumberland News video: “Our policy is at the end of our time together, if the person doesn’t have a person to stay with or a safe place to go and are not able to be left alone – we call for help.”

What does she mean by that? Call WHO for help? At whose cost? After when? After they all intentionally get high on lethal drugs? What gives this group the right to organize and block our public space to knowingly kill themselves?? AND THEN use taxpayer dollars to call for help, have our 1st responders repeatedly traumatized and the cycle continues. So unbelievably irresponsible and arrogant.

Reply to  Newbi
1 year ago

“Write On” Newbie! This is also hypocrisy in that these services that are being “called” and are required to be involved are the ones that she wants to be defunded.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Update on my letter sent to ALL of council on August 5th.
Miriam’s was the only reply.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Frenchy, very disappointing. Thank you for the update.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Had a reply from Aaron Burchat (August 10, 10:27pm):

“Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately this has been happening for years but not always reported on. It’s an item that is part of a larger problem including the housing issues. This is something that not just Cobourg Council can fix on its own and we need to continue to work with the County and other community parts to get these issues resolved. I will admit I don’t have the solution but willing to support ways we can get to a resolution. 
Aaron Burchat “

Not sure what that means, but it sounds like blah, blah, blah, but at least he responded.

Pete M
Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

My interpretation, “This has been going on for awhile, I dont know what the answer is, i have not done any research, I have not reached out to other communities of our size to see what they are doing
By hey if a group,organization or person should come up with an idea that will help, Im here to give them my support.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Based on Mr. Burchat’s response I believe he should resign as a councillor as he is admitting the issue is out of his scope and he has nothing to offer to the taxpayers of Cobourg who elected him.

Pete M
Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Owen Sound pop 21000. County seat for Grey County.
Heres what theyre trying to do

Cobourg has a similar unused facility Brookside.
It is time that either the County or Cobourg Council take the lead and work with province to repurpose Brookside for this community crisis.
Shelter and counselling for addiction and MH problems.
I know its no ideal being close to teo schools.
But when County, Health Dept and Town Hall fail to exercise their responsibilities, the void will be filled by other groups like Tweak Easy and others with suspect agendas

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

But when County, Health Dept and Town Hall fail to exercise their responsibilities, the void will be filled by other groups like Tweak Easy and others with suspect agendas

I hope those in a position to do something read that over a couple of times. We all should.

1 year ago

After reading comments over the past few days I find this situation disheartening, especially the fact that the Mayor, Council and Police Chief have remained silent over what has been going on at the Henley Arcade/closed drug house etc. Not even a peep to say this is bad and is being looked into.

What is also disheartening is the self congratulatory post that Mayor Cleveland posted on his facebook page (open to all) about his interview while on his trip to India his “experience of leading Cobourg to become a true beacon of change … eco-friendly practices … and how together we can inspire change across the globe”. What about just some simple change/action to deal with the drug problem first in Cobourg.

The idea of a referendum was mentioned earlier. Maybe it’s time for a referendum on a) lost confidence in leadership and b) a new election for Mayor.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rational
Pete M
1 year ago

Cobourg Police- two community meetings this year.
And now the 2022 Crime Report
The way they talk about and report crime.
You might think they are using the Jedi mind trick. ” This is not the crimes you think you see or are experiencing”

1 year ago

Changes are definitely necessary in the current condition of our town and county things have gotten so out of hand.

1 year ago

Remember,, our prosecutors, attorney,judges
Are federal appointees,,, if we were a democracy would you re-elect them
Catch and release will not work

1 year ago

There seems to be a growing interest among taxpayers to combine Police forces in Northumberland and roll into OPP. I believe it is time this came to a referendum for all Taxpayers rather than the Cobourg Police telling us they don’t like the idea. Of course they don’t.

Reply to  Kathleen
1 year ago

Kathleen, do you know how we go about that?

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

I have to admit that I do not know the administrative procedures to make this happen. But I suspect one of the first steps would be for Council to OK it.

Reply to  Kathleen
1 year ago

Thank you Kathleen.

Reply to  Kathleen
1 year ago

I believe Council has authority to request a costing and accept or reject it. The Police Board has no say in who Council chooses. They are supposed to govern the police through policy, all though you would not know that here as they are just cheerleaders protecting their little empire. The Mayor should never had put up with their feet stomping when he suggested looking into County Policing.

Pete M
Reply to  Kathleen
1 year ago

The Town of Orangeville transitioned to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) on October 1, 2020. Orangeville population 30000.
They have a dedicated Homeless Task force

Maybe Mayor Cleveland should reach out to his counterpart there as an exploratory to see transition to OPP went and whether they re having success with their homeless task.

1 year ago

The criminals and drug induced behaviours are increasingly emboldened by “advocacy” groups. They advocate that drug induced behaviours (theft, property damage, intimidating elderly, children, etc. etc.etc.) are a result of being a Victim, so it’s OK. You don’t have to be Accountable or Responsible for your actions. Regardless of the rights of others trying to live a peaceful, law-abiding life. Backward ideologies. Woe is me. Everyone is a Victim, it’s a virtue now.

Reply to  Newbie
1 year ago

You’re absolutely right! I think they’re a small group but their tactics of shaming people is loud. People are afraid to speak up about the drug problems and crime in Cobourg.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Do not forget these “advocacy” groups loudly proclaim they want to defund or abolish our police. Some on council have been affiliated with these groups…so whose “Ear” do these loud advocacy groups have?

1 year ago

I don’t know how police keep up with all the illegal activity going on. You got the illegal injection site at Henleys arcade every Friday night. How many police and ambulance and fire department calls were there last Friday night? Then overdose across the street from the injection site. Bilaw officer gone to hospital trying to revive the drug addict. Pete fishers video of weapons and drug tools laying there for two days feet away from where children were playing.mothers and father’s that can’t take their children to the library because the drug addicts in there scare their kids. I would like to know how many times police, ambulance and fireman are called there. Our emergency department dealing with overdoses and drug addicts that have to come first before children and seniors. I just don’t know how all these services can keep up with the crime and drug issues going on in Cobourg. It would be impossible.

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

They keep up because we the working class keep paying for it in Taxes
etc Job Preservation with out results . Most business operate on a budget and a Plan that must be achieved within a Fixed period of Time Not this Town when the Goals are not achieved usually there are Hard Questions that need answers —– Then a New Broom
is brought in and a Clean sweep take place New Skilled management comes in to do the job .
I recently visited some northern Communities while on holidat with friends and noted the following
Those policed by OPP had less to No Homeless & Drug issues
compared to those with their own Municipal police on Budgets .
We asked the Town Bylaw depts. as I was interested in finding the answer
so my friend from Peterborough and I from Cobourg set out to find the answer .
as both Peterborough and Cobourg are inundated with Homeless and Drug issues . The answers were always the same No Town Police changed to OPP
and the elimination of if not all Drug and Holeless services No Safe injection sites etc etc We do not want to attract . Just good strict policing practices and strong family values .

Reply to  Sandpiper
1 year ago

Police response times would be far too long if OPP were installed in our town.

Reply to  Liz
1 year ago

A fast response time with no effective action is worse the a slower response time with effective action being taken.

Also, it is clear the Cobourg drug scene and side groups like Tweak East/Missy don’t take the CPS seriously. But they will take the OPP seriously.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rational
Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Exactly, they dont care about the well being of families, they only care about their own feelings which areget high, not die`. Time to thumb our noses at them and tell them to get out of town.

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Cindi
1 year ago

Don’t forget David Sheffield Greenwood Coaltion with the tshirt “nice people take drugs”. How about the movie at Victoria Hall “ love in the time of fentanyl “? Or DARE “ drugs are really excellent” that Missy McLean who runs the illegal drug consumption site at Henley Arcade wears?

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Sign in her office says “Defund The Police”. Many other advocates on other sites state they want to Abolish our police.

Reply to  Newbi
1 year ago

Please research what “Defund the Police” means. No one wants to abolish police. It means reallocate some of the funds used for policing to mental health and social services. Police are frequently expected to respond to mental health incidents when a mental health professional should be involved.

Reply to  Local
1 year ago

I know what “Defund the police” means. Thank you. I am also fully aware that, yes there are those who support abolishing the police and people who want self governance.

Pete M
Reply to  Liz
1 year ago

How do u figure that Liz??

Reply to  Liz
1 year ago

In Trenton, the OPP look after the town, the New Police station is downtown
Cobourg should asking Trenton if the happy since the OPP have taken over

“The Quinte West Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is a large municipal OPP Detachment under contract to provide policing in the city of Quinte West. The Detachment comprises 67 uniformed members and 12 civilians; a group of individuals dedicated to providing excellence in policing service to the citizens of Quinte West. The detachment provides employment opportunities in uniform patrol, crime unit, highway safety, canine unit, emergency response team, community safety officer, mental health and community engagement officer, court services and community street crime enforcement.”

Pete M
Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

And covers an area from the Brighton border, to Glen Ross over to Wallbridge to Belleville Border. An area similar in size to Hamilton Twp and Cobourg combined policed by 65 uniformed officers
Would be interesting to see how many uniform officers Cobourg would get under the OPP model.
There definitely would be a rebalancing of uniform and civilian members-

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

When anything major comes up Cobourg police is calling the OPP or Durham police
Also there is a need for a new station ,
Cobourg will need something like this
EMS should be coming out of the province pocket for all service , fire , police and ambulances

Reply to  Liz
1 year ago

I think they may Plan for Proper Policing of Cobourg if given the Opportunity
They have proven them selves else where
New Broom effect

Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Many accolades to the Paramedics who had to endure the depletion of themselves in order to revive others from death on Friday Night. There was an article at several months ago about an addict, interviewed by Pete Fisher, who has had the lengthy process administered at least 19 times. It is extremely wrenching to watch the process.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Time for this guy to strike out.

Reply to  marya
1 year ago

Heart wrenching. Our paramedics are the ones saving lives, the heroes. Many, many accolades to them, Marya.

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Sonya
1 year ago

Nicely said Sonya (or whoever you really are.). One of the best summaries of the hysteria that dominates the conversation on this blog whenever addiction or drug use comes up.

Through all the posts I’ve read here there’s not one even remote suggestion as to what a solution might consist of except, of course … “move ’em on!” or “lock ’em up”!

Last edited 1 year ago by Keith Oliver
Ken Strauss
Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Yes, Keith, Sonya is correct when she agreed with Newbie:

The criminals and drug induced behaviours are increasingly emboldened by “advocacy” groups. They advocate that drug induced behaviours (theft, property damage, intimidating elderly, children, etc. etc.etc.) are a result of being a Victim, so it’s OK. You don’t have to be Accountable or Responsible for your actions. Regardless of the rights of others trying to live a peaceful, law-abiding life. Backward ideologies. Woe is me. Everyone is a Victim, it’s a virtue now.

So how do you think that we should deal with the problem of the advocates?

Keith Oliver
Reply to  Ken Strauss
1 year ago


Among the induced behaviors whoever listed them left out are; letting air out of someonelses car tires, paiñting an exterior house repair with mismatching paint, returning library books late, overpaying their overdue taxes, lying on the beach with their head pointing toward the water instead of their feet, and demanding that the Highland Games include an competition based on sheep dogs roundingup raccoons.

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Here’s a solution: detoxification, rehabilitation, education in other words get off the illegal drugs, get counseling, learn life skills so you can become a productive member of society. The reasons illegal drug users have for drug use such as injuries from car accidents, surgery etc are meaningless to me as I was in a very serious car accident, had multiple surgeries, had a tumour removed from my spinal cord and NEVER became an illegal drug addict. I have always been employed, had a roof over my head, provided for my child with no government assistance. So my sympathy is zilch for all these “victims “ get a grip and and a life.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Keith, besides “move ’em on” or “lock ’em up”, there’s always “set up your illegal injection site on Keith’s front yard and let ’em camp out in his back yard”.
There, we’ve got them out of Henley Arcade and our parks and streets.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

But, but that would trample Keith’s carefully cultivated unmowed yard. It wouldn’t be an “illegal injection site” because it is private property. And what a wonderful idea that these poor wretches could have a shelter from the rain on his front porch. It would be a great act of helping to heal the community and Keith could take a leadership position in such a compassionate project.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Wally Keeler
1 year ago

Frenchy, what about Keith’s neighbours? They would now be plagued with petty thefts, EMS blocking the street, public defecation, yelling and other threatening behaviour. Perhaps his neighbours don’t share Keith’s compassion for those less fortunate but want to live in a quiet and safe area of town.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ken Strauss
Keith Oliver
Reply to  Ken Strauss
1 year ago


“Compassionate”?. Possibly! What’s more important is that finding and implementing an effective solution is the rational and eminently sensible thing to do.

Experience has proven that the longer you fail to find a solution to a problem the greater the overall cost will be. That’s a proven fact.

Injection sites, clusters of sleeping cabins, art charrettes … are 100 times better than doing nothing except engaging in the endless hysteria represented on this blog..

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Keith, perhaps I misjudge but I don`t believe that most here think that doing nothing is the solution. Rather they think that rehab/treatment for the addicts with the goal of returning to a productive life and incarceration for the dealers/enablers and those who refuse treatment might be effective. “Safe” injection sites or building a shantytown that permits addicts to continue as before are not part of a solution.

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Keith have you read the missive from Virgina Lee Baily in Northumberland News? She said she refused housing in Transition House as she can’t share a room with her common law husband and therefore is living in a tent on public lands in the beach and continuing to use drugs rather than start her journey by accepting a shelter bed, taking responsibility for her predicament seeking help through local programs as another has outlined here on the blog. Excuses, excuses. There are not reasons, just excuses – start your journey Ms. Lee and stop blaming everyone else!

Reply to  Keith Oliver
1 year ago

Keith Oliver,
If you read carefully, without interruption—there are many posts in this blog with not just ‘remote’ suggestion as to what might be a solution.

Perhaps, you simply disagree with the solutions suggested. There are reasonable and potentially effective solutions proposed.

The fact that there is this platform, and as neighbours, we can discuss and share our concerns, in a meaningful and polite way is rather progressive.

It is good though, that you recognize a problem does exist…even though you, yourself, do not provide “…an even remote suggestion, for a solution”.

1 year ago

It is time for Mayor Clevleland to reopen discussions on OPP policing – in my view Cobourg tine is right for this discussion/action given the unaddressed drug issue.

Just the fact that what continues to go on Fridays at Henley Arcade is unacceptable; coupled with the drug activities/rooming housing closures/investigations currently in play – which in my view didn’t just happen overnight and have been there for a long time.

Taxpayers $6million plus in the budget deserves more than patrolling the beach and downtown streets on a sunny afternoon and producing self designed reports.

Pete M
Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Beside the $ 6 million, lets not forget the ongoing work/consultations for a new building to house the 118 employees, of which 65% are civilians/ unsworn employees.

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

You mean the V 13 building

Pete M
Reply to  Sandpiper
1 year ago

No a brand new state of the art facility to replace the one on King St W

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

Why build a new home for them? They are operating rent free at Venture 13.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Actually I believe the criminal record check fund paid for the building reno there rather than offset policing costs. Considering who occupies it I am always amazed there was not a huge public outcry

Last edited 1 year ago by Kyle
Reply to  Kyle
1 year ago

Kyle, the proposal to get V13 going was nowhere close to what the actual has become. If it was laid out the way it is operating now, that huge public outcry would have been there.

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

I agree the proposal is nowhere close to reality. Similar to the CCC proposal at the time. But I guess they learned whatever you have to say to do it don’t worry as the repercussions down the road are minimal if any.

Reply to  Kyle
1 year ago

“It’s Easier To Ask Forgiveness Than To Get Permission
Grace Murray Hopper
U.S. Navy Rear Admiral

Reply to  Frenchy
1 year ago

Why can’t the administration operate out of the Venture 13 and leave the “boots on the ground,” downtown.

Pete M
Reply to  Liz
1 year ago

Define who out of administration should go to V13?
Chief And Deputy Chief?
Business services? They re Already at V13.

Because they will say they need everything under one roof for efficiencies.

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Don’ t forget the Tax Payers and hard working folks are paying to support these perpetual Homeless types when they trash one place we pay to move them for free to another and provide more funds in a startup hand out .

Reply to  Rational
1 year ago

Just the fact that what continues to go on Fridays at Henley Arcade is unacceptable; coupled with the drug activities/rooming housing closures/investigations currently in play – which in my view didn’t just happen overnight and have been there for a long time.”

not a rational comment – what makes you think the OPP under the same policing restrictions as the Cobourg Police Service can do any better?

1 year ago

I would love to read the statistics on the 35 Uniformed officers on how many sick days, stress days, etc. these 35 officers took off during the last 365 day period. Does anyone have the answer to this question? Thanks.

Reply to  cornbread
1 year ago

The figure $1.9 million last year as the cost of officers off and escalating.

Reply to  Kyle
1 year ago

Almost 2 million dollars down the drain…more reason to switch to OPP Service for a major saving for Cobourg. Has our current mayor got the fortitude to start the process?

Reply to  cornbread
1 year ago

The OPP have significant costs for sick days, stress days and so forth as do the Municipal Police Forces.

Reply to  cornbread
1 year ago

During the County’s budget approval, Brighton’s mayor (i believe) asked for funding to update a prior study on having a County police force. The funding was approved. I have not heard/seen anything indicating that the study update has been done.

A question for Mayor Cleveland perhaps.

Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

In my opinion the CPS annual report, monthly report, weekly report is a joke. There are many more incidents of crime occurring but it’s useless to call CPS as there is no action. The CPS costs the taxpayer millions of dollars and this is what we get. Yes there is some blame on the Federal Government with nonsensical bills such as C5 however Chief Vandergraaf has taken weak enforcement to the extreme. Where is police services board in all of this? I forget who on town council represents the taxpayers but Nic Bea comes to mind.

Pete M
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Given the number of times I read complaints about Cobourg Police and their lack of service or indifference to citizens complaints in this Blog. So maybe now is the time to follow thru with the County proposal for County wide OPP- including Pt Hope and Cobourg.
I noted in photos for the most recent Cobourg stabbing that OPP Forensic officers were utilized to process the scenes. If we are using OPP for the major incidents, might as well have them here all the time. Less hug and maybe more thump???

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 year ago

Cobourg Taxpayer, you can blame Nicole Beatty and Adam Bureau — they are Council’s two representatives on the Police Services Board.

Dean Pepper was appointed by the previous Council as the citizen member and then reappointed by this Council based on his outstanding success at fighting petty crime in Cobourg.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
1 year ago

Yes, Ken, you can blame Nicole and Adam. I certainly am not impressed with them as our elected councillors. I assume you are being facetious in your reference to Dean Pepper. How many years has that guy been on the Police Services Board? Time for a change! Council should definitely look into engaging the OPP for policing services.

1 year ago

Past week –
Went to a park today in Port Hope. Sat at a table to drink my coffee. An old man was in a chair a couple of feet away. He started to yell get away, get away. I can’t stand anyone sitting behind me! When I didn’t move he began making screeching noises, then rolling on the ground still screeching. I saw an occupied bench further away and moved there. I noted he drives, his car parked not far away, a Beemer. Heaven help us if someone does something that upsets him while he is driving. He then got up and walked over to a family to chat! Saw some people looking alarmed so I approached to speak with them. They said they suffer from the same thing and can’t stand people around them!
Observed the building manager asking 2 bin divers spreading garbage on the ground to leave. They threatened him adding there would now be 8 guys on him.
Was awoken by a loud party in the parkette in front of the building. The look of drug users having a loud great old time even though the property is signed for residents only.
Read of the 2 business break ins – one at the Mall and the other Midas.
Saw the report of 2 overdoses in the centre of downtown in a public walkway.
Read of the rooming house, the stabbing and the garbage and sewage.
Read the article in the last blog posted by Ken Strauss.
So why would anyone follow the steps laid out in the article and why would there not be sane people speaking out and saying you must be kidding if you expect us to follow that! Shame on our politicians and people in charge for not speaking out and re-installing a good orderly conduct?

Reply to  Dave
1 year ago

This town has gone insane. Won’t get better either. The criminals just laugh at the system

Pete M
Reply to  Jade
1 year ago

And Tweak Easy

Reply to  Pete M
1 year ago

Time to shut them down and their sanctimonious preaching about harm reduction. Write to city Council with your concerns, if enough people complain maybe they will take more notice.
Who is Missy and her cohorts to think they are above the law and what gives them the right to encourage addicts and the ensuing crime etc? What gives them to right to foist these bad behaviours on people who just want to enjoy their town?

Stand up for sanity and reason!